Freedom Convoy,

Waiting in MD. Cautious of moving forward to be framed by frightened government politicians. When the powers that be treat our citizens like Canada did, who has the convoy’s back? All you supporters from your neighborhood overpasses need to be ready to stand up and support the convoy’s hard work so far.

Thoughts from the community, here, are curious to me. How do all of the protectors feel about what is going on with this protest that is underway? I rode with them on Friday, for a short time. The support through Minnesota and into Wisconsin was overwhelming and to be honest, unexpected. This was a great experience and a inspiring event. It is an awesome movement of unity. I believe there is more more on the “people’s” side than was anticipated.

If they get railroaded, are the overpass, flag waving, and cheering supporters ready to stand in the gap and pick up the banners and flag carried that far already?

Was not an “official” member of the convoy, just slid in for a while.


The real question is are we ready to starve for the cause? The protest won’t accomplish anything, however if the convoy acts like a Russian convoy and stops in it’s tracks and doesn’t move for a few months how will Pelosi get her ice cream?

Every trucker/driver in the United States and Canada, ( worldwide for that matter) IMHO, should just STOP! STOP! The answer to your question is yes!
What are they going to do, take our gas, firewood, our trucks, shut down the banks! Yes they are going to do that and bring all of us to our knees. Solutions…??? My apologies, but it didn’t work the first time. They came
( following orders ) and trampled old women scared the heck out of children and now Canada is a Communist country with BORDERS, go figure!

All the money in the world won’t deliver their ice cream if there are no truckers/drivers. Forget PRIME and 30 minutes or less, we DO have the power! To just STOP!

Congress runs on two things taxes and ice cream, a fighting army runs on it’s belly and bullets, that’s why the Russian convoy is at a hault!
No trucks, no food, no gas, no ice cream! No country in the world can sustain without the “movement” of goods!.

Think about the ships stuck in the ocean, we didn’t do that and look at the effects! STOPPING IS THE MOVEMENT! What would really happen if every lowlife citizen just stopped?

It’s not apparent in that scene, spoiler alert, but we do know the outcome! For the good of the many, NEO still wins!

It may be inspiring and unifying, that’s how “We the People” feel, to the dictatorship it shows how weak we really are! These are the gladiator games to them and as soon as we realize that truth the sooner we put the earth back on its axis!

What do we seek to accomplish with the convoy or any protest, the government has ALWAYS had and still has the upper hand and the strength! We always thought we had a voice ( voting ) but they’ve gone and taken that away as well! We, the gladiators and slaves will fight amongst ourselves and they will love us for it!

That’s the sad Sunday morning truth!
For those about to truck and honk, I salute you!


I Support the Convoys! 100%! Make a stand, make a statement. If it get’s to the point that it did in Canada, do this, go 35mph max. Slow down everything. Make the deliveries, travel at the posted min speed limits. That’ll frustrate them.


If it gets to the point it did in Canada, go home. And sit there. That’s the mistake the truck drivers made. The gestapo May “force” you off public property, but, they can’t come to your home, make you get in the rig, and drive.