Up 89%, that’s like all most doubled, that’s got to be A Lot of peoples… Right?
Well… No,
“the Black population in Utah totaled 72,756 as of 2023, according to one-year American Community Survey estimates. That’s up 89% from the figure for 2010, 38,539,”
“The concentration of the Black population, 2.1% of Utah’s total headcount as of 2023, represents a jump from 1.4% in 2010. Still, in both years, the state ranked 48th”
So when dealing with rather small numbers percentages look huge. So, to headline skimmers, read the text, sometimes the media actually makes themselves look ignorant.
According to data from the PIAAC (Program for International Student Assessment), only around 9% of Americans aged 16 to 65 are considered proficient in math, meaning a relatively small percentage of people have a high level of mathematical ability.
Key points about this statistic:
Low proficiency rate: The majority of adults do not reach a high level of math proficiency.
Varied skill levels: While some people may be able to perform basic calculations, more complex math concepts can be challenging for many.
Importance of context: The exact percentage can vary depending on the specific math skills being assessed and the population studied.
They figured people would read it. What they are trying to imply is it is an interesting article. The fact that they ranked 48th is irrelevant. Just my opinion.
Just about as interesting as when a family of Africans moved into my small hometown (in Europe) the African population increased by infinity, from zero to three. No clue where that ranked, nor do I find it interesting. Just everyday life, people move and have kids, therefore population densities vary.
They do the same with climate change. Depending on how far back in history, number can be very skewed. It is all about increasing emotion to qualify their position.
Sean me boy!
Welcome to the fold Brother
You are right where you’re suppose to be!
As for this pathetic article.
'The Legacy Media does ONE thing.
Ramp up the Fear Powder!
‘Oh dear, Black folk’s INVADING UTAH! Oh Dear!’
What? Black people aren’t ALLOWED in Utah?
There were that many blacks on 102nd street in Manhattan!
POP! the Champagne corks the day the Media Mob takes their last breath.
Maybe they are just trying to show the world that the State population isn’t made up only of white Mormons? Close but not quite😉
Kinda a “See we are diverse!!!” deceleration even though the numbers actually show Utah to still be one of the least diverse States?
I have heard a couple people in my little town point out how diverse we are because we have a couple of people who fit into the minority categories living here. I haven’t seen the official numbers but suspect the minority population here is 0.1% at best. Not necessarily a good or bad thing. Just the way it is.
Exactly! That was my point, really. It’s neither good nor bad, it just is. Some of the statements in the article though, made it seem like (to me) that there was an agenda behind it. Probably just me…I’m pretty jaded when it comes to the media.