Thank you. I apologize for that. I am new to threads. Typically I am a Facebook or TikTok user. I know in Facebook a lot of times if you are in several groups, you have to post several times the same topic. I will bear that in mind for future reference.
Thank you, sir, and again welcome.
Hi Justan
take a few minutes and research this thread and hopefully it will get you started. Ill be back on later tonight to help you out how ever I can
@Justan Just a few of many threads on this topic.
Church Security: Teams and situations - Miscellaneous - USCCA Community (
Church Security Training - Firearm Training - USCCA Community (
Church Security Team - Miscellaneous - USCCA Community (
Church Security Procedures - Miscellaneous - USCCA Community (
Church Security/Safety - Firearm Training - USCCA Community (
Welcome to the family brother @Justan and we are happy you are with us.
Thank you. I’m probably not very good with threads. I don’t typically use them. But it is nice to have another way to connect with like-minded people!
Just an. Welcome to the community. . You can also ask god to protect your church. And . Have a root beer. and stay . Sharp. Sir. Love Bobby Jean. Sir.
Justan JOHNNYq60, is an . . Preacher. And an instructor. For the USCCA. And a . Law enforcement. Official. And . He is LIKE MINDED. Sir. Tick tock I don’t know . But this is the USCCA community . And you can follow the rules . And . You don’t need to cry. We are family. And yes we have trolls . So welcome to the family . Have a waffle SIR
I know I’m late to your conversation but want to recommend some free and very good training. This is presented by a Christian who is 30 year career LEO, 20 years as SWAT. His weekly emails include lots of information and not spam trash. Free on-line training covering so many topics relative to church security and safety. I signed up with them last year after searching for additional training for my church’s security team which I lead. Check them out. Christian Warrior Training.
@Joseph464 Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you with us.
Thank you Bruce26! I’ve been a member of USCCA for a number of years now and finally decided to check out the Community.
Hello and welcome @Joseph464
Thank you!
Welcome to the family brother @Joseph464 and we are happy to have you with us.
Thank you all