another vacation

of course he is taking another vacation. he’s not really in charge, he’s nothing but a puppet :fu: #FJBLGB


Destroying the country is hard work . . . . So is being that incompetent.


You talking about our illustrious POOPY PANTS?


He’s getting them in while he’s above ground. I wonder if Hunters hookers and blow joined them?


Meh. I’ve noticed that no matter who is in the White House, the opposing party will complain that he takes too many vacations. As if the president, whoever it is, can’t perform any presidential duties away from the Oval Office.

I’m not defending Mr. Biden, but I’m not bothered that he’s away from the White House. Heck, I hope he enjoys the Caribbean and decides to stay.


Biden is always mentally on vacation, the fact that he is out of the Country just means its more difficult for him to continue screwing up America until he gets back, I’m all for him staying there permanently!


Absolutely :100: correct :+1::+1::+1:


Maybe, if we are lucky, if everyone on the island runs to one side, it could flip over!
These are the (_______________) running the country !



Guys… you’re so cruel. Give him a break…
Everybody needs a vacation. :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Ha!! Thats been a while i almost forgot that happened :grin::sweat_smile::rofl:


He has not been “in” yet. He does not even have the mental acuity to know how to get off a podium by himself - he clearly is not the one running our country.


C’mon, let’s give the man a break. You know he needs a vacation. Have you seen him shuffling about lately. Have you seen his wife hurrying to give him something to put in his mouth? Have you seen him walk off into never land while he was on stage with her? Have you seen him wave at people that were not visible? During one of his brief speeches, there was a notable pause, I don’t know if it was his teleprompter that stalled, or he took a quick micro knap. Yeah, I’d say he needs a break. And perhaps more than that. The Office of the President is no laughing matter. It will definitely wear one out, which is why we should really consider age limits. IMO.


We’re not far at all from, “what is my name and why am I here?”


You are absolutely right! Can you imagine: “Giving a hard speech to a group of WestPoint graduates and out of nowhere just start laughing (at nothing) and then seconds later get back on task?” Yeah, you’re right. Or walk off, and just keep on walking, like you really had to be somewhere that you’re already arrived at. Yeppers! A vacation, a nap, a diaper change, and a hot toddy ought to do the trick.


VADM Stockdale’s infamous “Who am I? Why am I here?” was a legitimate rhetorical question to introduce himself, but he was ruthlessly mocked by the media because he challenged the status quo of the two party system. At the same time the press mocked this MoH recipient as a lost old man, he was teaching philosophy at Stanford.

Contrast that with the way the press protects the current president, who seems to genuinely have moments where he’s lost or doesn’t know his role.


You know how people get back home and say “I need a vacation from my vacation?”



Sorry but Biden should be in DC with all of the crisis going on in the world and in our own country. We have an OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER that he refuses to go to to see just how bad it is. And it is all of his own doing. And the war in Ukraine that never would have happened if he had shown more toughness towards Russia. Biden keeps showing that he is NO LEADER AND THAT HE IS WEAK. A President should be in his office when there are MAJOR PROBLEMS AND WORLD ISSIUES GOING ON. Yet Biden keeps going on vacations either back to his home in Delaware or someplace in the world. And not doing his damn job. I just saw a report that Biden has been on some type of vacation around 40% of his time in office. BIDEN IS NO LEADER. HE IS NOTHING MORE THAN A PUPPET.


Come to think of it further, I think a career change would probably be more suitable, maybe more of hotdog cart, of just take up napping. What’d ya think? POTUS just looks sleepy. No pun intended.