In reference to my “ENOUGH, Already!” topic, here’s one for you Sherlocks out there - can anyone spot the glaring DESIGN FLAW on the newly-released Beretta 80X Cheetah, in spite of all the hype and hooplah about it? Whoever let THIS past the design-stage should be taken out to a remote location, and beaten soundly about the head and shoulders! To relieve your agonizing over it, here’s a hint - the flaw regards the slide, and is a “Billy-the-Kid”-type answer involving compromise. By the way - have you noticed the incredibly OBSCENE prices on their Manurhin revolvers - with NO choices in caliber? ( I have to admit their grip design is different than others.)
"Was “Billy-the-Kid” right- or left-handed? If you carefully study the famous photo of Henry McCarty - William Bonney - “Billy-the-Kid” - you’ll have your answer. In the interest of sparing you potential buyers of this obscenely overpriced, ugly little bastard of a .380 - IT’S THE REAR SIGHT! It’s been COMPROMISED as an ITEGRAL fixture of the OPTICS PLATE! And you’re STUCK with it - if the plate shoots loose, or the sight breaks off - you’re screwed until you can replace it! $900 for this .380? I kinda effing DOUBT it! If a gunmaker wants to dip into nostalgia and charge a premium price for it - try an all-steel replica of the Walther “PP” - a MODERN version of it - after its debut in 1929, I doubt if any patent remains in the way.