Biden weaponizing the DoJ?

Happy Birthday :confetti_ball: :partying_face: @Karacal enjoy your day!


Thanks for reminding me that my warranty is about to expire :rofl:


Weā€™ve been trying to reach you. Press 1 to talk to an agent now.


Happy birthday!


Thank you, it will be in 41 minutesšŸ¤£


Itā€™s 01:22 hereā€¦Itā€™s an excuse for early birthday drinks!


Going out on the BLM for some hostage target/dueling tree practice :sunglasses:


Winning a vehicle is not a method nor a form of pay. That is why the recipients are responsible for the taxes. A piece of property in lieu of monitary payment for a job is still PAY for a job. Nice and cute try. And the buisiness burnt by the pilice offjcer from St. Paul, MN? Is that the Black Lives Matters person and people that you are speaking of, or perhaps the collective of apprehended people in various cities across our country that have been convicted for destruction and arson that ARE NOT & Never were members of Black Lives Matter yet wanted everyone to believe that is who caused the destruction? Or are you picking out the actual people that were and are members of the Black Lives movement that took it upon themselves to be so stupid and got kicked out of the organization? Iā€™m not going to say ā€œno members of the movementā€ caused destruction. But i will point out that the majority of the mahem and destruction is and was performed by people with alterior motives and wanted you and others to tgink it was done by the movement. The greatest purveyors of misinformation, to this day, is tucker carlson, info wars jones and brightburp.

Fair enough.

Recipients of wages and bonuses are responsible for taxes on those as well. Iā€™m confused on how this affects the employer. Please explain your point. Also, if you would be so kind as to cite any sources you reference, so I can read them as well. That way we can be on the same page. I am admittedly behind on my knowledge of tax code these daysā€¦I may learn something.

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When i was gereral manager in Texas and doing the payroll, any and all methods of payment must have a dollar value for taxes, paid by the accounting service (employer) then sent to the I.R.S. Then that will get reflected on the W-2 to the employee at the end of the year when the individual files for tax year and requests the refund as an over payment. I have done this at many places i have performed the duties of payroll. I sight the Texas operation in tgis posting because Texas does not have invome tax. Therefor one should recognize that this is a federal duty and responsibility. Other states that i was performing these tasks did the same at state levels. I do not have the vodes for you however, they are available on the internet undrer tax codes payroll.

Brandon has accomplished what no other president has accomplished in the same amount of time!

  • Only President to fall UP a flight of stairs

  • Only President to fall off a bicycle

  • Only President to run out of gas and sell its reserves to the enemy

  • Only President to intentionally kill military service members

  • Only President to leave Americans behind in enemy territory with a cash of secret weapons for the enemy $85,000,000,000 worth

  • Only President to actively destroy Americans and the American way of life

  • Only American President who is anti-American

  • Only President to openly collude with and aid and abet foreign enemies

  • Only President to open borders, inviting an invasion into a sovereign nation

  • Only President weā€™ve allowed to kill Americans with drugs and by freezing them to death

  • Only President to turn more boys into girl

  • Only President to bring us closer to nuclear war than Kennedy

  • Only President to usurp the office of the Presidency

  • Only President to have a family member commit more felonies than Charles Manson and Ted Buddy combined

  • Only President to sniff more hair than a dog

  • Only President to openly lie to our faces, all politicians lie, most do it in private

  • Only President with a Cabinet of liars

  • Only President to surrender

We donā€™t need anymore accomplishments!

Death rides in a black limousine, not on a pale horse!


I know you must be trolling at this point. Letā€™s see

  1. Hunter Biden laptop.
  2. Hillary fake Russia claims.
  3. Jeffrey Epstein
  4. Joe Biden potpourri of issues.
  5. Nancy Pelosi and husband amassing over $300 million from stock trading over companies she had oversight.
  6. Anything AOC has ever said.
  7. All of the big tech companies censorship
  8. Narrative on hate attacks being completely wrong.
  9. All of lame stream media outright lying. Then putting a retraction after truth comes out.
  10. Coronavirus screwed so bad that the left is literally begging for COVID Amnesty.
  11. 6 years of lies trying to find ANYTHING to pin on Trump.
  12. An all you can eat buffet of distortions on the 2nd Amendment.
  13. 51 members of the Intelligence Community swearing Hunter Bidenā€™s laptop was Russian Disinformation, now pulling a Bill Clintonā€™s what the meaning of is, is. Watched several of them being interviewed, all of them saying ā€œWe didnā€™t say it was Russian disinformation, just that it had all of the hallmarks of Russian disinformationā€.
  14. Main Stream Media now being forced to admit that the laptop is real.
  15. Joe Biden being completely compromised since he was the Vice President.
  16. Joe Bidenā€™s repeated claim that his son Beau was an Iraq War decorated dying in Iraq as a war hero.
  17. Everything that has happened since 2021 to the American public.
  18. Saying that January 6th is the worst thing to EVER have happened in the history of the United States.
  19. Trying to pin the defund the police movement on anyone but the people who did it.
  20. The complete BS of distorting economic and in 2 years adding a 50% increase to American Debt.
  21. Artificial usage of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
  22. Promising debt forgiveness to students, even though the President does not have that power.

I will stop at 22 for 2022.

CSpan will be must watch TV with the new Congress and now Republicans have subpoena power.


As a former professional Forensic Accountant l can assure anything that is in the IRS tax code (all 22,000 pages) can be argued (and successfully) in whatever way you want.

So waiting on the forum poster Gonzo to post anything declarative. Is a waste of time.


Joseph Goebbels would be extremely proud of you!

Iā€™m sure that took a while to obtain, it sounds like a terrible time.
@Gonzo333 while that may be true, do you know if he hired his employees as independent contractors?

All of my independent contractors are and were responsible for their own taxes. Independent contractors are not the same tax responsibility as emoyee. They recieve a 1099. Sorry, i thought we had already discussed this. Perhaps it was another person i had a very similar discussion with.

The special prosecutor is a Democrat ploy, that worked well before, to lock down all information from FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests. Doing so with the Russia collusion hoax effectively hid the lie buried in the FBI methods for obtaining FISA warrants, that the source was a confidential human informant BASED IN Russia, when in fact Demchenkos was based in Virgina.

ā€œIn one instance, prosecutors accuse Danchenko in FBI interviews of hiding that a US-based PR executive with ties to Democratic politics was a source of his and helped him network for Steeleā€™s work.
ā€œPR Executive-l maintained historical and ongoing involvement in Democratic politics, which bore upon PR Executive-lā€™s reliability, motivations, and potential bias as a source of information,ā€ the indictment states.ā€

(Quoting CNN is difficult for me, but it covers the issue well)
Durham probe: Russian analyst who was source for Steele dossier arrested and charged with lying to FBI - CNNPolitics

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You arenā€™t understanding my question, but thatā€™s ok. We had not yet discussed this. I am well aware of how taxes work for independent contractors, as I was one for a few years. Let me educate myself on this particular allegation against Mr Trump a wee bit more for a short period, and I will get back to you. :wink: :kissing_heart:

  1. You donā€™t have to pay for all of those student loans.

Ahhh the intellectual retort of a snowflake :snowflake:. Especially when they know they have no capacity.

Call anyone they can not respond too a Nazi, Racist, Homophobic, or any of a host of other epiphets. Would you like me to post 22 more pieces of misinformationā€¦ ?