this seems a good site to post here… they have a list!
please let everyone know what kinda results you find
this seems a good site to post here… they have a list!
please let everyone know what kinda results you find
Do Due diligence when choosing an online website.
we try to keep web scam info on this thread:
and answering your question… we have seen and shared this info on the other thread.
oh… oopppsss… WAIT!!! can I blame Wanda3? or maybe Blacky… or Mike164???
I know Karacal!!! ya!!!
why not Black and Wanda?
WEEELLLL OK… just anyone BUT ME!!! OK???
No it wasn’t me, Yea, aaa No, aaa it was aaa it was Blacky yea wait no maybe Wanda
Please keep @Wanda3 out of this…
She is my Queen !
Let’s blame @Blacky … he has been inactive for over 2 weeks, so there is no worries he will try explain himself
Just my luck… Named after someone who become queen of the poles (?) and whose father was Krakus (spelling?). (sigh). Happy Saturday…
But thanks @Jerzees for trying to protect me from the riff riff…
Ive been wondering if the teacher has him standing with his nose in the circle drawn on the chalkboard for punishment? @Blacky
Krakus was a legendary Prince of Poland and a founder of Kraków - the most beautiful city in Poland.
That’s a great history…
This is today
And…you are very welcome
We , Polish people always stand for innocent…
Don’t ever give any information to a company online you haven’t heard of already as being good to go from multiple sources. A quick internet search for them showing forum results/discussions will usually make it clear. There are enough big well known long reputable retailers out there that IMO nobody needs to even consider buying from some no-name especially if the prices or stock status are too good
If in doubt, ASK HERE in the community
MOI??? sweet innocent gentle wonderfully lovable and adorable MOI???
to think that I would do something so… naughty??? MOI???
jerzy made me!!! HONEST!!!
also someone TOLD on me!!! <offically pouting here!>
soooo… I can’t get outta this one then???
such a bully!!!
I know. Right. Wanda is kicking a$$ and Taking Names.
(really big forlorn SIGH here)