Concealed Carry Wedding by Natalie Strong

It could’ve saved me precious time had you put this in your opening paragraph.



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I just saw a news article this morning about a guy found dead in his car, having been shot to death on his way hime from a wedding. A husband and father of three, if I recall correctly. Any place and time can become dangerous if a bad guy wants to make it that way.


I concur with your post, when I leave my home even to go around my 5 acre property I have my sidearm. When I am about to go into a business I look to see if the as a no gun permitted sign. If there isn’t I carry it in with me. I had an appointment at a bank several weeks ago and told the banker that I would be right in after I put my gun up. I was pleasantly surprised when I was told carrying it in was fine.


I generally do not condone carrying weapons to a wedding but I do think carrying in a church setting is okay - in fact I carry whenever I go to mass. Shamrock makes a good point that if that is how the couple wished to have their wedding it is their business. As far as Texas being a LAWLESS state, you may want to research NYC and it’s mayor Eric Adams. I think you’ll find that when it comes to LAWLESS-NESS NYC is beyond contender status.


Any particular reason?


It’s naive but i like to think that God would be present at such an occasion.

I think these days anywhere that does NOT have anyone carrying is a target for some criminal loon that decides to shoot up a gun free zone!


God is supposed to be omnipresent, but does not intervene in all actions of Man; hence the need for self-defense and justice. Lacking God, there is still a need for self-defense and justice. Being that Justice is blind, the argument for self-defense is even stronger. :sunglasses:


I think some people need a refresher course on the subject by watching “Kill Bill”. I’m only half kidding. The other thing about this that bothers me is that people that are “on our side” seem to be agreeing with the opposition that there are some places that are off limits. If you look at some proposed laws, they list numerous places where you cannot carry. Wonder how many of these they agree with. If we are going to win this argument, we cannot afford division on our side or we’ll certainly lose more of our rights.


Agree. I don’t like the implication that law abiding citizens carrying guns makes a location less safe. The opposite is proven out


I largely agree with this but there should be some room left for discussion and I think this is as good a place as any to have that discussion.

Think most of us here would agree that prisoners shouldn’t be allowed to posses firearms in prisons? So that is one off limit place the vast majority of people are likely fine with.

I for one don’t think it would be a good idea to let people walk into most schools with a rifle over their shoulder even if they are only there to pick up their kid. On the other hand I would have almost no problem with licensed carriers possessing a concealed weapon entering a school under those same circumstances. There are likely a fair number of people here that disagree with me on one or both of those positions.

We should be working to protect everyone’s rights as much as possible. But sometimes to protect one person’s rights you have to bite into another’s. A Representative Republic is a messy thing. But to protect everyone’s rights as much as possible we need to be willing to listen to everyone’s concerns. The only way those concerns can be heard is if we give people the space and respect to allow them to voice their opinions even if we completely disagree with them.

Personally I respect the heck out of anyone with a left leaning viewpoint willing to voice their opinion on this forum. As long as they are willing to respectfully listen to everyone else’s viewpoint in return.

Someone speaking their opinion is not a threat unless we allow conflicting opinions to be silenced. If people keep their ears and minds open the truth eventually wins out. Unfortunately right now a lot of people seem to be retreating to their confirmation bias echo chambers where no dissenting voices are allowed.

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That is a reasonable position, and understandable, as there are people that have fear of firearms, so not seeing it would ameliorate the issue.

I agree with the idea, but the reality, as we have seen here is quite the opposite. Those on the Right have had their viewpoints censored, while those on the Left have gotten to trash the rest of us. Their hostile posts eventually closed threads because those on the Right were censored so harshly the moderators only choice was to either censor the Leftists (which they did not do) or close the thread.

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There is a very easy differentiation here

Every person entering a prison must go through thorough security, and nobody is allowed to enter with a firearm. There may be a select few professionals trained and deployed with access to firearms within but generally, it is legitimately probably an actually gun free zone.

Same with courthouses, nuclear facilities, secure areas of commercial airports, and other controlled access locations. Legit controlled access areas with full time armed professionals present.

Those places can be a no to carry. Anywhere else? ehhhhh IDK about that


But I will also say that private property Rights are a thing

Just because you like guns, you carry guns, or you don’t feel safe without a gun, that doesn’t mean that you can bring a gun into Joe’s business when Joe doesn’t want you to. My opinion. For private businesses if they don’t want you to have a gun, so be it…go somewhere else. Edited for brevity


I’m familiar with that issue. Still have 190 something more years to go before one of my threads is scheduled to be reopened thanks to one of those trouble makers:( There are certainly some people who come here with the sole intention of causing problems.

But I don’t think those people are representative of the typical left leaning gun owner.

I strongly suspect there are a bunch of left leaning lurkers here who seldom if ever post. Probably a lot more who peaked in and never came back. I have seen some people post left leaning thoughts that may not have been treated with overt hostility but weren’t exactly welcomed with open arms either. I have probably been guilty of this as well though I always try my best to never ridicule another’s position no matter how much I disagree with it.

My political views don’t conform well to any Party. As many are aware I am not a fan of either the Democrats or the Republicans. Or at least the people they keep putting up for office. So I know I have to choose my words cautiously if I want to express a position outside the norm here. And even with that caution I know I’ll need to keep my flame resistant underwear handy for some of the responses that follow;) Sometimes it’s just not worth the energy and aggravation so I just keep my opinion to myself believe it or not;)

At any rate, assessing other peoples differing views helps me figure out if I need to reassess my own. So I do wish there was a broader range of opinions here. I also believe the only way to keep the 2A from flushing down the toilet is for the majority of firearm owners on the right and the left to work together wherever and whenever possible to save it.

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I try to do that too believe it or not;)


Agreed and a very important and fair point even if I want to carry there.


There are a number of places that prohibit guns in my state and each and every one of those places is succeeding in only one thing. They are successfully making each and everyone in side that business a potential victim of gun violence. We recently had someone walk into a school which it was prohibited to carry a gun. There was no one inside that was armed because they were all law abiding citizens… no one to stop this lunatic woman. 14 minutes after she entered the school there were 3 adults and 3 children who would never go home. If the powers that be cared one iota about safety in places like this they would remove all those signs. Signs will not stop an individual bent shooting innocent people only a good guy with a gun can!

