5.56 lever action

On my way from work I was reminiscing about guns and I thought, how cool would a 5.56 lever action be? So, I looked it up on the internet and low and behold the Henrys 5.56 lever action.

So, what do you think about a 5.56 lever action?


Well it’s kinda strange looking with that magazine hanging out of it , seems like it would be a bit always or might take some getting used to. But it’s interesting no doubt. It just seems different in rapid firing manipulating the lever fast with that mag there, but what do I know. Interesting indeed. I’ve got a strange looking one too, it’s a left-handed .308 Ruger Gunsite Scout rifle with a 20 rd. box magazine sticking out of it if I wanna put it there.


God this fone, one word I typed “ Difficult “ and the other one was awkward I think, one says different that was the difficult one that this thing tries to anticipate what your saying and prints it! Stupid thing lol


I once sent a text to my wife that I was cooking chili, but my phone sent children. She responded to me that she did not want to eat children. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: OOPS!


Pass. I’ll stick to AR for 5.56.


I understand sticking with the AR, I would like a M - 239 or an M - 60 would be better!


@Todd30 :thinking: Well, to the anti-gun activists, any weapon with a detachable magazine is to be banned, so lever action assault weapon of war fits that category. :worried: If it would have been a FIXED magazine it would be ok. They don’t know $#!t about firearms ANYWAY! BUT, I think that lever action 5.56 is pretty neat, just rig it like Chuck Conners “The Rifleman” and it’ll shoot like a semiautomatic! :rofl:


:smiley: That’s a KOOL AR15 PISTOLITA!!!


That’s funny about the chili/ children but these things drive me crazy with that dang crap! But the one good thing about here in West Virginia is gun laws hardly even exist, You can have a double drum magazine with a bump trigger if you want and there is no gun registration at all. Incidentally I myself wouldn’t have a drum mag or a bump stock but to each his own.


I am a big fan of Henry rifles, but this one doesn’t make sense to me. I would rather have a bolt action 5.56mm rifle such as a Mossberg MVP over a lever action, but to each his/her own. At least we have choices (for now anyway).


That’s a way to legally own 5.56 firearm in Illinois. :upside_down_face:


It looks like something Dr. Frankenstein designed.


Okay, you made a good point, not all things are good ideas!
Go Astros :rocket:!


Interesting. Fixed mag. might be a “work around” of removable box mag. prohibitions. Even some different calibers: 7.62x39, 7mm, etc? Beats one at a time…


I have a STAG Left Handed AR and a Savage bolt action in .223 Remington, best of both worlds, man I love Savages, I got that little thing ( Axis ) when they first came out at Wallyworld for like $ 200 I think, they didn’t have the Accutrigger on the Axis models when I got it, it’s a fun little tacker


I’m a huge fan of lever guns and have a bunch of them. However a .223 lever gun strikes me as some sort of heresy :rofl:

But that’s just a personal bias based on my love for classic guns in classic cartridges. My MOST modern lever action is a Winchester Model 88 made in 1958 or thereabouts in .308. And even that gun, as much as I love it, is even too modern for me. The rest of my lever guns are classic cowboy types made in the late 1800s, early to mid 1900s and modern replicas of some of the classics I love.

Now I will accept, kicking and screaming, that a lever action is .223 with a detachable magazine is an awesome firearm VERY suitable for self and home defense in states where an AR would be a non-starter.


Back when I was young dumb and full ofuuuhhh… weeell nevermind I didn’t like lever guns ya know we all had .30 carbines and I had a AR15 A2 back when they didn’t even have bolt assist plunger much less a 3 position stock and we were all “ merced out “ lol and didn’t want one of those dum cowboy guns ya know it was back when the reds were in Asscrackistan and now as a grown man I love a lever action , and I would love to have one of those Ruger lever guns with the large lever in .45-70 but my son was saying that they had some problems with some of them but I’d still want one. That .405 Ruger is prolly a better cartridge but I’m a fan of the ole .45-70 “ Gummitt” lol


I love my Henry .22 and Rossi 92 .44


Hell I forgot since you mentioned Rossi I’ve got one of those Rossi Ranch Hand lever action in .44 mag.! I ordered it at a shop I used to use a lot and the guy that ran the shop was out to lunch but he called me and said it came in and a lady was tending the place while he was out and she looked and looked for that thing and couldn’t find it so I left and came back and there it was on the counter and the old gal didn’t know but it was listed as a pistol or handgun on the slip for shipping because of the 16” barrel !