I for one, don’t need a postit note with that on it!
And yes, in this instance, I’m actually TRYING to be a dick!
I for one, don’t need a postit note with that on it!
And yes, in this instance, I’m actually TRYING to be a dick!
I guess my answer was overly simplistic. There’s a lot to the Bible. For those who believe, it’s a lifetime of learning about God, humanity, our relationships with each other and with God, and more. Marriage is a lifetime of learning about your partner, and yourself, honestly. It’s not much different than that.
It’s not for everyone. Obviously you don’t need or want that. That’s cool. From what I know of you on this forum, I respect you. For others, it’s very important. Peace brother.
Edited to add, there is truth in your summary- don’t be a dick. If everyone lived by that the world would be a better place.
I can appreciate that!
Thank you.
There are only 66 books inside that book but I have not yet read every single one of them.
I could’ve stopped with the reading of the 10 commandments
but I want to know more about the God I worship.
Get reading!!!
God is in your heart.
I hope you can read that in one of your 66 books!
The Ten Commandments
Respect GOD
Respect ALL humans
There are some humans I cannot respect, such as ISIS, so I fall short.
Me too and I can’t trust myself to do the right thing.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.
That’s the problem.
Thankfully, the same passage that says everyone fell short also offers the solution.
@Will_B I can appreciate the sarcasm in your post with a smile.
I’ve read the Bible several times. I essentially have a college minor in Bible. We memorized a lot of verses and passages in fulfillment of those courses. It was wonderful.
I think many folks don’t understand what the Bible really is. I have sticky notes on my computer monitor. My daughter, the apple of my eye, wrote them to me. I’ll keep them until they wear out and even then I’ll have pictures of them forever. She loves me. I love her. I’ll read her words over and over and over again.
God wrote a book! He wrote a book to me! The most powerful person in the universe cares enough about me to speak his words and give them to me! Why would I read it only once?
It’s not merely a book of commands.
Psalm 19:7 and following says,
“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.”
The words law, statutes, commandments, etc. are all words referring to the Bible. What kind of law is the Bible? One that rejoiced the heart! That’s why we read it.
I want what the Bible offers. And it offers me all of this through a person: Jesus the Word of God (John 1:1 & following).
Why do I read the Bible? Because, like reading the notes my daughter left me, I have a relationship with the author. And I want to develop that relationship even more. It’s not about a book. It’s about the person who wrote it.
Here is a nice summary of why many of us read and reread the Bible. It’s worth a few minutes of your time.
I say this with all respect to you and others of different persuasions.
The notes from your daughter are true and heartfelt.
I savor those precious moments with my sons as well!
That is where god can be found imho.
The book though, was penned by man.
The Koran is another book penned by man that many read as well.
As is any witches grimiore, those are personal and individual to the witch who pens them.
We all experience god in our own way, I find it outside of print.
Love it! Mine came in yesterday and I wore it today!
Also, welcome @Walter113 !
Well…we do have the app now LOL All kidding aside I do like to carry some things in my backpack assuming that they fit with essentials. For example, I just put a pocket Declaration/Constitution in it because it took no space up. Kind of why I was wondering if there’s a good EDC Bible or New Testament that could just fit in there without taking up a lot of space.
The Bible don’t say that. Actually says the heart is deceitful in Jeremiah 17:9. That’s why we need Jesus to come inside our heart.
So your heart is wrong,…
Displace god in your heart and replace it with someone else’s interpretation of god?
That makes less than no sense to me.
Well if your heart is deceitful sounds like to me that’s why church is esssential and submitting one’s self under the guidance of a good pastor or shepherd is wise.
There can be many intepretations but it still boils down to one absolute truth.
Like God himself per the Bible is absolute. Whatever He says, goes. God doesn’t make choices. He exists in eternity, sees the start and finish so whatever He says is what He says.
Like God’s abilities, are far superior than any Marvel/DC comic character.
Men can disagree but it don’t matter because God already said it and only God can take it back.
That’s what makes God, God.
We can’t use our minds to try to figure God out so that’s what His Word is for.
I mean even without the Bible, we do know that a being that claims to be God would definitely be alien to our 3D realm.
The God of the Bible is clearly not of this realm or dimension.
He is near to us because His realm is right next to ours but we can’t decode it with our 3D senses.
God is not far from us because realms or dimensions aren’t distances away, but rather they are interlocked time and spaces away.
This means that we’re merely a portal of time away from God.
God permeates all existence.
The air you breathe,
The ground you walk on,
Even the cells of your body!
As you said…
Why does one need to displace god that exists in one’s heart with the interpretation of god as laid down by another?
That seems to be the work of the devil, if said entity exists.
I’m not perfect, never claimed to be, but this is a struggle to understand.
We are only humans… I’ve got a Priest in my Family, I spent almost every vacation with him… one thing I learnt from him: I don’t need to understand, what I need to do is to believe.
There is nothing to argue about, no reason to convince anyone to anything. Each of us has his / her own believing… We can believe in any form of God… or none… as long as this believing accepts the truth that happens each day around us.
Saying this in simple words - you can believe in whatever you want… just don’t be a dickhead, live and let others live.
believe is required actually…
church and the Bible are for knowing/understanding…
thing is…
someone tells you the Bible says burning down a neighbors house with him and his family in it is good???
IF you have done your reading and understanding of the word you would KNOW how to reply…
You and I agree on this and I am happy to find places of agreement. Happy to discuss further if you want, but I certainly don’t want to be pushy. Let me know if I can ever be of help.
If you want to rely on your “heart” go right on ahead.
The Bible says the exact opposite though.
And have you been paying attention lately post-2020?
Everything that’s been happening in our world right now was predicted by the Bible.
The Bible is a 4th dimensional document and all the things Jesus foresaw way back then, has happened, or is going to happen even now.
Have you been paying attention lately?
The Paris Olympics basically showed you everything the Bible said would happen even down to the rider and the pale horse.
They were mocking Jesus but actually all they really did was prove that the Bible is true and real.
The Bible predicted that folks would rise up and try to go against God because of their own immoral desires or lust.
They even had a child in the midst of the perversion.
Our world is becoming increasingly wicked just as in the days of Noah.
If a woman can be punched by a man in boxing sports during the Paris Olympics while other men sit by and do nothing then yes we are definitely in a wicked world.