Arrested for Burning Flag Burners Banner


Thanks for the post, It’s getting harder and harder to find out what’s going on.


Yes it does.


I’m so glad people like this will be in charge in 15 days…and that 1/2 of what was our great country seem to agree with their motive and tactics. :rocket:

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If you’re moving the agenda forward it seems any means necessary is acceptable, however if you question or resist it any means will be deemed illegal.


From that story:

Tarrio, who is Afro-Cuban and the son of Cuban exiles who fled Fidel Castro’s brutal communist regime after several family members were killed, has been charged for burning a Black Lives Matter banner during free speech demonstrations that occurred in the nation’s capitol in December of 2019. Recent news reports had indicated that the DC police were investigating Tarrio for the perfectly legal free speech demonstration and were even considering elevating the charge by designating it as a hate crime.

So, they want to charge a black man with a hate crime against blacks? Can these Leftists have any further twisted logic?


Every country protects honor of its flag with vigilance and jealousy. Why shouldn’t BLM country protect its flag from this American, Tarrio? He is lucky if they just deport him back to America.


Not the USA. In the USA burning the USA flag is a protected First Amendment right.

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You don’t go to jail for burning an American flag, why should you go to jail for burning a BLM banner or flag?


It was a jest.


Small details matter.
He was arrested for burning a stolen BLM flag.
Keep watching and see what the prosecutor does.

No different than Antifa/BLM burning stolen flags, hats, etc., of those they oppose.


Elsewhere on this forum, I said that free speech like this is impossible, cannot exist. Calling for a specific, actionable plan aimed at destruction of the country, or for acts of violence against idetifiable groups of innocent people, slandering government officials, spewing what amounts to blood libel against people based on the colour of their skin - that’s abuse of free speech right, and the right will be taken away. How, when, I do not know, but I believe it will cease to exist.

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If it were not on the eve of the rally in DC. I would not be as concerned with it. If it were stolen and he did it he should pay the price. However this was reportedly done in Dec. To my knowledge he hasn’t been running or hiding from the law. This could have been handled well in advance of this rally.

People are taking this arrest as a clear message of bias towards a political viewpoint. I refuse to believe law enforcement is that disconnected that they didn’t know exactly how this was going to be precieved.


Tactics happened. Interdiction. Like vaccine announcement delayed till Nov 5th, or NY Post laptop story suppression. Can’t blame them for being smart.

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Cancel culture has canceled free speech. Now it’s only agreeable speech. College campuses have been doing this for years not allowing certain speakers on campus for the sole reason of FEAR of violence from those who oppose the speakers message


The fear is founded, they are vicious people.

My kids are still many years away from college, but I honestly don’t know where I would comfortably send them to study.


Correct, but we cannot also just sit on our thumbs and wish for blue skies. Political action does work. Rallies do work. Contacting our representatives can work, though I will admit the ones that cling to the Leftist ideology, at least the ones I have had contact with, are not able to react with logic and reason. I still hold out hope that there is a dark spot in their enlightened soul where the spark of rational thought resides.


There you said it. I can observe that gangsterism, fraud and censorship bested law and honesty. Let’s see how far they can go on these principles.


You’re correct, and there is plenty of evidence to support those concerns.

The other side of that coin is by allowing the threat of violence to muffle voices we are empowering the violence and it will only get stronger.

I am NOT saying it’s easy or looking down on those who worry about the violence. I have kids too and honestly I don’t know where I would stand when faced with them being exposed to these decisions. Please don’t take my comments as calling anyone out, I’m not trying too. I just believe that pandering to violence with only bring more violence