Fellow brothers and sisters, do you store things like the food boxes?

A little off topic but you just reminded me of some cases of canned water my parents got (assuming from FEMA) after a hurricane. My Mom hated those cans because she said they had a metal taste, but I think it was more because the water was canned and labeled by Budweiser. My Mom was a tea-totaler, so I think the main problem was the labeling.

Anyway, they had some left over and kept them until they hit the expiration date. We took them out behind the barn and had a great time blasting them with (mainly) pistols. I say mainly because even my Mom took some out with a shotgun - Mom was never into shooting pistols :rofl:

BTW, great advise on containers. We don’t have cats, but I own a lot of 5-gallon buckets!


Wha, Wha, What? I’m awake! I wasn’t sleeping! (and I don’t snore!) :rofl:
The thing about ‘Prepping’ is it is so individual.
If you don’t have kids, Have (6) cats, 2 dogs , (3) donkeys and a Ferret Your
Survival tools and Just in Case Foods, Cooking, Bug out will be way different than mine. But look, REALLY LOOK! @ your Life!
*Medications ( stock pile if you can)
*Seek alternative med’s to back up you MD Source stuff)
I take ‘Calm’ now (Amazon, Costco) instead of nasty PTS/Anxiety meds.
I no longer take pain meds But I found alternate medicinal purpose stuff that in a pinch
will do nicely.
I feel we are going to be ‘On alert’ for quite some time once the shooting starts.

Also (My opinion only) YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO GET TOUGH in your decision making.
Neighbor’s, stray animals, Innocents may come to your doors
what will you do?
You have to think about what you’ll do also, Cooking? Music? Car travel (neighborhood travel).
It’s going to be QUIET!
(unless there is a shooting war going on). Then it may be kinda loud!
People will smell a Barbeque, Fish frying, GENERATORS , some may see light through gaps in your Blackout Curtains (which I recommend to you RIGHT NOW).
Remember also If its hot your windows may be open, A Winter time Shelter in place will suck because you need to fight to stay warm. Every season has a downside.
Will your Garage doors open if you have no power? Mine do, then you have to manually shut and lock them. (I made rebar locking rods for just such an occasion.
I have one generator (quiet running) just for space heaters, Heating blankets, Lights.
I went to an Army Surplus store and got (3) generators (OD GREEN) (2) worked really well, the third was like an old Chevy Vega (it started when it wanted to)

You guy’s should want to be GREY MAN/Woman. INVISIBLE. Nothing to see here folks keep moving. Draw as little attention to yourselves.

Be safe folk’s I kinda got use to being w/ you.
Stay Chocolate Frosty!


I will be starting 2024 soon. Stay tuned. :slightly_smiling_face:

September Is National Preparedness Month 2023 - Bullet Points - USCCA Community (usconcealedcarry.com)


During the Great Snowmagedon in February 2021, we had temps between 9 and 11 degrees for 3 days and about 18 inches of snow. It started snowing on a Sunday and continued off and on through Tuesday. We don’t see that down here. Around noon on Monday, we got a knock on the front door. I opened the door, pistol in my hand behind my back, shielded by the door, and was confronted with a man wanting to know if I wanted to SELL my generator. At that time, we had not been running the genny because we still had power.

I asked him how he knew I had a generator and saw his footprints in the snow going around to the back of my house. That is when I brandished my weapon and told him to get off my property. He threatened to come back and steal it. I convinced him to walk away and called LEO.

LEO did respond and followed his footprints all the way back to his house 5 blocks away, matched the description I gave and arrested him.

People will get stupid in a SHTF situation in order to provide for their own families. You have to make the hard decision on what to do to keep what you have safe. My decision is already made.


Yes Brother, that is exactly my point. Without becoming harsh, cruel or worse where is the line once again to Help/Not help?
Where is it time to brandish a weapon or verbally tell someone to ‘piss off’?
In Combat rules were defined. STAY SAFE (by all means necessary) That simplified things!
in Peace (or Armageddon-type instances) there WILL BE Beggars, Hungry, Opportunists and Criminals

And to answer my own Questions if it’s Criminal/Military confrontation I will fight
Everything else is on a sliding scale—Innocents/Children are easy, come in and get warm.

Mi dos Centavos


We need to teach a class on this, Brother.


THAT THOUGHT SCARES ME TO DEATH! (No Lie!) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


With a short term SHTF, helping the neighbors is a good thing but long term is dangerous. They will be at your door demanding your preps if they know what you have and they are not prepped. Parents will do anything to feed their kids.
Feel out your neighbors if you can, without disclosing your preps and form an alliance if they are like minded. No one will be able to make it alone. The 1st couple weeks may be polite but it will change when people get desperate. I would be especially interested in a combat vet living close by.
My neighbors are mostly seniors. I am designing a gun mount for walkers. I have one for my recumbent E trike.


Something like this? :wink:


Cans will outlive ME at this point with no need for water or a fuel source. Cold Chef BoyArdee ain’t bad by any standard neither at room temp. :yum:

You gotta think fellas!


Still waitin’ on cicada recipes! Keep freezin’ these nasty SOB’s and they have now figured out how to get out of the damned zip lock bags!!!

If I can’t figure out what the hell to do at this point I’m going to have to burn the place down and relocate
 get back!..I say get BAAACCCCK!!!


Squish em, marinate then flash fry, and season to taste


Any batter or breading?

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You could. They are like little crunchy popcorn.


Good advice. Regarding locking the garage door from the inside, I put one of these into each of the side tracks and it’s a super secure, easy to deploy /remove lock that can’t be beat. I never trust the opener alone to secure the door.


Also very useful as an ‘Information Gathering Device’ or IGD for you
Professionals in the know) :thinking:



But a ‘Large ‘C’ Clamp’ attached to your Cojones will make you sing like Pavarotti!

(TWO) and you’ll channel Tina Turner! (Git it? Channel, like Locks 
oh :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:neva mind


STOP LOOKING THROUGH MY CURTAINS!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Put down the Vise-Grips and step away sir