You can easily look up who the authors of Project 2025 and there bios. I am well aware it’s a waste of time trying to convince most republicans of anything as the facts don’t matter to them … Explain to me why the republicans think TV personalities are best suited to be the President (e.g. Reagan, Trump).
Reagan was the governor of California before he became president. Do you think obozo was better than Pres Reagan, if so in what ways?
You obviously disagree with the concept of “Make America Great Again”. You would rather believe the people who have openly lied to your face about biden’s physical and mental ability to perform presidential duties FOR THE LAST FOUR YEARS.
Has it crossed your mind, that if he has done such a great job, why are they FORCING him out? He wanted to stay, but the BILLIONAIRE DONORS pulled his funding.
The general population is struggling paycheck to paycheck because this regime has rapidly caused inflation by making us energy dependent while pushing EVs. Less of “anything” means the price of that “anything” goes up. Same demand, less supply. Econ 101. Simultaneously, they let in (And are STILL letting in) millions upon millions of additional hungry people with NO income. Food supply didn’t increase, but food demand went up exponentially. More demand, less supply means prices INCREASE. Govt. Started SUPPLYING food, housing, and medical, in the form of printing money. Printing MORE money means more money supply. The more money there is, the LESS each dollar is worth. The value of money is diluted, so it costs MORE for the same “anything” you want to buy. Same with healthcare. More patients while keeping the same amount of hospitals, doctors, medicine means DEMAND is greater than supply which means costs go UP. That is a partial explanation of where we are today and why.
Where are you getting your information from? You think the Bidens are a crime family, yet Trump is the convicted felon and that doesn’t concern you the least bit. Do you not know there was a bipartisan Border BIll drafted and Trump told his republican cult members in congress to kill the bill since it would be good politically for Joe Biden, even if it would have been good for the country? You worry about crime against family members by illegals, yet the statistics show they commit crimes at a lower rate than american citizens commit against each other.
Damn Ron it sounds like you took econ 101 and 102. Possibly 201 for a raise?
Where do you get stats from? Where do you get your news, CNN, MSNBC or other leftist outlets I bet. Are you white and do you have privilege others don’t? Tell me would you stand up and defend this country or would you run to Canada or Mexico?
You still didn’t answer how you would feel if your family member was killed, robbed or beat up. I never said it was illegals doing the crime. Look who is the racist now
We know where you are getting all your misinformation from. Each thing you mentioned has been parroted by the mainstream media. You have officially fallen into their propaganda trap.
MAGA, it’s just a dumb slogan … tell everyone what years are we trying to get back to that were so great? Biden was obviously showing mental lapses but so does Trump, … easy to find videos of all nonsensical things Trump says daily, … confuses people with others, loses his train of thoughts mid-sentence at every rally … why doesn’t this concern you?
Republicans are bankrolled by billionaires also, since they benefit by the endless tax breaks they get from them. The inflation started with the Covid-19 pandemic and shutdown/reduction of production supply lines worldwide. Once the pandemic ended, demand for products increased and companies raised prices and then never lowered the prices once production returned. This was done by greedy companies to generate record profits and maintain those profits while the average american suffered from this price inflation. As for energy, you can learn about the energy business in the US from MrGlobalToo (renowned energy expert who uses TikTok and other media to educate people on the energy markets.
You need to read it. Don’t put it on me, you are the one claiming it’s a Republican ideal, which it is not.
Please link at least three of those videos. We know that is not true.
Okay buddy, no one here is going to change your mind. You’ve graduated to total enlightenment.
Do you know that most congressman do not read the bills before they vote on them since they are lengthy and not given enough time to read and understand them before the vote? No one has time to read all volumes of paper congress creates on a daily basis.
And both sides do it. Is it ok for the democraps to do but those plucking republicans! How dare they copy our evil maneuvers.
No crap, just facts …
He is like that Muslim on the other threads, true Muslims don’t murder people; Hamas isn’t Muslim, Al Qaeda was not Muslim, PLO was not Muslim. True, the organizations are/were based on Islam, their followers were Muslim, just like Jack, he isn’t democratic, but he bathes in the DNC talking points, which are Leftist ideology.
Just listen, if you can stand it, to Kamala’s, Just Go Brenda, speech on equailty vs. equity. She supposedly believes we should all have the same at the end, but yet she is a millionaire. Why hasn’t she impoverished herself to help all those that she claims “need more”? She only believes they “need more” from the rest of us. So much for equality and equity. How much of your wealth have you donated toward Kamala’s goal of equtiy, Jack?
Too late for reasoning… he’s a goner.
Do you have a counter article saying the emails weren’t sent?
no one is going to change anyone’s mind with respect to politics … thus thread should have never been created in the first place … but it is entertaining
Oh whaaaa, mommy! They’re talking bad words about the dumbocraps!
Because you do not like the truth? You always have the option to just ignore a thread or posts you do not like. Sadly, you attempted to impart your wisodom, but did not have any to offer. All of your BS has been refuted and so you resort to crying, just like our Muslim friend did, then he vanished. Are you next?