Covid-19 virus and your gun range?

How has Covino-19 effected you, has your club closed their doors? What are you doing to stay safe? God bless.:pray:t4:

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Added a smidge to your title so the topic stands out from the other COVID-19 conversations, @Steve-G. Hope you don’t mind.

Our range is still open with limited hours. They also sell firearms and are deemed essential.

My range has been closed for weeks now…weeks :frowning: The explanation was to allocate the full resources to the retail desk. Uhhhhh, there’s nothing left to sell. :expressionless:


Our range got a shipment of firearms this week - I think they’re all already sold or they were all special ordered for individuals.


Our range just closed this week, as a board director, it was a tough decision to make, but we have to think about the safety of our members first and foremost, and then what’s best for the good of the club, we are holding our board meetings on line for now. It can get pretty interesting, some board members want it to be open no matter what.


Thanks Dawn, how have you been?

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There are 3 indoor ranges near me that I might attend. There are no outdoor ranges near me.

One indoor range closed until this weekend, they will likely extend that into April (that’s my guess). They dont sell anything other than ammo.

The other indoor range has been open using social distancing (I havent been so I dont know what that looks like) and enhanced cleaning. They sell guns & ammo & accessories (like a LGS w/range attached).

My least favorite range is open. They sell guns & ammo & accessories (like a LGS w/range attached). I dont see anything on their website about social distancing or other steps to mitigate COVID-19, but I dont usually go there anyway so not sure if they are doing anything special.

Rumor has it the Governor (Virginia) will list them as non-essential and close them if/when the state goes on lockdown, so the VCDL (our state 2A group) has already organized a response including an “email the governor” campaign to keep it off the list.


My primary local range gives no indication on their Web page that they have curtailed anything. I last visited on March 14, and the only unusual item was that everyone was asked to use hand sanitizer (YUGE bottle) on the way in. No other restrictions…but that was 12 days ago now.

Closed. One because it’s “non-Essential” and the other because it’s run by IDNR.

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We had a board of director’s meeting last night (the mrs and I), the mrs made tacos with elk hamburger, I had a really cold Canadian Kokanee (aka fish beer). We come to the conclusion, we will keep our private range open, since we live in the country. We as a family will Continue to shoot and train. We also have built some bullet traps so we can shoot in our shop. We still offer personal training, and invite our gun fanatic neighbors to join us, with a safety meeting of course.

Two of our trap clubs have closed. So now, on our bucket list is to build an addition to our range, and build a trap range.


Nothing from my outdoor range, yet. Range cleanup was to be next weekend, so not sure if that is still on or not. Matches have been shut down left and right since our Gov said even outside no more than 10.

Our local indoor range has been open, but closed today due to an employee testing positive.

Markin……the gold ol days of MT…I don’t know if I told you, years ago when we were having a sandwich in the bar at wolf crick, the bar tender asked me for a dime, I gave it to him, and he handed me a card that said “don’t sit on you **s and whine, get your dime like I got mine”!


Still open, just limits on persons in at a given time.

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Idaho: Governor Little Protects the Second Amendment – Gun Stores Will Remain Open



I called my gun club to see if they were still open for business. And they told me that club matches were cancelled do to the virus. But the public range and shotgun ranges were open. And that they’re using the social distance rule. i’m planning on going Friday to vent some frustrations out at the democrats in DC.

Indoor range is closed as is the gun shop, although their doing transfers by appt. (good)
Outdoor range is still open, and I plan on hitting it as soon as I check some more things off the honey do list.

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My Range has Store Department opened only. Shorten business hours and max 10 customers inside the store at a time.
Shooting range is closed, all classes cancelled.

My gun range is open 24/7, free and there’s never a line. The best part is, it is walking distance (backyard).

So CovID hasn’t affected range time at all !


Same status as your range here in the woods behind my house, open all days & hours and free of charge


I was supposed to go through my orientation to finally become a member. They postponed it for at minimum a month. Very sad, need to shoot. Plus this would be the perfect time for me to be putting in some of the requisite hours of range work.

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