13 schools are not proficient in math

Very sad. Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™d pass now??? I doubt it.


The new math?
If 4 trees catch fire in the Atlantic Ocean on a Tuesday while a stockbroker has a scotch watching his unicorn bake cookies how many Kiaā€™s will not be stolen?


Hmmmmm, 0-1


I live in Nevada. We are the lowest. We are 52 out of 52 statesšŸ˜œ.


I donā€™t know, Mississippi usually has a death grip on that position

Oh, the other two states must be DC and Puerto Rico!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::heart:

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13 schools not proficient in math, HA.
31 states not proficient in America!..
Iā€™m glad Iā€™ll be dead when these fools grow up to be slaves! You didnā€™t think this country is going to stay independent, did you?


Too bad this article is behind a pay wall.

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I was able to access it, and I am not a subscriber.

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Does that mean 29 states ā€œareā€ proficient in America or 31 states are proficient in something other than America. If 29 states are proficient in America and 31 arenā€™t proficient in any one thing, I would say that is good odds given the electoral college :relieved:. As long as they arenā€™t proficient in destroying America.

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Meanwhile, we have the China Communist Party buying up our private schools, as well as ā€œrespectedā€ educational journals. Theyā€™re playing the long game, folks, and we all better wake up fast.


From rhe article:

In May 2022, DeSantis signed legislation to create a ā€œVictims of Communism Dayā€ each year on November 7, at which time public-school teachers would be required to spend at least 45 minutes teaching students about communist leaders and how people have suffered under their regimes.

Good, now we every state and school district to enact the same.


Government employees teaching math. What could possibly go wrong?


Then they might buy that replacement toilet for only $1500 instead of 5k!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::crazy_face:

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