Combating mass shootings

@George16, you don’t have to agree with @Wildrose, but please state your argument instead of personal attacks.

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That was not meant sarcastically.

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I was agreeing humourously.

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No not at all. My dry sense of humor strikes again. I apologize if I set you off, Charles. It was not the intent.

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AH! Ok - I get it now! Sorry, didn’t come across like that in text. :blush:

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“My Bad”. LOL. The reason that is funny is because I can"t stand that phrase. Although it does release you from all responsibility.


Emotes are a big help especially if the message is ambiguous. :grinning:

What’s obviously an intent at humor in a face to face discussion can come off as a snide personal shot when written very easily.


I wasn’t really “triggered”, just wanted you to state the disagreement if there is one. No problem.


LOL! I almost typed “My Bad.” I know we’ve had other conversations about that phrase in the Community. :rofl:

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Something about that phrase has always just rubbed me the wrong way, don’t know what but it just does.

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It releases you from responsibility and the need to actually apologize. That is the way I have always taken it.

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It just sounds “Valley Girlish” to me I guess.

I think it’s short for "my bad move’ or “my mistake” but I wouldn’t bet the farm on it.

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