Defective Gun Won't Fire... need advice

Obviously your gun did not come with voice recognition device with out it you have to manually operate it, check your owner’s manual to see if your gun has the required attachment for said device, if it does you can contact voice recognition inc. to get the model that will fit into your gun, if you do not have the required attachment you will just have to do it the old way manually.


I got your joke right off the bat! Very funny! I also have never seen a firearm serve time in prison.


Wars have been fought over that statement

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Well, one is full of crazy people and the other is south of it.


@TexasEskimo I don’t think your Glock is broken, I think it’s just sulking. Bet there are some other guns in the safe. It probably thinks you love them more. Flowers may help.

Or maybe it’s just an introvert.


Hey, @TexasEskimo. I’ve finally gotten response from GLOCK Ges.m.b.H. Austria regarding your issue.
They have sent me instruction how to adjust the outside parts of the firearm to make US users happy.
This is the result:

Now my Glock is able to do EVERYTHING I can imagine !!!


are you pulling the trigger??? :smiley:


My suggestion would be (and maybe someone beat me to it): better purchase a few more of various other brands to test the possibility of this being more widespread. You might even begin testing tactical and kitchen knives too.


I think @TexasEskimo has it right, its just sulking. I know when I leave a gun in the safe to long I start hearing whispers .:ear: Soon the whispers get louder and I can make out my name (Bruce, Bruce.) I feel compelled to take the the gun out and stroke and fondle her and maybe take her to the range and let her burp a few times and then she is quiet for a while. Wait. Wait I hear whispers again. :roll_eyes:


Don’t you mean schießen?

I guess, he did.
I see keyboards have improved over those 4 years. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: