Friday Favorite - throwback: Toy Guns

Yep. In that time and place I would have to. Greedo talked to much

Yes, unfortunately, not a novel idea. I believe the idea my brother came up with, related to that was worse, shooting his bb gun over the house, trying to hit the target on the other side. I was the spotter, but was smart enough to be against the side of the house. :innocent: Trouble with that was not being able to see where most of the shots went. :upside_down_face:


Some day I’ll tell ya the story about a model battleship, a couple of packs of firecrackers, and a gallon of gas.
Who’d a thunk gas was THAT flammable?
Talk about a hold my kool aid and watch this moment!!!


If he wasn’t giving you a turn did you really care?

Oh trust me I know, I start making things go boom around 7 or 8. Who knew you could do so much damage with some water two glass quart canning jars and some electricity. H2 made a big OOOOOOO.

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Remember the chemistry kits that had the recipe and ingredients for gun powder, and a side note that most drug stores sold the ingredients if you needed more?


Leggos, we used to make guns from Leggos, only limited only by our BEMAGINATION .


My favorite toy gun growing up




@Roberto Yes! Megatron was fantastic. A gun that turned into a cool robot with a massive arm cannon.

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These were at my side as a kid for years…lots of cleanup required, but it was worth it. Now I want to find these online and buy them to have :thinking:




We had a large pond on our land. My brother would build those plastic ships, and use numerous means to destroy them, never gasoline, though. Shooting them with the bb gun, after he lit them on fire, was probably his favorite method. Fireworks were illegal in my state, but he did get firecrackers a few times, and strategically placed them so that a short while after he lit the ship on fire, they would go off. If it was still floating, he would then use his bb gun. I was the younger brother, so I never was directly involved with that. :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

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I had my fair share of pellet guns but I got into paintball at a young age and traveled to various locations around me to play and it became very addicting and very expensive lol. I don’t play anymore but I think about my best friends growing up and all of us getting together and the excitement before we even started playing.

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