FASTER Training & Armed School Staff

In my inbox today. Haven’t read it yet.

I’m sure some of this is marketing their technology, but might be some nuggets in here.

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This also seemed relevant. Been on my “to read” list for a while. It’s a quick read, but a valid thought. In the gun community, we seem to think that more guns is the answer or at least one of the top, most important answers. In school security, a strong case is made in this article, that it’s much more than the presence of a gun and an armed officer.

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I agree with several of the points in that article. Just having an armed person on site is not going to solve all the potential problems.

Though I am not a big fan of having actual LEOs in schools. LEOs often are pre disposed or sometimes required to escalate dumb kid issues that would normally be dealt with by detention or suspension into legal issues that can lead to kids being funneled into the criminal system for minor offenses.

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Interesting article to a point. But it does strike me as self serving given his credentials as a security consultant. One part of his “plan” has a definite financial benefit towards his industry.

  1. Custom [security assessment](Site Assessments - Campus Safety)

His point about “building relationships” and acting as a powerful role model that will keep young people from choosing violence is another one of those happy, feel good talking points that gets made into a Lifetime after school special every few years.

Not to say it doesn’t happen, but if anything, life has proven to me that violence in schools it a far more complicated issue that will not be solved by some buzzwords and role models in the school. The vast majority of the time when violence happens it takes a good guy, who can potentially exert enough violence of their own, to stop a bad actor.

I will freely admit I am deeply cynical and jaded. But I believe that the solution to criminal violence in schools starts in the homes with the parent(s) and a return to the values that we believed in such a short time ago.


100% agree.

Also agree.

Due to the complexity of school security, I believe a multi-faceted approach is needed. I am obviously in favor of the presence of a good guy with a gun who can potentially stop the bad actor. However, what about prevention?

Years ago, I attended a seminar by the US Secret Service. They made two different statements saying the #1 thing you can do for school security is… #1 is lock your doors and also #1 is maintain a positive school climate.

Many mass attackers are engaging in their crimes in order to correct a perceived injustice (or right a perceived wrong). If you can prevent that perception of injustice, than you might be able to prevent that mass attack. A positive school climate where the leadership deals with discipline issues (bullying is such an overused term in schools) can be a powerful preventative measure for some of these bad actors.

Another issue is what experts call “leakage.” Many mass attackers “leak” their plans ahead of time. They post something on social media, make a comment to their friends, or otherwise talk about violence. (The VA Tech shooter wrote about it for English assignments.) Schools also have a strong culture of silence–especially among teenagers. No one wants to be a tattle tale, rat, nark, or whatever the current term is. So kids don’t talk. If kids talked, perhaps the authorities could be alerted and the attack could be averted.

I personally don’t think an armed guard at a school should be standing or walking around on patrol seemingly at a distance from the kids. I think he or she needs to be a part of the school community, be approachable, and be involved in the lives of students in appropriate ways. I actually think an openly armed non-cop might have some advantages. He might not be as intimidating, won’t have the same level of arrest authority, and might, therefore, be more approachable.

I also personally think the deterrent effect of an openly armed guard has been overrated. Look at Parkland, FL, VA Tech, and Columbine. All had armed officers. For many, the presence of a good guy with a gun is as much of a feel-good measure as it is an actual, legitimate security enhancement. It should, at best, only be one part of the school’s approach to security.

The US Secret Service talks about a threat assessment approach. This approach puts a threat assessment team together and uses that to address concerns about particular students. They would include the classroom teacher, coach of any sport, administration, and law enforcement where necessary. An on-site guard who actually knows the students would be a candidate for this team.

I assumed in my quick read of the article that this dynamic is what the author was getting at. But perhaps I read my own presuppositions into the article.

Sorry for the wordy response. Thanks for the feedback and value of your perspectives.


I think you make some great points, and I will concede my cynicism colors my outlook on this. In my lifetime, like many here, I’ve watched our society devolve from one that valued traditionally Conservative values, into what I refer to as the tyranny of the “compassionate”. Strength, Liberty, Freedom, all seem to be dirty words.

I’ve watched too many people talk about external role models being the solution, let’s be honest, that is the problem. People outside of a family unit bearing undue influence on our children. If we want to solve our Societal issues, we need parents parenting.

I feel like it all started when Hillary Clinton started up with that BS about “it takes a village to raise a child”. Governmental entities, especially schools with activist teachers began to act like they were the most important influence in a child’s life and too many parents allowed it.

So I think the solution is a many faceted one, but the first step has to be parents starting to parent again.


I have no criticism of anyone’s cynicism. I have plenty of it myself and we have ample reason to be cynical.

Completely agree.


This will make your blood boil.



And more school mostly peaceful protests in the news. Of course, the SRO is the problem for using pepper spray to break it up.

Magnolia School of Excellence. LOL.


And in Iowa…

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This article is outstanding. In fact, I think it’s the overall best thing I’ve read on this topic.

I appreciate the fact that it is balanced. The author gives an example where a crisis was very likely averted. It also gives an example of a dark, but not threatening drawing. All of these types of things must be interpreted in their context. I won’t give specifics, but I do have a bit of experience here (though certainly not an expert).

The article also addresses social media monitoring. I am not 100% sure how to accomplish this. However, my child’s school uses Bark which monitors email accounts, cloud storage content, and even internet activity anytime they are logged into their school account. It’s very inexpensive for the school and is an excellent resource.