Donald Trump could become President in 2022

Here’s how:

The GOP wins a majority of House seats

The House elects Trump as Speaker

Biden and Harris resign, become incapacitated or are impeached and removed from office

Trump becomes president


Lord have mercy… :scream:


Do you really think the EGO that is The Donald would lower himself to such a low bar as to run for a House of Representatives seat. Don’t get me wrong, I liked Donald but he’s to self important to shoot so low.


He doesn’t have to run. The House can elect anyone to be speaker. For example, Colin Powell was nominated but refused the position.


Ever since election day, I’ve seen about 843 different versions of how DT will retake the presidency. I lost interest after the first week or so.


Pipe dream. I would bet that pigs will fly before that plays out.


TRUMP being President (again) would be the worst that could ever happen to the U.S.


Worse than Biden? Are you kidding me?


Give Biden a chance…
He still got a time to be a better one.

Hope he Hurries. :grimacing:


Jerzy, my friend, you are ever the optimist, always seeing the best in people, and I esteem you for that. In Biden’s case, sadly, I am very much afraid that we have already seen his best, possibly even before he was elected.

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Thx @David38 . Yes I’m indeed an optimist and I always give people a chance before final judgment.
i don’t expect miracles… but perhaps something happen in next years and Biden does a good things… and will be remembered forever? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yeah… I’m little sarcastic at this moment… but who knows? :neutral_face:

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You’re right, best economy since Reagan, Respected on the world stage. Law enforcement respected, no riots. Stopping the illegal influx of illegals. The list goes on.

Since the moderator thinks that being called uneducated is a person attack, I’ll just say that you haven’t got a clue. Facts is facts despite what you think.

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@Joseph_A1 You have an unusual definition of worst.


You have to look at President as a person who represents the Country abroad.
Represents… means having also a good manners and be somebody who gives an example as a Leader… He unfortunately changed the way how Europeans looked at USA these days. I remember this Country as a huge new life opportunity, Land of Freedom. And that was a Country I saw after I came here.
I’m in constant contact with my Family and Friends in all over the Europe. They also found USA a different now, mostly they saw us as clowns in the Circus of the World. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:
Unfortunately nothing has been changed for last 12 months either…

Of course I cannot negate the good things done by Trump - but please see the wide picture of his presidency.

I don’t need you preaching to me. I don’t care what europeans think… I don’ care what you think.


Happy New Year, @Elza1 .

Sometimes it a smart to live between People, listen them, share opinions. Just be a human.
I’m sorry for you. What can I say? Just ignore me, ignore Europeans, ignore everything and everybody, ignore whatever doesn’t meet your own surroundings.


If you consider the policies he promoted and helped to put in place, Donald Trump did a pretty good job as President. That being said, running him for President again would be a terrible idea, at least politically. After all the hysteria and division and media bias against him, at this point it doesn’t matter how good a President he may have been or could be again, he’s functionally un-electable.

If it were up to me to choose a candidate for the next Presidential election, it would need to be a person who can be seen by the general electorate to be intelligent, understand the issues and various viewpoints, able to communicate a plan, of good character, and above all, a leader. A tall order to be sure, but not impossible.


Is disagree. The perfect candidate would be a transgender of color (any color but white), quadriplegic, blind, reformed drug addict, single (never married) parent living on welfare whose parents are illegal immigrants; the father is Haitian a voodoo practitioner and the mother is serving a life sentence in prisoner.


If all you want is to pander to the lowest common denominator in a cynical attempt to simply win an election without regard to the consequences, then maybe so. If we’re being serious and the idea is to have a president who can formulate and promote specific policies which benefit the country as a whole, both at home and abroad. then I stand by my earlier description.

Besides that, what’s wrong with voodoo? :wink: