Defending self defense: A crisis of duty and rights

About half way down this page is a map of states and where we stand relevant to the post by Reloader54.


Thanks @Robert401


I agree, I had to use a firearm to protect myself and my wife and neighbor and am still in a legal battle until this day and it happened 1 year ago. Iwas arrested and am out on bond and facing a trial and I went by all the rules. I had a permit, legal firearm, and insurance and I am a Christian law abiding citizen.


Welcome to the community @Albert19, and I’m very sorry to hear that.


I live in a Republican state that run their election campaigns on upholding the 2nd ammendment and tell you that you can defend yourself and sell you a permit, and a gun but when it comes right down to it and you have to do it they flip on you.


You only have rights if you can hire a lawyer to defend them. Or have an insurance policy to help you hire a lawyer.

Not disagreeing with you, but at least Reps tell you verbally that your life is worth defending. Dems just demoralize you.


I don’t understand why more people are not taking the possibility of a stolen election much more seriously. Do they not understand what it means?


Wish you luck.


All depends on your da. Rep are all good till you’re locked up


They understand, and they feel anxiety about what can come next. They dont know what they can do about it.


I do have insurance and they have hired me a lawyer. It is just a stung out process.


The DA is the one pushing against me. and you are very right.

My friend, you were in a fight for your life, and you came out on top. You are in a legal fight now, and I pray you will come out on top. You are also in a psychological fight. Don’t get demoralized, come out of that one victorious too.


Thank you.

Our first and second amendment rights are absolutely under serious attack. Taken together, along with other recent events, our democracy is very, very close to being a thing of the past. Free speech is just as important, as what we usually talk about. And when you add up the loss of both. Well, it’s a bit like food and water, you can survive the loss of one a bit longer than the loss of the other, but, you can’t actually survive the loss of either one for more than a short time.

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No “Duty to Retreat” proposals

From NRA links below, should we support this “Bill”?; NRA asks us to. Do you all think it would get passed? Although I think I’d lean towards supporting it, I wonder if it will face too much opposition. Thought it an interesting topic. Does it normally vary by state?:


Great comment and agree.
I am a Cold War vet and old and afraid for our great Nation.
What gets me is a lot of people don’t know that this has been going on for some time. The Progressives have been slowly gaining control for decades, at least since FDR. They have been changing the curriculum, the style how children are raised, religious views and so on. The views are being changed one by one, and you’re right, we let it happen. We as Americans need to stand up to Communism.


I suspect the importance of this legislation has to do with how the law is abused, and this attempts to make that more difficult. If there is some sort of implied duty to retreat then you can pick the scenario apart on a litany of little details on your way to some claim that the self defense was, in some way, inappropriate . With no duty to retreat you eliminate a host of frivolous claims against a defender. I suspect something along these lines is the heart of the measure. A lot of peoples ability to retreat endlessly is also limited. It does seem that the “duty to retreat” has been abused quite often as a way to prosecute someone under an open ended requirement that seems to have no limit but for the subjective opinion of often hostile prosecutors. In some states the duty to retreat causes you to have to retreat to the furthest recess of your home, if not abandon it entirely, and simply allow intruders to take as much time and property as they wish while you are barricaded in your safe room, should you be so lucky as to have one.


I find I agree with something I read earlier today. That being, that aside from a possibly corrupted election ( an enormously important issue in it’s own right ) There was also, an even larger litany of assaults upon free and fair elections that took place in the preceding months. Censorship, drastically uneven media access and treatment, bullying, threatening, riots and the threat of more, . The point so often missed because of possible election fraud on election day, is all the other ways the freedom and fairness of the election was undermined, if not flat out removed, in the months prior. All the way down to search engine results and entertainment content being heavily weighted in a single direction.

We saw this in the campaign against the 2A prior to the election, saw it used to sway a presidential election, and no doubt, will see it used even more heavily when the campaign resumes against 1A, 2A, and other rights.


I agree. To start with we as a community need to stand together on one front, and that the CONSTITUTION and that houses the amendments. As you know the first 10 I feel are the most important to me. The rest are there for the Government, what they can and can’t do.

We have all but lost our First Amendment, the Second in many places is iffy, so let’s quit the infighting and band together to put this Nation back on track. Remember that the Government doesn’t run us (that would be Marxist) we run the Government.

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