CC Courtesy

You make valid points and I appreciate the feedback. When it comes to public places I’m 100% in agreement. My concern is focused in the etiquette for when visiting a private residence, especially if they are not pro 2a. I have friends and family that would not be comfortable with a gun in their home and I will respect their wishes.


@David237 If I were with people I didn’t know well I would not say a word. But when with friends and relatives my request to them is always the same. That I have committed myself to mine, and others protection. And that if they see me draw my gun, I would very much appreciate it if they would fall to the ground.


@TexasEskimo, I guess the operative words you’ve mentioned are, “friends and relatives.” But even that can meet with opposition. Your phraseology may also suggest that they submit to your action or will, which could also be perceived as terroristic - don’t you think? In saying, “friends and relatives,” I’m assuming that you’re suggesting that they already “know” and are “cool” with you carrying concealed, yes/no?! Otherwise, we are back at square one, no?

By the mere mentioning of your Concealed carry may trigger the opposite response or thought pattern, it could cause people - unfamiliar or uninitiated or faint at heart as it pertains - to feel a certain way, may it be founded or unfounded. Their minds now are focused or preoccupied by the fact that YOU have a gun.

You argue the point of your commitment being for their protection (as well as your own). But who asked you? H
ow many peoples’driving do you trust above your own? Why should they now trust you with a gun when they may or may not be equally equipped?

I guess my point is, if there is no mention where there is no requirement to make mention, then why mention anything about it at all?! Because it can and often does have a profound psychological impact, and upon some more so than others. You can open a can you cannot close. And once that seed is planted it will grow! So, the questions are: 1. Is it necessary to carry, there? 2. Is it necessary to raise the subject of it? 3. Should the subject be raised by you?

If it’s not necessary, then the question is a big fat, why raise the subject at all?!


@David237 If they perceive the 2nd Amendment as “terroristic”… then they are not my friend. I am expecting them to submit to the Bill of Rights, not me.
But… excellent point David. :+1:


@TexasEskimo, bless your heart my friend. Just trying to learn the ropes. New to USCCA, not to concealed carry, but even with that, there is an awesome amount of learning to be achieved. Good dialog adds to that process. Thanks.


I treat private residences like businesses. If you don’t support my rights, I’m gone. However, in short visits like just dropping off or picking up a package or a child, ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’.


Living in California with CC permit.

When visiting my grand kids I leave it in my car. When baby siting around town with my Family I always carry.

When visiting friends and out on the town I carry all the time. My close friends are very thankful that I CC. It also makes me the DD.

At family home Party’s I leave it in the Car.


Thanks for the feedback Jeffrey. Welcome to the community!


No need for them to know…after all it is supposed to be concealed. If it comes out that they are averse to the idea then lock it up in a travel safe in your car.


Pretty funny…everyone here has done the “back pat” or the “shirt tug” at one time or another.


I am always carrying when I leave my home. I donʻt advertise it. I donʻt ask them if they are okay with it and as I said, I donʻt mention it or advertise it. If my friends/relatives would be uncomfortable with me carrying concealed in their home then I more than likely would limit my visits to their home and/or spend the night elsewhere.


If it is not family, I carry it concealed, but don’t say anything.
If it is family, I carry openly.
I do not ask permission and I don’t tell them I’m carrying unless they ask me.
If they asked me not to carry in their home, it is their home, so I would comply with their wishes and take it to my car.


My family and friends know that I carry and none have expressed any concerns about that fact. There really is no reason for concern unless there are children present. In that case I am extra careful to not reveal that there is a firearm present.


Since I have been carrying, and it has only been for a couple weeks because Illinois is so behind on issuing permits, in the event I am not armed, and this is going to sound funny, I feel naked without it.


I carry everywhere Im legally allowed to. I dont advertise the fact. If they ask me to leave I will but I will not go back.


SAME!!! Glad I have a brother say the same thing!

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Also, I lost my deceased father’s side of the family over mothers day last year. I told them I was carrying(excise grammar) Well they got drunk and I don’t drink either my 89-year-old Oma as well the messed up thing is my grandfather(opa German for because opa met her while stationed in Germany before Vietnam) who was Vietnam vet USAF 21 YEARS deceased 2010 taught me everything about firearms.

After they showed out…AS HARD as it is and being a Christian makes it even worse on convection but, I cant forgive them.


Got one on my front and back doors. Got them free from one of the holster companies I’ve dealt with.


Welcome @Gregory_L1!

Glad to have you with us!

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Glad you have your permit. I have mine and feel a lot safer then I did before I had it. Now days people aren’t taught respect and think they can do what they want.