Firefighter/EMT - Armed Ambulance Personnel Your Thoughts?

There it is! QUOTE OF THE DAY!

This would be a NON-ISSUE if all AMERICAN’S Took up ARM’S to PROTECT THEMSELVES!
Phuck this Noise—You CAN’T, YOU CAN’T, YOU CAN’T!
You send these BRAVE and DEDICATED Warrior’s into HARM’S WAY and you don’t PROTECT them is CRIMINAL. If everybody was ARMED (AND TRAINED UP) The Crime rate would fall in the first two weeks and we’d be filling a sh** ton of body bags with the repeat Violent offenders these ass-8ole Social Justice Progressives keep slapping on the wrists.
We ‘ve become a Nation of wussies and Hand wringers! " OH DEAR we SHOULDN’T carry guns! Somebody might get Killed!" DAMN STRAIGHT! You start putting Bad guy’s in the ground and even these psychopaths’ will think twice of committing these Brazen/Evil crimes!
It’s time America and American’s GROW A PAIR and say enough!

If Cities an Communities won’t PROTECT these Brave Souls then you should have the choice NOT TO RESPOND! This is a CALLING! Not just a JOB! You don’t Protect that EMS/Firefighter/Cop/ DOG CATCHER?
You don’t go in. LET THEM BLEED OUT!
and you will see SOCIATAL CHANGE before your very eyes.
In the Inner Cities where Banger’s shoot each other all the time and when First Responders respond they get attacked, robbed, Woman get assaulted and KILLED! STOP RESPONDING!
Let Karma sort these Animals out!
Let them fight it out till none of these Vermin are left.
I’ve seen this in WAR.
They create a Tragedy, We responded, they attacked.
A Wise General said “Phuck that!”
The next time they blew up a School, we sat back (It hurt like hell but we stood down)
They learned by their own people/Innocents this Terroristic Carnage must stop!
Even an Animal doesn’t Shite where he eats! (usually)

Welcome Brother KMO!
Thank you for your Service!
Run it up the Chain of Command, God Speed with Excellent results
If we keep doing dangerous and deadly things NO ONE would Volunteer for the Calling in the near future, Who would want to? Unless they had a death wish!

These Criminal Politicians have made daily life so dangerous WE ALL NEED TO PICK UP A GUN AND PROTECT YOURSELVES!
All these naysayers say Buh, buh, buh well you’d need a lock box, or you’d be disarmed—Bullshite!
YOU PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR CREW, You train up! and Slap on a Level (4) Vest! Donated by the municipality (it’s the least hey can do) Get a Tac Helmet and Pepper Spray, anf Good Luck.
At least you’d have a fighting chance to come home at night!

We have to wake up folk’s!
It’s a Jungle out there! and I ain’t gonna wind up in these Vermin’s Cooking Pot!



Your safety SHOULD be paramount, not only to you but to your department because the safety of your co-workers is endangered as well. What others didn’t know protected their lives, too, and the only one under threat is the one who threatens YOUR life.


Put simply, “An armed society is a polite society”!!


So, no guns if you break the speed limit ?

Ok. I mean law abiding means law abiding

I look forward to speeding tickets being added to NICS and turn them in letters being sent to everyone with a speeding ticket , followed by a visit for confiscation if not turned over to an ffl or LEA

Should be entertaining


In some states you could be ticketed for that because you are too slow and were holding up traffic. Here it’s literally called the slow poke law and you can be ticketed for not speeding

Are you willing to give up your guns as a law breaker if you should catch that ticket?


I agree that open carry by EMTs would not be a good idea. However, I do think that concealed carry could be a viable option. I understand that EMS should not be entering “unsafe” scenes without LE clearing them first. The problem is that ambulances are getting targeted, and that no scene is really “safe” these days. If someone can carry concealed as a private citizen, it doesn’t make sense to me that they should be prohibited from carrying as a first responder, when they conceivably are facing dangerous situations they cannot avoid. Additionally, criminals love a soft target, so potentially arming EMS staff (even on a voluntary basis) may be a deterrent to a scumbag criminal who may think twice about holding up a potentially armed ambulance crew,



But also, going the other way, if a private citizen cannot carry somewhere, I don’t think government employees should be exempted out of the law as I think laws that apply to private citizens should apply to everybody

The problem as I see it, is that so many places are off limits and states like MD are trying hard to keep anybody from carrying…and the more exemptions and special classes we make to whom the laws don’t apply, the easier it is to disarm the rest


Hello and welcome @Lowell8


Sadly, we now see EMS, Fire Fighters, who have to have bullet resistand vests on duty.


In the State of ND we have a program that EMT/Ambulance/Firefighters units can sign up for and the first responders can carry concealed on duty when they completed the requirements of the program. for the most part it is completing the ND CCW Class 1 License course, their Unit/employer enrolls in the program and submits a training program and a list of their responders that are licensed to carry. we had a situation last year in Fargo, ND in July 2023 where a delusional person shot at firefighters and EMT’s as they were responding to a multiple vehicle accident and then as LE were walking past his tinted out POS he shot at the LE and killed one, seriously injured another and injured a 3rd. First Responders should have the opportunity and right to decide if they want to CC on duty same as employees of a school


Tweaked that for you


Unless your state law prohibits it there is no reason why you can’t get a CCW permit is there?


Only one??? They should probably ALL carry…


Maryland is difficult and the state is attempting ti make permits essentially useless by making nearly everywhere off limits


Chief of my department. ICS carries on fireground operations and all Medics/EMTs CC on the rig. 100% they should carry. Especially in the rural county my department covers.


I am an active Paramedic with over 25 plus years experience along with being an EMS Asst. Chief for a small rural municipality. I feel that we should be allowed to carry concealed due to several situations I have been in that luckily played out in my favor using other items for defensive weapons. Here in NC, our state OEMS rules forbid carrying firearms, taser, mace/pepper spray, and knives on credential ambulances or quick response vehicles. Personally, I know people who do conceal carry for their protection. The places I work at are rural with minimum deputies on duty especially at night. It might be 20+ minutes before LEO arrives on scene. Unfortunately, scene can become violent really quick when family get upset and don’t understand our protocols and policies. I rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6 any day.


I think it’s a great idea to have a licensed, trained, firearms individual in every ambulance and fire truck that roll out of the station house.


If anything, Allowing EMS to carry a concealed, or for that matter not concealed, firearm can be a deterrent even if they chose to not carry. At least the :poop:head on the street has to think about that before they call and target first responders.


I’m sorry to say this Brother but they need ‘Tac’ Helmets also.
Level4 Vests and Helmets Mandatory (for their own good–NOT .gov Mandatory)
In the field the worst thing is to feel EXPOSED. If you protect vital organs you can better concentrate on the job @ hand.
You can still get killed. But Protected you won’t be so scared.
Just look @ today’s News:
Marshal Killed Numerous Officers—Charlotte/Mecklenberg, NC
Multiple Officers Shot --suspect killed, New Orleans
Last Week:
(2) Officers killed, Upstate NY.
(51) Cops Died just this year and (5) K-9’s In the Line

That’s not including EMT’s–Firefighters --PSA’s

It’s a real Sh**show on the streets—and these WARRIORS do it everyday!–and these Pol Ass8holes want defunding some more?

Getting shot or blown up in a 3rd Worls sh**hole sucks but to have that threat in you own country sucks worse.Animals are taking over the streets—Act Accordingly


KAT DADDY! (great handle!)

Welcome to the fold!