I’m a person who likes to keep a backpack with me with some essentials to be at least in my vehicle or on me. Problem is. I load up with gear and extras so the backpacks start off small and usually get bigger and bigger.
I spent time searching for a shoulder bag, one that was small but not too small, durable. And lots of pockets, got one I found delivered today and it looks good especially for the price.
Been loading it up with gear for my new EDC bag, I got it half filled up, it could accept a few more items, I’ll be looking for suggestions on what more I could add.
So far I loaded in the bag, 3 basic tourniquets, 3 lighters. 3 small diameter straight SS straws, .2 bottles super glue, 2 pens, one 5x8 note pad, various band aids and sterile pads, alcohol pads and iodine pads, antibiotic ointment. Single use sunscreen packets, electrolyte rapid replacement packets, 12,000mah portable power pack, folding USB solar panel, various cell charging cables. Universal usb battery charger, flashlight, spare batteries (18650 cells), 4 pull pin cold burning smoke grenades (orange smoke), folding knife. (Will add small bottles of over the counter pain pills, aspirin, and allergy meds and latex gloves).
Looking for suggestions for additional items based on what others may have in EDC bags.