Concealed carry while backpacking

Just be ware that in many if not most States that would be considered a crime whether you were at a campsite or at your home.


California will arrest and charge you for looking at a Guns & Ammo magazine .


@SimonK Welcome to the community!

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Zero tolerance policy on CCW permit holders while carrying , but in my “castle,” I doubt it applies.

“Putting aside that locked firearm in the wilderness doesn’t serve the purpose” —but it does if you have no intention of using it.


Then they would have to arrest everybody camping in BLM land out west.


I’m sure the ATF and anti self defense folks would love to do that if they could. Though I do a lot of camping on BLM land in the West and rarely see people open carrying and drinking at the same time.

I have nothing against someone carrying a firearm and having a drink or two but if I see a fair amount of alcohol being consumed in a place with a bunch of firearms around I walk or drive away pretty quickly.

I was at a BLM designated campsite several years ago with my family when someone a few sites down who had clearly been drinking too much started ranting and raving and eventually threatened to go get their gun. Good thing they didn’t have it on them! I had my hand on my pistol the entire time and was getting ready to get my family up and out of there but the person’s friends fortunately calmed them down and the person seemed to pass out right after that. I didn’t get any sleep that night.


Check your state laws.
In many states you can carry in a bar.

In Montana while you’re camping , hiking , fishing etc and carrying your weapon you can enjoy a couple of beers.
And you can carry where they serve alcohol.

Some campgrounds/ fishing accesses, prohibit, target, shooting or hunting.


SimonK, “Welcome to the Par-Tey Pal!”

My advice worth about what you’d expect is if your 'Q’uestion is Hiking/Back packing out on your own
(maybe w/ Friends/family) away from your ride, You are NOT going to be drinking then correct?
Walking along a trail while drinking is just dumb and you wouldn’t be doing that because you aren’t stupid. You joined USCCA so you have brains. If you are carrying alcohol and it’s unopened you should be fine. You can carry a Keg! and as long as it ain’t tapped you should be golden (I mean why would you?) :rofl:. As long as you aren’t an idiot and put empty containers (Law-dogs love people who get caught w/ the ‘Evidence’) and you won’t litter so just don’t. You Carry Open or Concealed, THAT is why you have a Gun: To Protect you and yours from Danger Close. When you are at a Campsite like I read above it’s Mi casa su casa. Home sweet Home. If you want to have a couple, be smart and have a couple w/ your Gun close. Putting it in your tent is a Great way to get dead. Two and four legged’s LOVE a Civic minded idiot.
My REAL ADVICE is ‘DON’T DRINK!’ It’s nature, enjoy it in real time. You don’t need to get fuzzy when you can do that at home the rest of your life. Beside it phucks w/ your Situational Awareness and your senses dull w/ alcohol and drugs. ‘ALL of a sudden’ Predator’s are on you and you weren’t paying attention.
I believe Bar’s were mentioned here also. NYET! I don’t have to be an attorney (Thank God) but in the United States, Coast to Coast Guns+Bars and Alcohol= Silver Bracelets. All you have to do is reach into your pocket for your wallet to buy another round and some civic minded drunk see your weapon and freaks out! Game over forget ever CCW’ing again. Especially Commiefornia.
There is a time and place for drinking and Camping (for me) isn’t one of them. I AM NOT going to try to explain to Saint Peter at the gate 'Why did I become Predator food while I was out enjoying nature as God intended? Well I drank a 5th of jack and a Bear ate me! or I ran into that crew of Hillbillies from ‘Deliverance’ and… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If you do this anyway and are smart, drink responsibly, Don’t ask, Don’t tell.
We don’t have roving bands of Fed’s patrol every inch of this country (yet)


Agreed. I was still in the context of camping and having a beer or two, not partying like a college kid and getting wasted on a keg. :rofl:
Nobody should get drunk and handle firearm, that’s common sense.


Seems like everyone would think so. Unfortunately common sense doesn’t seem so common anymore for many people:/


I’m still happy I live where I live. There are very, very, situations that are against the law for you to CC or OC.


beware, in todays anti gun freedom environment mixing alcohol and firearm use cold be a strike against you,


I agree.



What a very interesting question. I’m even afraid to answer it.

Some great answers in this string.

I especially liked, check the local laws of the trails or forest, some sites allow alcohol, some not, some allow firearms, some not, I liked the comment about how one’s camp is sometimes considered like one’s home.

What do we do on our own properties, houses, condo’s, apartments?

When I do drink, seldomly, I do so mainly in the most safest place, ie, at home. If I drink out at a restaurant or bar, I’m not “carrying”, plus my state’s law is strict on that.

Locks: Just in case, there are locks nowadays which are pretty light weight.

Good thing is: Some of our backpacking is so remote, there are few to no people around when we have a little sip and tell ghost stories. :ghost:

I luv it.


Sounds like a nice life you have Burdo
Down here in Cartagena North I wouldn’t Backpack, Camp
Site see these days unless I brought the Flame Thrower.
Migration is in full bloom, and it ain’t the Geese!
I would NEVER swim in the Rio Grande either but now I really wouldn’t!
Take in a Mouthful of water and it could be fatal…or Fentanyl, or Oh Never mind! :rofl:
Newcomers are every where!

adonde nosotros vamos uno nosotros ir todo!!!
Nessun passo sul serpente

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