Adventure into Adulthood! (

From the article:

  1. Life is hard.
  2. Life is dangerous (and lethal; see point #8, below).
  3. Life isn’t “fair”.
  4. Life is not just about you.
  5. You’re not that important.
  6. You’re not in control.
  7. Your excuses will never interest anyone.
  8. You’re going to die.

Now, I don’t know about all you folks (except USCCA members in say Salt Lake City :laughing:)
But this Bullsh** is happening almost on a daily basis. (Insane acts of Violence)
Here in ‘Cactus Junction’ A man was having an affair w/ a married woman in a Public park and the Hazbin showed up (‘with a Friend’) threatened his life and bodily harm and the guy (Giglio) stepped on the gas and ran hubby over.
$120K of Fentanyl pills/(38) guns, $250K in cash found in (11) homes just (2) weeks ago… and on and on. On our Airbase, the Security is Condition RED…why? .gov say’s ‘Routine Measures’ REALLY?
SERIOUSLY? M4’s and Shepard’s for the gate guards (SP’s) now I’ve been on base a zillion times and it’s usually just sidearms a lot of them! but just sidearms)
(and an occasional (105mm) Howitzer if the SP’s are feeling frisky! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
There are Perimeter incursions happening on base weekly…why would they do that? Duuuuuuuuuuh!

Be EXTREMELY Careful folks, Please don’t take unnecessary chances, BE ARMED, AWARE, VIGILANT.
‘IF’ this recent story is accurate: Supreme :face_vomiting: Court siding w/ Skid mark Joe is valid or It was suggested it’s ‘Disinformation’ to wake up the Shepple—If you’re NOT AWAKE by now, you never will be (My Opinion). Whatever the case is THEY(bad elements) are here in large numbers, spread out nicely, and they are still coming. They’ve taken the Playbook straight Outta Red Dawn my Brothers and Sisters.

Protect your loved one’s and the INNOCENT’s around you. STAY ALIVE! God Bless.

Mi dos pesos
adonde nosotros vamos uno nosotros ir todo!!!
Nessun passo sul serpente


WOW… Now where is he going to get his firewood from after leaving his deliveryman,
unconscious and helpless laying in the street?
I thought this was Texas where Men were Men?
Or was the other guy a cali transplant?
Sooo many ???s here.


First things first #8 I will never die. You may think I am dead, I have just left my body.
My wife and I do Airbnb all the time. In our home and rental and when we travel. Thanks for the heads up.

It is not like it isn’t happening. It is happening in Israel and I would think something similar Ukrain.


WOW----How could you leave somebody to DIE! like that?
RUNAWAY was funny in Monty Python’s Grail…Real life though?
How could somebody be such a Poooosie?


Terror either invokes fight or flight. Hope I have the courage if the situation arises.


No One can really know what they will do when a situation arises
Before my first fire-fight I was scared to death!
Fortunately they hit us days earlier than predicted and I didn’t sit around
worrying about ‘How I’d act/perform’ a kinda ass-backwards blessing!
I hate to harp on this but that is why : Training, training, training is so damn important!
You’ll do well if you can defend, respond, act accordingly (I know I am a broken record, apologies)
It’s Instinctive, repetitious, automatic movements that will get you through
WE ARE LIONS! If something happens! TEAR THEM UP!


Roger that.


ME: “Officer my delivery driver and I were unloading firewood and this naked lunatic grabbed a stick of firewood after an argument and threatened the delivery driver. I drew my weapon and double tapped him.”
Local LEO: “Oh ok. ‘Dispatch cancel that ambulance and send the coroner to my location’”


Don’t forget to get the number for the CLEANER CREWS, I lost the card from the last time! :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:
wait! It’s outside right? Never mind, I’ll just get my hose! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


But isn’t that the mantra of the day, Don’t resist, don’t defend yourself, don’t fight with others. How many times have we seen it, Deescalate and retreat, Be a Good Witness…

“911 what’s your Emergency?”
“There a naked guy beating my firewood supplier to death with a stick”
" Ok, did you get his name and address?"
“NO, I better go out there and save his Life!”
“AAA Sir Stay In Your Home, The Police ARE on their way, ETA 9 minutes”
“That’s a good thing, he’ll get tired and put the stick down.”
“No, My Friend, the one on the ground, He’s in Big Trouble he isn’t going to survive”
“Sir Stay on the phone in your home, Do Not Attempt to defend him.”
“Ok Sir, what is he wearing?”
“Why is your friend unloading fire wood naked and if you continue to be aggressive I’ll terminate this call, Just stay in your home…”


He wants to remain anonymous. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Sounds like that happened in Idaho. A very prejudiced state. Will not allow me to vote 30 times. Will not allow dead people to vote. I now live there sense 2006. (I wish I had moved there 41 years sooner.


Ya know, didn’t Billy Joel write (and sing) “Only the good die young”?

Maybe it’s time we all are prepared to get ‘dirty’.

Unarmed is a death sentence.