Criminal complaint details what allegedly led up to Apple River stabbing


He should have committed his alleged crime in new york. :thinking:

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This has a bit more info, and also shows how one’s account can be impaired, making a further point about not talking to police without an attorney. Details are so sketchy, it is difficult to form an opinion of what really occurred. I find it difficult to believe that a lone person would initiate an assault where he was facing a large group of people.

There seems to be various witnesses as to what happened and for sure he will go bankrupt fighting the law suits of the victims and his own self,and it doesn’t look good for hi or his family at all

I used to tube down the Apple every weekend in the Summer when I was in college and up to my mid-20s. Once in a great while there’d be some idiot falling down drunk trying to start a ruckus…which didn’t lead to much usually, and I never saw a weapon used. In the last 5 years or so, any news I hear about the Apple and tubing is usually associated with something grimy. This is so damned pointless, as it’s all over a stupid phone. There’s a time to just count something as a loss and move on.