Drugs and agressors

Zee, here is a warning. I did not know where to put this. If they learn how get around dying on first contact of this drug, a drug addict will not be abled to feel any pain if not stopped by any firearm that we can carry.
Plus they will not have a brain left to think. The true Living DEAD !


@William_H I moved this to its own thread - I think your point is well taken. I don’t know how aggressive this kind of drug tends to make people, but someone on this sort of drug may not be processing very much of what’s happening and may fall into that same sort of thing like PCP where they don’t really react or notice if they are shot.


Thank you for your help ! I have talked to recovered people, man and woman. They are amazing
and loving people. Again, you have helped and you are the best. The information tells us that
it can destroy everything, just on basic addictions. The Drug here, like LSD, it is soon to be over
in the worst. I am drug free and Life is worth living.

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Perhaps I should get some targets that have the pelvic girdle on them. They might not feel or process pain, but if the legs don’t work, not too much of a threat.

Crazy how strong many of the drugs are these days.


All I found was warnings that it uses elephant tranquilizers and could be absorbed through the skin or other minimal contact putting those responding to the scene at risk. All the articles that pop up talk about people dieing from OD. I don’t know how aggerssive somone on elephant tranquilizers would be. I’d almost assume that they might be even more prone to pain inbetween fixes, as articles are linking this to the opioid epidemic.


I here they are comparing it to pcp and when my buddy was on the sheriff dept he said there was a big guy came charging 4 officers with a shot gun and on pcp it to 8 shots to finally bring him down so you have to always have your guard up


With gun laws on the rise of scaring people of prison, lawyers, interrogations’ by prosecution attorneys’ ,
just down right being blamed for killing a poor soul that is on one of these drugs that destroys the mind, body, and makes a cold dead zombie out of them. It is important to be prepared even more. Please train correctly and not depend on gossip. You are a great help, thanks.


So I stopped reading at Fentanyl and different Fentanyl offshoots. I don’t need to read any more, and I will explain why.

Fentanyl offshoots are what they are using to produce a bigger, longer high. Fentanyl itself is 4 times more potent than Heroine alone. The worst offshoot of Fentanyl is Carfentanyl. Carfentanyl is almost 20 times as potent as standard Fentanyl. To put this into perspective, one single grain of Carfentanyl, in undiluted form is enough for a LETHAL overdose. 20 grains of undiluted Fentanyl is lethal and 80 grains of undiluted Heroin is lethal. Fentanyl and offshoots CAN be absorbed through the skin, it can be carried home on clothing where a family member, spouse, children, family pets can pick it up. In the case of Carfentanyl, a single grain is all it takes.

Look at a teaspoon of sugar. Look hard to distinguish the sizes of the grains. They’re about the same size as Fentanyl and its offshoots.

The biggest reason this crap is so dangerous is because of how easily a single grain can escape a bag or bottle. This stuff is exactly why the Government is pushing for everyone to know how to administer Narcan (nasal opiod blocker) and Naloxone (Generic name, Injected version).

Here in Michigan Narcan and Naloxone have what’s called a standing prescription at every pharmacy. Anybody at any time can go to a pharmacy and ask for these (Narcan is $90 for two doses, Naloxone ranges from $2.50 to $5.00 for two doses) no questions asked. Well, they will ask if you know how to use it. I believe other States are in on this as well. Different places in Michigan are training people how to teach others to use this and they want everyone to know how to use it. I am one of these instructors.

I cannot stress enough how dangerous this stuff really is. At my work, we have 50 “kits” hidden around the building and everyone in Security is trained in their use as well as CPR Pro certified. Our kits have 4 doses, two nasal and two injected. And I will give you all the same advice I give my coworkers when it comes to this stuff. Monitor vital signs, as long as they’re breathing (10+ respirations per minute) and have a heartbeat (40+ beats per minute) let EMS and possibly police handle it.

Now to anyone with any medical training those numbers are going to look a little low. Understand that that is how these opiates work, they slow everything down and the person will pass out so you need to expect low numbers, just keep monitoring those vital signs, if they get weak or go much lower then use Narcan/Naloxone, but if you’re dealing with an addict and they come out of it, they’re extremely likely to be combative, you just took away their high and sent them in to instantaneous withdrawals.

I could go on and on with what I know, but this training is best done in person with some visual aids. I highly recommend getting training in the use of Narcan and Naloxone.

Oh one other thing while I’m on topic. Not all overdoses happen because of addiction. Opiates are still prescribed after major surgeries and for various things. If grandma just had a hip replacement and accidentally took extra pain killers, she could overdose. With how Narcan/Naloxone work, when she comes out of it she would be in instant, major pain. Enough to go in to shock, and we all are aware that shock can kill. If a pill is dropped and not found then a toddler could very well find it. Both of these examples are also good reasons to keep Narcan and Naloxone around, they could save a life. But whenever possible, let the professionals handle it.


I agree fully with you about Fentanyl. After 5 years
100 Mcg for per 48 hrs., Fentanyl nearly killed me
Twice. I am clean after 4years and 6 back surgeries.


Keep up the good work on staying clean!

In 2010 i suffered a major back injury (not going into details), after a lot of crap dealing with insurance companies I was finally able to start getting help in the summer of 2011. They gave me vicodin, which did nothing to help. They tried morphine next and it also didn’t do squat. Then they wanted me to sign what they called a pain contract and start taking fentanyl, and they were pushing me hard to do it. At the time I knew nothing of it but the way they were pushing it set off red flags, even though I was in severe pain constantly and could barely walk WITH help those red flags were strong enough to make me tell the Doctor I wanted to consider it. She tried to argue with me to which I shut her up by saying “I’m not putting some random crap in my body I know nothing about, if you can’t respect that then I will find another Doctor to help me.” Once I saw how highly addictive it was, and how easy it was to overdose on it I told the Doctor I wouldn’t take that. Her reply was “Well then you’re going to suffer a lot because I will not prescribe anything else to you for pain.” I dealt with pain in another way, the only way I actually knew would help. Which is why I’m a huge proponent of Medical Marijuana. (I don’t touch the stuff anymore, absolutely no drugs or alcohol for me).

Anyway, Fentanyl and its offshoots are creeping in to all manner of drugs all over. I don’t know if it’s true or not (i’m not that educated on drugs honestly) but I’ve even heard they’re putting it in Meth now, and my area is developing a bad Meth problem.


@Spence I need to know more about this. ^^^

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yes TN is and also all emergency responders and police keep it on them had a incident the other day they thought guy was sleeping in court come to find out he had overdosed and court sheriff had it on him and saved his life


@Zee what do you want to know? If you don’t want to ask here you can inbox me or message me through messenger if you wish.


@Spence seems like something I should have on hand, us being so remote and all, and a skill and knowledge I should have. Do you know if being a non-MI resident, I can purchase supplies? and how do I get trained?

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Do you think this is something that would be a good addition to a IFAK? With the examples of how children or non suspecting adults could be exposed it seems like a candidate.

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@Zee Open, Standing Prescription. Any Pharmacy should be able to sell you the product. They should also be able to direct you to a class or go over it with you. If not, let me know and I will figure out a way to do it myself. The biggest part of the training is using needles safely.

@Greg1 I recommend everyone have it on hand. Especially if you have any family or friends prescribed opiates.


@Spence this is now on my list. Going to check into it this weekend. thanks for the info about things I didn’t have any idea about :smiley: :heart:

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For those thinking about including Narcan/Naloxone in an IFAK:

These products need to stay out of direct sunlight and should be stored somewhere that doesn’t exceed 70 degrees, preferably somewhere dark. It does not need to be refrigerated like insulin, but high temps and direct sunlight can cause it to break down.


Mr. Spence, I appreciate your email and this information on medical medications is for medical purposes only, but people have entered the

twilight zone of addictions to narcotics of the worst kind of opiates and different types of chemicals that are labeled miracles to stop many

types of pain in the body. There are many people that need pain medications because they are in server trouble and their bodies have had

major surgeries to end their medical pain. I am not a doctor or seeking drugs.

If a person or persons get addicted to opiates or any narcotic and the basic one is Fentanyl , which is deadly if abused. A human body starts

shutting down and the human body does not feel at all; ZERO, depends on the amount of drug absorbed. Without help to withdraw from this opiate

the addiction can cause death by overdose. Morphine is one of our oldest narcotics and it is very addictive and if abused, death. the body

is a very unique system and it can be destroyed with many side effects. Killing pain is no longer an issue and not a long term usages or fix.

If a BAD PERSON is on these drugs or Hermione or Cocaine, that person can become even more deadly in a MASS SHOOTER situation

and a Defender engages to stop that THREAT with a firearm or physical hand to hand, it will be very hard to end a threat as a medical

nightmare. NO Pain and they keep on coming !

I have 10 years of back problems, ( Many Surgeries ) and had been addicted on Morphine and Fentanyl and 2 more years to go through DETOX

and REHABILITATION. I am Clean today with help.

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This information on medical medications is for medical purposes only, but people have entered the
twilight zone of addictions to narcotics of the worst kind of opiates and different types of chemicals that are labeled miracles to stop many types of pain in the body.

There are many people that need pain medications because they are in server trouble and their bodies have had major surgeries to end their medical pain… I am not a doctor or seeking drugs.
If a person or persons get addicted to opiates or any narcotic and the basic one is Fentanyl , which is deadly if abused. A human body starts shutting down and the human body does not feel at all;
ZERO, depends on the amount of drug absorbed. Without help to withdraw from this opiate
the addiction can cause death by overdose. Morphine is one of our oldest narcotics and it is very addictive and if abused, death. the body is a very unique system and it can be destroyed
with many side effects. Killing pain is no longer an issue and not a long term usages or fix.

If a BAD PERSION is on these drugs or Hermione or Cocaine, that person can become even more deadly in a MASS SHOOTER situation and a Defender engages to stop that THREAT with a firearm or physical
hand to hand, it will be very hard to end a threat as a medical nightmare.
NO Pain and they keep on coming !

I have 10 years of back problems, ( Many Surgeries ) and had been addicted on Morphine and Fentanyl and 2 more years to go through DETOX and REHABILITATION. I am Clean today with help.

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