I want to take a moment to brag on my son. Hopefully that is alright. He just got back from a week long Boy Scouts camp and showed me his target. This is from the .22 rifle range there. I am very proud of him for shoting so well that I will share a picture of his target.
That’s awesome. I learned to shoot at Scout Camp in Pennsylvania (Camp Seph Mack) in the late 60’s. It’s great to hear the the BSA is still teaching new generations of shooters!
What state is the camp in and and how old are the kids?
Great job!
Good job !
@Stephen1 he goes to camp Raven Knob in North Carolina. He is 13 and this is his 3rd year as a Boy Scout. Started him in Cub Scouts as a Tiger. His den leader had to step down their 2nd year due to a family reason so I took over. It’s been a really good experience for him. A great program that more kids should take advantage of but don’t.
I’m happy to hear that the Boy Scouts are still doing firearms training. The first time I ever shot a gun was at Boy Scout summer camp back in the mid '60s.
I’m happy your son shot great. But for us chl holders don’t take pictures of your target or a selfie with it this kind of stuff can have a tendicy to cause you harm in court in a self defense altercation. Best to shoot see how you did and throw it away. I don’t honestly care how good anyone can shoot that’s good for them as long as I train and I see my mistakes I will keep a mental image of it instead and focus my next train at the range then.
@Peter thank you for your opinion. I don’t post pictures of my own targets online. Just a proud mother of a 13 year old son is all. Technically, anything we do online or offline can cause harm in court in a self defense altercation. Including participating in gun forums discussing carrying and carry related topics. All depends upon the prosecutor and what they are willing to say, do, or spin around to convince a jury in order to win a case.
Excellent work by the young man. I started shooting 50’ small bore at around age 13 and it was great experience to build upon for the future.
@WildRose thank you, I am proud of him. I agree that it is a great experience to start with.
I totally agree ma’am . I’m not trying to down a proud mother. I’m a proud father of 2 daughter’s. I just wanted to add that so other folks think before they put themselves out there on the chopping block.
People come down on both sides of that one… it can indeed be used against you by a prosecutor. It can also be used for you by your attorney to build your credibility. This was discussed on another thread but I can’t find it at the moment, maybe @dawn can turn it up and link it.
One of my favorite Scout activity that I performed when my son was in Scouts and even after he left Scouting, was being the Range Master for Cub Scout BB Gun and Boy Scout .22. I was lucky enough to be entrusted with the development of these wonderful young men. I was the first person that introduced them to firearms more often than not. For that I thank each and everyone of them for allowing me be a small part of their lives.
@Edward_D that is really cool.
Lacy, that is awesome!!! I hope you continue to develop his skill set.
I had the honor and privilege to be a Scout Range Master for a few years and the shooting sports badges were the coveted ones at summer camp since most times they could not be gotten any other way. I also had the opportunity to address the topic to more than a few “horrified” parents that came to me after their son proudly showed off targets. I spoke to the respect, discipline, concentration and application of a new skill set that their child had attained. Some were just rabidly anti-gun and others (most of them) were concerned that their “very unfocused child” shouldn’t be around guns. To them I suggested that the level of concentration displayed by their son would lead me to develop MORE shooting skills as it focused the boy. Some actually did so.
That is really awesome you were a Scout Range Master. Yes, I do plan to further my son’s skill set.
Don’t you mean Scout camp. The Boy Scouts, unfortunately, no longer exist. As an Eagle scout it depresses me greatly that such a wonderful organization has been destroyed.
@Christopher1 yes the organization has gone inclusive but I am used to calling it “Boy Scouts”. Just because they are allowing all youth regardless of gender and gender identity doesn’t mean the organization is destroyed. I will warn you to think twice before spewing rhetoric and hate about how a transgender youth or cisgender girl shouldn’t be allowed into a boys group. Because you never know who you may be talking to and possibly offend online (because I’m sure you don’t like to be offended also). Namely this transgender woman who happens to be the proud mother of the son who shot that target. Yes, you read that correctly.
If you take a deeper look into the program not much has changed beside who is allowed to join. Or at least the troop and camp where my son goes to hasn’t. In fact even back in the late 80’ early 90’s some troops allowed girls to join. Although it didn’t fall under the BSA guidelines some troops did allow it.
I’m sure you just shocked a lot of people into silence. That said I don’t care. I’ve taught boys, girls, men & women and those that “Identify”. I don’t particularly care. You show up to my classes with long sleeves, long pants, sturdy shoes and a high neck collar as well as safety gear and you perform. You are all special, in that I don’t trust any of you until you prove your competence and the gun is out of your hands. Same for the Scouts except they are in camp garb. I am proud of all of them.
Suffice to say encourage your young shooter to continue his/her trek into the shooting sports. Remember the first medal for the US in the Brazil Olympics was for GUN CONTROL. A giggly Sophomore from WV University won GOLD!!!