A few words of thought from me.

I’m sure it says something awful about me as a person. But I snicker (inside my head). Every time you say that. :joy::rofl:


“You’re Welcome Brother”.

I think I know what my problem is now. I’ve kept count of every single transgression since day one. From the mundane “amen… and a woman” to the “island of Guam is going to tip over if too many people run to one side”. To all the name calling and accusations for being a gun owner and a flag loving, oath taking citizen of the country I see being flushed down the toilet by a halfwit ( who condones crime and child trafficking ) and his side kicking, word slobbering, jabberwocky that could ( God forbid ) become…ok I can’t say it! President, shoot me now!

Yes the news in my house drones on 24/7, I have a need to know what the enemy is up to every second! One day they are sleeping with the enemy and the next is a drug cover up in the White House!
It’s an addiction. However, now recognizing the stress I’m plaguing myself with, it’s time for a new hobby. Yes, I can probably recite EVERY transgression every slip and fall in addition to every “passage of time, yellow school bus adventure through a venn diagram “.
From the surrender and murder of our service men and women to the time checking as their bodies landed back on U.S. soil! Who does that!
Disrespectful and shameful to the office of the presidency! Now 1/3 of our population doesn’t like the idea of patriotism?
With ideals like that, I’ll have to take up knitting to feel calm as Karl Marx is resurrected!

None of this crap would have happened on President Trumps watch!

It used to be range time, three times a week, Covid impacted that, dramatically and then governmental intrusions slowed me down to once a month and only when the grandkids come over! It’s not paranoia when they track your credit card spending and hire 87,000 armed agents ( which is more than the number of live votes he received ) or when they decide to raid and charge a former President of the United States.

He was right when he said they are not coming for him, they are coming after us! That pretty much keeps me in condition yellow/orange!

I have to say, logging in here has kept me sane. Can’t beat the memes and the friendly debates! That’s another thing the halfwit can’t endure. Is a debate among his own colleagues! What is he and the crack addict still doing in OUR White House? Time to chill!

There isn’t a writer in history that could have come up with what we are going through! When this movie finally comes out, it’s going to be a nail biter for anyone who didn’t live through it!


I’m right there with you brother.


Is some serious Verbage rant right there Brother!
I read it twice so far so I didn’t miss anything! BRAVO!
Pudding Pantz ( just for you Zavier :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:) does that to
ALL OF US! This is a Red Pill/ Blue Pill World now! And sometimes
I really couldn’t muster up a Phuck to give a SH–!
(OK, that was pretty good if I do say so myself :thinking:)
I have saved my sanity from moving our Large screen out of the
living room about (7) years ago. I don’t watch the Main Stream Mafia
anymore and I found my Blood pressure go down about 15 points.
Twitter is my new drug to UNBALANCE me w/ their stoopid stuff…
I come here to you guy’s to decompress from the SH-- ‘out there’ force fed to
us daily. It’s like they are laughing @ us, What can we do to blow the top
off their kettle today? Hmmmmmmmm… cocaine in the hell House, (8) more Million
dollars to the NAZI’s, Pence, Graham etc. trying to start WW3 ! It’s enough to make
me wish for the KOOL-AID!
But then I gather my toys, head out to the Mesa and blow away garth brooks cd’s, Dinero the commie, Alec baldwin films (yes ‘heat’ and the departed are no more)…and I smirk to myself when I
rake up the debris of there efforts. I must have dispatched to the hereafter (50) movies and cd’s
by now and I still have hundreds more I can’t watch anymore. Hanks, Ashton Cutcher? etc.
Saving Pvt Ryan will be tough for me to destroy but I’ll get over it.
I know some here are not TRUMPER’S but He double hockey sticks LIFE was good w/ Trump in the House! And only a serious denier can object.
Listen to this: FOR YEARS they were saying to INVEST in solar panels and now Pudding pantz wants to block out the sun? WTF! It’s almost so sad it’s funny!
So Scott, thank you for the rant (I tried to give you solace in that you are not alone)
We should make DC a Parking Lot and the New WH is mar-a-Lago!, Trumps image in stone on Rushmore,The Biden’s (ALL) in gitmo awaiting sentencing and “BANG”.
(This last bit ought to send the staunchest Democrap into a coma!)

Stay Chilled brother if you can’r Stay frosty!
Your Fox Hole brother


Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.


Don 1:02 "Kill them ALL Let GOD sort them OUT!

Warriors were NEVER Trained to retire


William 1:91 nuke’m till they glow. Makes it easier To shoot’m at night.


Very good article. I could not agree more.

However, my thoughts are that we (as a country) have lost our morals, respect for each other and a general attitude of “Me, Myself and I.” Seems like as each year passes, things are getting a little worse. This being said, I believe that as a country we will find our way back. I don’t know if I will see it (I’m 75) as we have a great and tremendous foundation to build upon.

Maybe, just maybe, the silent majority in this country will speak up!


I agree with you 100% I am 53 so I hope we see it happen soon. if not for us but, our kids and grandkids.
also welcome to the community @Rod16

Much of that depends on the parents. Teach your children well. Get active in monitoring what their schools are teaching them. “As the twig is bent, so will the tree grow.” If the schools are bending the twig in a way that is objectionable to you, it’s up to you to make that twig straight again. As things appear today, You may be the last opportunity that “this nation, conceived in Liberty, shall not perish from this earth.”


Welcome aboard!

If we have to think like that, then the foundation is already cracked!

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I’d like to say this about our country as it once was and as it is now. Like Leo 23 I am a proud and loyal
American. I did not have the honor of serving the USA as a member of the Armed Forces, but I was a member of law enforcement for 27 years. I carried a gun daily and still do to this day. In 2 weeks I will be 81 years old. I have seen a lot in my time and have experienced a lot. I was born 7 months after Pearl Harbor, saw the end of WWII and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, experienced the tragedy of Korea and Viet Nam, saw a president murdered, another 3 Presidents dishonored, and Vice President deposed, witnessed the attempted murder of President Ronald Reagan and the Heroic action of his Secret Service Body Guard, saw men circle the earth in space, land on the moon and a robot land on Mars. I hope to live to see men land on Mars some day. I believe in the right to bear arms, if responsible, law abiding and well trained. I have never had to use a weapon in my or anyone’s defense but would not hesitate to do so if I had to. I believe in our responsibility, as a nation, to accept those who seek asylum and a better life. I do not believe that anyone should take my rights from me or mine because of the acts of others. If I step out of line I should accept the results of my actions. I do not believe in free rides, we should all pay our way. I consider it a slap in the face to those who have come to our country and earned their citizenship, by the methods put forth in the constitution, to allow anyone to enter our country without earning the right to be here. I consider it a slap in the face to all gun owners, who follow the rules and regs of gun ownership, to hold them responsible and restrict their rights to own, any gun, because of the illegal acts of criminals and mentally deficient individuals. I believe we need laws to regulate the ownership of guns. This makes sense to me. I believe immigrants have the right to seek a home in the USA, providing they follow the rules and regs of immigration. I do not believe that anyone has the right to bypass these laws to placate any political, religious or community special interest group. There was a time when these issues were simple to resolve, but we have clouded the resolutions with too many theories and obfuscated solutions. Everyone has a solution for our problems but nothing is done to resolve them. Meanwhile men, women and children die waiting at the borders or in the streets and neighborhoods of our country. Like immigration, deaths in our neighborhoods, or gun violence, the cause isn’t the immigrant, neighborhood or the weapon. The problem is the lack of positive action and a strong group of decision makers to enact solutions. This is what is happening to our country. We are lacking strong leadership. Our politicians main duty, these days, seems to be to stay in office not matter what they have to promise or who they have to hop in bed with. Meanwhile we beg and plead for reform, lower taxes, equal rights, climate improvement, food for the hungry, homes for the homeless, better child care, a solution for poverty, a thousand things that can better our society and have not been resolved. Am I disappointed, yes. Have I lost hope, never. Oh yes, there is one other thing that I believe in that our country, both the government and it’s citizens seem to have forgotten about. That is the belief in God. It doesn’t matter which God you believe in, what religion, sect, denomination, we have fallen away from our belief in God. We can no longer speak his name in schools, Do we still have Gideon Bibles in Hotels and Motels? Well, that’s my rant and raving. Leo 23, I’m with you. GOD bless America and all in it!


@Keith129 thank you Brother yes you read that right I called you brother


I’m with you on pretty much everything you said. I also think that we have left god out of the equation for far too long.

The one thing I will disagree with you is religion. The one exception I would make is islam. Moslems make a lot of claims that they can’t prove or back up. The goal of islam is to take over wherever it shows up. Islam has no tolerance for anything except islam and moslems will fight, murder and destroy anything that isn’t islam. Did you see another Christian Church in France was burned to the ground last night. The media won’t come out and say it but I will. The moslems living there did it. Remember when Notre Dame burned down?
Mysteriously the officials can’t find out who did it. I can tell you exactly who did it, the moslems.

I know its not a religion but almost everyone else in the world thinks it is and arguing with them (moslems, liberals and anyone else) will get you nowhere. You can show them islam’s own documentation and they won’t believe it. Islam seeks to overthrow all gubments and replace it with its own theocracy.

You can call me paranoid, delusional or Im imagining things. But I ask you: what grp of ppl flew airplanes into the Twin Towers, what grp of ppl first put a truck bomb in one of the garages hoping to topple it, what grp of ppl daily attack Israel? The USA is called the great satan by these ppl. Just as you say to pay attention when someone says they are going to kill you or a person says Im going to kill myself. They tell us openly what they are going to do and we don’t believe them. Is it going to take a nuke set off by moslems in one of our major cities before we pay attention?

Rant closed.


I won’t call you paranoid, prejudiced, biased, misogonist, or any other “ist”. The one thing we have sacred in our country is freedom of speech. So wether I agree or disagree with you does not matter. I do agree that in all nationalities, religions and ideologies we have extremists. You can call them orthodox, radical, racists, terrorists or whatever label you want to put on them, they are out there. We have them in our country as well as in other countries. Their beliefs are their own and they are welcome to them, but when they threaten me, my family, my friends or my country, I draw the line. I’m not the great American warrior. I’m not a great fighter, I’m not the best or fastest shot in Tombstone. What I am is a man who is the product of a country that was bred on and suckled with the blood of thousands of Americans who fought and died to give me what I have today. God help the bastard that tries to deprive me and mine of those blessings. God bless America and all Americans.


I am honored.

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I feel the same as you. What Americans don’t understand is that islame is different. moslems claim an abrahamic religion but the truth is they have no proof of it being an Abrahamic religion. We Americans think; oh an Abrahamic religion it must be just like Christianity. Its not, it’s the total opposite of Christianity.

My goal is to be a Paul Revere type of warner. Except it’s not the English that are coming. It’s something much much worse.


If islame gets a toe hold like it has in other non Middle East nations and far east nations, you are going to have to become something similar to that. They leave you no room for anything else. You will have to declare a side or become a second class citizen paying 50% of your income to them.