2nd Amendment Foundation

Major differences! I’m a proud Life member of NRA, and have been for decades.

NRA is going through a rough patch now, due to alleged corruption on the part of executive VP Wayne LaPierre (WLP). It has been reported that he has used membership donations for his personal, private jet travel, vacations and reportedly a million dollar wardrobe, among other things. The last time I was able to attend an NRA annual meeting, WLP was unapproachable, surrounded by armed security, although everyone in attendance had to prove membership to get into the hall.

On those cases where NRA members have reached out for help in a post self defense situation, they pick and choose those cases they will take. Under WLP’s leadership, he has managed to amend the bylaws making it impossible for the board of directors to remove him. Under his “leadership,” NRA has been importing wine for an “official wine club,” sales of overpriced merchandising, and other projects which are beyond the scope of the NRA’s mission. Membership has been in decline since these issues have been made public. They were a major reason that Lt. Col. Oliver North resigned from the presidency in protest. ( Use your favorite search engine for documentation.) NRA has recently declared bankruptcy in it’s on-going fight against the state of New York, trying to reorganize in Texas.

The NRA is a great organization, with a fantastic history of standing for the membership and the 2nd Amendment. I intend to remain a Life Member, even in death. ( I’ve left instructions to place a Life Member decal on my coffin.) I shall not resume making donation to NRA until WLP retires, is fired, or resigns in disgrace. I’m afraid Mr. LaPierre has become a creature of the Washington DC swamp. A career politician and deal maker, with membership no longer a priority. My donations are now going to the 2nd Amendment Foundation, Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) and the Oregon Firearms Federation. The NRA-ILP has been a strong voice in Congress and many state legislatures, fighting for the civil rights of those who wish to be armed for self defense. Under the new presidential administration and with the loss of the Senate, gun ownership is under unpreceded assault. Our very freedoms are in jeopardy, however the NRA’s political power is in decline as long as WLP is in command. It is time for him to retire, for the good of the organization, for the very freedom and liberty of the American People. The new leadership in Washington likes nothing more than to kick their opponents while they are down and the NRA my friends, is in decline.

A recent conversation between former NRA Board member Tom Gresham (Gun Talk radio, podcast) and current NRA board member Ted Nugent, can be heard on the Gun Talk podcast; Gun Talk


Full disclosure: Tom Gresham is a personal acquaintance and I’ve been both a caller and guest on his nationally syndicated radio show.

Yes ,the NRA membership are great group, I was not a life member although I have been a part of it for years. Let my membership expire. I feel that is the only thing I can do as I am just a small dot on the map. All of us little dots can become a large blob. Yes if they get their heavy top end fixed I would rejoin. Mean while I will support all of our other organizations that are in the fight. This business with the NRA could not have happened during a worse time

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Give up nothing!! and send most of Congress to a class on Constituional law