Just to keep it real here people.
on Gun control: THEY WILL NOT QUIT!
Disarmament is THE GOAL.
There is no wiggle room or Compromise with them.
YOU CANNOT CONTROL a Population until they are truly DISARMED and DEFENSELESS.
This is their end game.
Only THEY will have the Guns (and F-16’s)
Just ask any ‘Auissie’, Venezuelan, British Subject, 'Hey, bud? Howz dat gun control working for ya? Oh, sorry, not so good huh?
Once again putting on my Captain Obvious Cap I can honestly say all this has nothing to do with the out of control CRIME-WAVE. And EVERYTHING to do with the Elite’s having it all and we are just another Brick in the WALL!.
“Among the seven key promises outlined in the DNC’s platform are the implementation of universal background checks, a renewed ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and the introduction of a national “Red Flag” law. These measures are presented as necessary steps to curb what the Democrats describe as an epidemic of gun violence sweeping the nation, an epidemic for which they conveniently fail to acknowledge they are partly to blame for as many of these same legislators, Kamala Harris chief among them, sought to defund police departments and have supported no bail policies and the decriminalization of lesser crimes that are often associated with larger ones following the George Floyd killing by a police officer in 2020”.
I don’t know of any gun that has jumped up and shot someone, but if you listen to the gun control group you might think they do…I guess we should ban cars… they kill a lot more folks everyday
The biggest criminals are in Government, not guns or
any other weapons.
I know a lot of our History of many Wars from
1860-1865, 1914-1919, 1930’s-1945, 1950’s-1975, and
You know the rest of time.
People of criminal backgrounds sought to control and
rule countries and people, all of them had death
wishes and drug addictions. I speak life and victory
to everyone.
What can we do to stop this madness before we
live through WWIII and Armageddon.???
Amazing how they talk “freedom”. Then they want to take your money, regulate your businesses, tell you how to heat and cool your home, put people on terror watch lists for political reasons, control your food, what you’ll drive, and soon when and where you’ll be allowed to go….now they want the final thing standing in the way of their dream…your GUNS!
It was said above, can’t give them an inch. Remember that Democrat is short for
Dumb-as-Crap….not the leaders, they know what they’re doing, dumb-as-crap is the definition they give their followers, as they laugh all the way to the bank!
Well why don’t they take the guns from the criminals, problem solved for so called gun crime. Oh wait that,s not what they want they want us fighting among ourselves devidded.
These Cretins feel they need to ‘Break us’ before they rebuild us
into the Communist/Socialist NIGHTMARE they tried to build since we walked outta da Caves!.
It DOESN’T WORK!—Socialism. It never does.
We are growing (Ascending) on this Planet everyday.
This is a Planet of Higher Learning, We come here to LEARN, PROSPER and GROW
as a people. Socialism is OLD NEWS. Giving up your God Given Rights, Free Will,
and your SOUL to the .gov was NEVER the plan.
The .gov was designed to be an instrument for WE THE PEOPLE to use to help us succeed NOT TO OVER RULE AND RESTRICT US!
The only way they will succeed is to DISARM US! (or attempt to use our own Military against us)
And that would be the most expedient way to end this nonsense!
They call in the Military…They refuse!, They order strikes against us, they will be
ARRESTED TRIED and Executed.
This whole Bullsh** game is happening because they forgot just how bad they have been beaten down when they tried this in the past. They FORGOT just how bad it got for them.
MILLIONS DEAD, Countries/.gov’s wiped out. and lo and behold they are trying it again.
I would love to see anything ‘FEDERA:’ wiped out
Go back to State run .gov (and NOT DEEP STATE).
Less Gov
"Power to the people as we said in the '60’s!
They take all our Guns 5,4,3,2,
Then they are the only one’s with Guns
How can that Possibly be a bad thing? Heysus and his band of brothers
Do they REALLY think we are that stoopid? (Yepper!)