Why I Died

…and stay away from chocolate heroin.


Have you ever read the book “The Fourth Turning”? I think we are living right now in that last societal cycle before we see a first turning.
Book written by demographers in the 90’s.
Trust me it’s not illuminati or conspiracy theories, it’s data from Western society.
If anyone is interested I recommend it.


I am sorry to disagree brother! After I got shot to pieces (2nd) time, they put me on Morphine…then they tried the Fentanyl patches…made me sick and stoopid…finally got rid of those doctors and got a female PA…I downgraded myself to “Oxycodone” …Can’t be a Diplomatic Bodyman on opiates, so (1) year later I down graded myself again to hydrocodone and Tylenol… heard bad Ju Ju about tylenol and (6) months after that I went to Advil and CHOCOLATE w/ a CDB chaser… Left the diplomatic corp. a while ago. I couldn’t handle the Flying and fighting anymore. Diagnosed w/ Severe PTSD and Anxiety anyway, the medical community wanted me back on the med’s… No sir’s not doing THAT merry go round again. Can’t be a Level3/CCW holder on opiates…(I’ve sensed a theme here right?) I need to keep my head in the Protection/body guard game …it’s in my blood ! I would be bored to death working at home depot (nothing against anybody doing a good honest days work at Home DEE but it would probably kill me)
Slowed down a bit (12) surgeries left leg, lost a lot of bone, muscle, Titanium rods (and knee knuckle) from hip to ankle, miles of painful scar tissue which absolutely LOVES the Titanium rods ! Sticks like silly-putty to it until I warm them up. Right leg a little better (3) surgeries, battle field amputation of the foot, still have most thigh bone though (I’m grateful). Walk kinda like a duck @ times, CDB (quite a bit, sometimes a little 'Ice Blue jell menthol) sometimes CDB roll on works wonders … Head cleared real well (10) years ago…Pain is horrifical at times, Between PTSD/Anxiety/pain somedays I don’t/can’t detail my customers cars. They usually understand…sometimes they don’t (whatever)
So Steve to answer you post CHOCOLATE (can’t write the H word…not even as a joke)
I was probably going to be an addict if I didn’t take charge of my life. Gave up Alcohol after The Mog in late 1993…probably would have killed me if I still drank on top of all those Meds…

It’s great to be alive today. I’m still in the fight! (sort of)
Probably said more than I should have (par for the course for me lately)
Must be getting the “kamala word salad syndrome”
have a good night everybody…made myself tired reliving all that crap.
catch ya’ll on the flip.

It’s "CBD’ products my friends Not Charlie daniels band products…sorry, hope there wasn’t confusion
created :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Have not read it. However, through the cliff note versions and some light discussions here, it seems to say, that in order to achieve new growth the forest must burned to the ground. It also seems we are destined to get hurt! Coming through this crisis, I don’t see the “high” at the end of the tunnel.
If there is a high, it won’t be for our generation! America will never be the same and I don’t see it changing for the good of mankind! Personally I don’t think this generation knows what it’s in for. They are very clueless. Automated but truly clueless! They think they know stuff because they can find it at their fingertips. I know what I know, through trials and tribulations, in addition to some blood, sweat and tears.

In addition, there is a solution to avoid such a crisis! Since the first amendment has been abolished, debates, formal discourse and general discussion prevents that solution.

Seems we should hope ( not a strategy ) to come out the other side unscathed! According to the theory, not likely!

BTW, I will definitely dig deeper.


We need more guys like you!
Thank you for your service sir.


I agree “Hope doesn’t float Brother !” We need BOOTS on the ground ! We need order in the streets!
We are experiencing Anarchy coast to coast. Wokeism , Gubment Intrusion, Gubment is BLOATED ! and they just keep getting bigger and bigger like a fat kid that won’t put down the Twinkies.
It REALLY is simple (a solution) Honest.
Close the Borders
Revamp the military (if you can’t do the BASIC Training you are out)
You have to EARN your spot. Nobody said it was going to be easy.
Elect Politicians w/ Integrity…ok, that is a stretch these days
Hold politicians ACCOUNTABLE (that’s better)
Abolish alphabet agencies.
I’m not going to bash kids today (I am already old(er) That is counter productive.
but if I were a kid today I would be depressed and demoralized at the actions of ADULTS today.
One thousand rules for thee and NONE for me… no wonder they smoke dope, face in their phones
don’t know how to communicate (except by phone/text) and don’t finish school.
There’s more problems on a larger scale today than just the fight coming up.
There is NO TRUST…in gubment, schools, work ethic…
Garbage is picked up in my neighborhood fairly regularly ! Yee Ha! that’s a start !
We have to start somewhere right?
But we really need to stop the downward spiral of “decision making”
Our STOVES are just fine
Our Climate isn’t out of control.
Rejuvenate our Oil and gas Production ( put our people back to work)
I can’t see an electric Abrams tank, or our navy ships w/ solar panels.
Talk to other countries, re-open dialogues , we will never be friends w/ everybody
but the days of THE GREAT USA intruding in other countries business is over (hopefully)

The big “G” say’s Enact Common Sense Gun laws! Hoowee on that !
Get ride of Gubment oversite in our bizness, The 2nd say’s we have a RIGHT !
The Gub say’s We have the right to tell you NO… I’ll take GOD over gub!
We can fix this, America was never perfect, but I’ll leave perfection to GOD
and we can do the best we can and thats good enough for me.

No easy day’s ahead


Nah Ron,
I’m highly over rated
I’m a legend in my own mind
I’ve done some fighting but now
I am just a keyboard warrior.
I am not saying I am done.
I will still protect Home and hearth
But I am too banged up now to be
of service.
Its OK though, you are suppose to dial it down
when you age (so I’ve heard) I just can’t seem to
let others do my fighting.
Maybe I talk too much, love this country too much
I do have a Stars n stripes bedspread though and I did stay @ a
Holiday Inn once !

thank you for the kind words though.
I just don’t want to overstay my welcome here

Peace out


In my experience, a little cop humor can get a guy through the day. Sorry if you were offended, but I noted that you, yourself “tossed” a little bit of your own humor in there. So I think you get the premise.

(Sheeesh, down grading to Oxy? Not much of a downgrade…)

Indeed, keep fighting the good fight! And don’t be afraid to speak out. Sometimes we need to let some stuff out and onto understanding loved ones" shoulders.


Nah Brother wasn’t offended at all. I LOVE Cop Humor actually, I love any/all humor and yes it does get one through the day (especially all the crap you guys see). I have nothing but respect for anybody who pins on a badge. I just wish the lack of powers that be would let you do your jobs.
I have been know by Brothers no longer here to be very BLUE (humor ,in poor taste) standing over the bodies of our enemy). That’s the juice for me, we survived another gun battle to let off a little steam and LIVE another day. Just hate Heroin with a passion ! All drug suck but I’ve seen good men go down on that garbage…and we are powerless against the junk. No harm no foul my brother



Don102. AMEN, AMEN AMEN BOBBY JEAN :latin_cross::chile::owl::feather::feather::sparkles:🫶🏼:dizzy::sparkles::100:

Several years ago when I was requalifying for my CCW Permit, the range officer complemented me on my nice shooting. I told her thanks and that the reason for the good shooting was because I train as if my life depended on it! She thought that was pretty good.


Cute comment, i like it.

FWIW it is not a arc.

Arc. While working on the exit sign I crossed hot with neutral and the arc ruined my screwdriver.

Ark. It rained so much last week I thought I was going to need a ark just to go out front and check the mailbox.


stupid spell check lol :man_in_motorized_wheelchair: :us: :laughing:
EDIT: fixed it :man_in_motorized_wheelchair: :us:


What do you mean?

Speil keck newver maks miscakes. :wink:


Boston speak? :rofl:


“What’s an Arc/Ark?”

Now which is it then Sarc or sark ? I’m confused? :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:


I do thank you for helping me I was side ways and after I heard from you I slowed down and I AM me I am just a guy and you are a hero I BLEAVE you are very real some OUTHERS are I know you are not full of crap STAY FROSTY I AM TRYING TO THANK YA :owl::feather::feather::chile:


Glad to hear you are back on track brother. you ever need help my friend you have my number.

Your brother don


That means a lot I am so blessed to come in from the cold stay frosty From the dark to the night brothers stay tight at EAZY co . Truly to the REAR WITH THE GEAR THANK YOU TRULY CLEAR SKYS AND PLENTY OF COVER. HOOWAA STAY VIGILANT I KNOW YOU ARE ON WATCH TODAY THEY PUT IN OUR GOD WE TRUST ON OUR SILVER EAGLE DOLLARS I SEEN IT BUT CAN NOT PUT IT ALL UP ABOUT HISTORY AND IN GOD WE TRUST CAME TO BE OVER WHAT WE HAD ONE WOULD ORDER I ASKED FOR HELP TO SHEAR IT AND GOT CRAP :poop: WOKE MONITOS LOVE YA SIR :us::us::us::chile::latin_cross::owl::feather::feather::hot_face::dizzy::wilted_flower:

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That’s what the USCCA is all about staying frosty GRATEST MIND SET FOR THIS MONTH THAT IS WHAT WE ALL NEED TO . Train AS YOU ARE IN IT TO WIN IT ,:100::us::bangbang: YOUR . A LEADER GREAT JOB SIR :us::100::bangbang::chile::owl::feather::feather: