When Caught Cheating Just "insert citations and quotation marks that were omitted"

The intent seems like it would be there, but if he heads of to get a weapon I doubt we could say he had the means.


Ability-Opportunity–Jeopardy, I am sure you know it.

But this is not a case of persons. This is the case of organized mob and its incitement, and the rules are different in this case. To start, a new defensive option is on the table, it is deportation of hostile foreigners. Traveling across state lines to incite a riot. Providing material support to terrorists. All this is on the table, if only we had enforcement of these laws.


I don’t see how deportations are a new individual defensive option. ICE isn’t going to be there when the crime goes down anymore than the police are going to be there. Deportation helps with national security and crime statistics but individually not going to help as I see it.

I agree wholeheartedly that the current laws should be enforced to the maximum extent possible.

PS: remember I said when a person tells you. Mobs have a mind of their own needing larger solutions than an individual protecting themselves.


Depends on the scale and consistency of applying these rules. Supporting terror? Out within a couple of months. I guarantee you positive effect on personal level, on city level, and national too.

Mobs don’t organize by themselves. It takes a lot of money and skill too to do it. Remove that factor - you solved your mobs issue.

We must be thinking of different types og mobs. I think you mean organized crime while I mean lynch mob.

Yes mobs like what Kyle Rittenhouse had to face do have a mind mind of there own. One of the things I was taught as a prison guard.


That is correct ONLY if the person threatening you is capable of carrying out the threat when the threat is issued. In your example of being justified in shooting him when he threatens to kill you, he has to either be armed, be of an extremely superior size to you or part of a group backing him up (overwhelming force).

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I agree with that statement. It is called “free will”. But there are consequences under law for those people who engage in incitement of violence as well. They do bear part of the responsibility.


That’s interesting I wasn’t thinking of that side of it.

You mentioned twice now about this and I see what you’re saying. Where I grew up a guy in the town told another person living in the county “Im going to kill you the next time you come to town”. With the “town” being the county seat and nearest place to buy groceries, pay bills, banking, etc. sure enough the next month when the county guy comes to conduct his business the city guy shoots the other one murdering him.

You can argue why didn’t the one living in the county go to another town or why not tell the sheriff? Would you want to drive 50 miles on back country roads to the farther town or 20 miles to where you conduct business every month?

Why not tell the sheriff? Have the sheriff step into a blood feud and get himself killed. Go tell that to all the big city cops too and see if they arrest someone. They go in with a SWAT team and armored vehicles if at all.

Ability - unless you are bedridden you have the ability
Opportunity - concealed means concealed after all. You going to turn your back to a threat?
Jeopardy- are you serious. A person just said “IM GOING TO KILL YOU”.

Might be a tough battle to fight in court but we just saw the delivery driver shoot another for blocking him from doing his job and get off with a slap on the wrist.

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A term I learned in high school:

Inciting sedition


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What are you go to do if I come to town? Alex

Is that a threat? :rofl:
Best answer I can think of: Shoot
 I don’t know. :rofl:

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What should I do when someone is trying to murder innocent people or do severe bodily harm and I have no other way to stop them? (Hint): Alex

It was an idiomatic expresson, to indicate a feeling of mild displeasure at not knowing the answer, not a command. :rofl:

I was giving the question to the Jeopardy answer.
One/you has/have to phrase the answer as a question.

That went right over my head. You gotta remember Im just a poor country boy without much edumencation.

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Stick with me kid I’ll school ya.

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:notes: Teachers, Leave Those Kids Alone


But you referenced my post. I used the word “shoot” as a humorous exclaimation, not a command, and “I don’t know” was my answer to your question - it was not a Jeopardy show statement, neither are we playing Jeopardy here.
