What is your religion and why?

I don’t believe in the trinity. I believe that God, Jesus and the holy spirit is one, not three.

1 Timothy 3:16"Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory."


Again, if I am out of line ding me… but my followup question is as follows: The belief in one G-d is recorded in the Hebrew Bible. Multituted of translations even directly from the original are incorrect either due to innocent mistakes, intentional mischief, etc. Also it is like the whispering game where you have a circle of friends. Someone starts a comment then it is whispered into the ear of each person in the circle until it gets back to the originator and the comment is nothing similar to the original. This is what has happened in the new Testament. It explains why there are so many different splinter branches of the CHristian Church. If youwant to understand G-ds word you MUST read it from the Torah. There is o way to directly translate the Torah, It is a style of writing that is unique. It is a “sin” that schools dont teach Hebrew in the classroom, some languages translation is just misunderstood.

You left the quote from Timothy 3:16. It does not even appear in the Hebrew Bible? So to me it is an invalid reference, with due respect. I see it as a corrupted, manipulated translation made to fit a situation. PLEASE dont take this as an attack on you. I LOVE Christians and believe they will go to the same heaven as myself because of their deeds. I am only making an “argument”.

I do appreciate being able to discuss this with you. Plesae dont let me offend you and trust you will not offend me. I will offer more about me in later posts.

Just for reference, here is a short 4 minute video on a Christian network that shows the trouble translating from Hebrew to any other dialect.


You asked me a question that I do not believe in. How can I answer a question in witch I do not believe. Forgetting I was talking to a reader of the torah, I quoted from the New testament. My apologies. I believe in one God.

Deuteronomy 4:35 "Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him.”

Deuteronomy 4:39 “Know therefore this day, & consider it in thine heart, that the Lord hee is God in heauen aboue, and vpon the earth beneath: there is none else.”

So I ask you, why ask me this question?
Is it because I believe in Jesus?

If that is the case, then let me explain how I see Jesus.
Envision yourself a torso (God) and two arms. Jesus is the right hand and the holy spirit is the left hand. Each part no less God then the other and each has always been there apart of god.

Isaiah 53:1 “Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arme of the Lord revealed?”

For the record I want you to know.
You will never offend me. I can’t be offended.
You talked about translations and sent that video which is pretty cool by the way. I prefer King James version overall for the simple history of the book itself.


Thank you for your openness. Be comfortable you will never offend me either. Like you, I want to learn and get different perspectives. If I post back to you with a “challenge”, dont think of it as me challenging what you say or me saying you are wrong. I am just posting references on which I place my beliefs, trying to explain my reasons and asking your input. THANK YOU so much for making this a comfortable place to ask questions I otherwise ask of good friends I treasure.

Aside from mis-translations of the Torah as I believe, I just cant grasp the concept of identifying “One” as many. We Jews have many names for G-d, but it is understood we are referring to the One and Only G-d. Is this similar to what you are saying? We understand that that whatever term/name used still is a reference to only G-d, one and the same. Not separate. Think of a person with a name like Michael but using the name Mike. Same guy, different reference.

Jews dont believe Jesus was the Messiah because there are many prophecies which we do not believe he fulfilled. We do believe he was a great person and teacher, just not the Messiah.

Kind of an aside… dont know if this is related but it comes to mind. Thinking of the New Testament, and why Jews dont take it as gospel. I dont know how you feel about The Church of Latter Day Saints, Mormons some call them. They believe much as Jews. Except they believe in a modern prophet wh delivered to them the book of Mormon. How do you feel about them and the fact they have added an extra book to the Bible? I think this might be an interesting comparison to the way Jews feel about the Torah and the New Testament. Be curious about your thoughts on this.

A bit about me… said I would let you know more. I was born a Jew. Didnt really learn much about it until later in life. My family was highly persecuted, eggs thrown at them going to school, names… so much more foul treatment. The harassment was so great (Parents grew up in the San Francisco area) that my moms brother changed his name and moved away. I think my Mom tried to shelter me by not letting me know what was going on as I was growing up and it wasnt until 50 years later she told me the whole tragic story of our familys treatment. So, I never grew up learning Hebrew although I am hoping to pick it up. And being obstenent as I am I am determined to face any challenges. Not in a confrontive way… this forum thread has been great. It is giving me a chance to learn and become stronger in my beliefs and understanding more about yours.
I live in a very small town. I met with the local pastor, explained I would like to attend so I could have a place away from home to actually feel “religious” but that I was not Christian. They have accepted me completely. I go to their bible study, but dont challenging anything said as I dont want to put the Pastor in an uncomfortable position, but he will ask my thoughts on certain things and I respond with non threatening/challenging answers. It has worked out well so far. They tried to convert me but I made it very clear I was content with my beliefs and we have both respected that.

OK, I am rambling. Had a back injury and am taking so interesting drugs that make me kind of wonkey, so forgive me if I stray. Now I have gottent to this point I dont remember if I addressed the original question. : } In any case, I appreciate this opportunity for discussion.


Saw this video a few weeks ago. Didnt think I would watch it but it was VERY GOOD. A very respectful discussion that was enlightening. Best video I have seen on CLDS missionaries. It is an hour long and worth every minute to watch and learn.


Yes that is exactly right. There is only one God with many names. Now when I answer these questions remember I am answering to my beliefs. Not all Christians agree with me. A lot don’t for I have some odd belief’s.

The Church of latter day saints ( Mormons ). It is hard for me to talk about the subject. A lot of people find my opinion very offensive. My wife’s Grandpa was a Mormon. He was a great man and I would never speak ill of him and of course he believed in Jesus. But I have a hard time believing that we are all from an alien planet put here to prove ourselves, to earn our way to the God planet (heaven).

The main difference between Christians like myself and Mormons and Jews. Correct me If I’m wrong. The main difference is that Mormons and Jews believe you have to earn your way to heaven. Christians believe in accepting the gift of Christ. Accepting that Christ Jesus died to wash our sins away. There’s really no scripture I can give you that you won’t reject because you don’t believe in the New testament. So I am facing your challenge strictly by opinion according to your beliefs.

Ok now I want to ask you something. In Judaism what prophecies did Jesus not fulfill?


Trying to reply but keep getting a message the site is down for routine maintenance. Interestingly, I just got a message from another person, but still cant access the USCCA website.

I will answer when I can get logged in. Thanks for your patience!


My wife and family are Baptists as we think it best follows what the Bible teaches. I am with the Bible like I am with the Constitution of the US. It is a literal document to be taken as written the one thing that is different is that the Constitution can be amended but the Bible stands as written by God. Now before you decide to argue with me or try I will not reply to anyone on that tenant. I have my beliefs and you have yours and I respect yours even if I do not think that is what a person should believe. It is a matter between you and God not you and I. Our church is an independent, fundamental and Bible believing church and that is what I want in a church. We believe in the sanctity of life and that the marriage of a man and woman is ordained of God as a family and that children are precious and to be raised in love and respect for God. We alos believe that God gave man government as a replacement for His leading us on earth as we rejected that early on when we wanted a king to be over us so he gave us human government and we still have it today. We are to pray for His guidance for our leaders and and to support them if they are following a moral path. Please don’t reply and try to get me to argue with you as some do as I will not be baited into a disagreeable conversation.


One more thing and that is that we also believe that the Jew is God’s chosen people here on earth and we support them with our prayers and actions and support Israel as the homeland of the Jew and that the US should deal and protect it at all cost. God said if you bless my people I will bless you.


I agree with everything your saying @Harvey11. For the record there is no arguing here. This is a thread to learn and understand each other. We are not trying to convert each other. I love all my bother and sisters. Even people that see me as an enemy. I pray for all who need it and we all need it.

With country being in such turmoil and division. It’s good to understand each other so we can see past our differences and unite the way American should be. Some of my best friends are atheists, Democrats, seventh-day Adventist, blacks, Hispanics and even Jehovah witness. We disagree on so many different things but yet we agree on many things. The freedom of opinion, religion, way of life, pursuit of happiness, the way we raise our children and how we live life.

Anyway, I will stop rambling. I’m trying to say is, we need to focus on what we have in common instead of what makes us different. We are all God’s children. Whether you believe it or not. Let’s unite.


What? I try very hard to be Roman Catholic.
Why? No institution run by sinners can survive over 2,000 years without having merit,

1 Like

Ummmm not sure how to respond to that. :thinking:


I didnt survive. You really need to a study of the Christian Church. Just because it has a certain name doesn’t make it right.


The History? Or the construct (and whose construct?) The Church predated the Canonical New Testament by 300 years.


Just asking as i wish to know. Is it not written my man from the word of God. & some writings are not included, are they fake? Or some other reason?


In a debate, that is called a “rescuing device”, there can be no response. And it doesn’t change anything I said.
I’d love to continue, but this is not the place for any such discussion. The subject is too vast and too complicated, people won’t accept what is said here-- they have their own beliefs and will not change them, or even consider a study from an internet site such as this one.


A study of how we got the Bible as it exists today is a good study. There are plenty of resources out there to answer your question.

Here is a start:


Thanks but looking for a personal view


The Bible was written by God using men. He did not over-ride their personalities or experiences. The writers wrote from the perspectives of their, language(s), culture and the times in which they lived (that is why you cannot interpret the Bible using 21st century language or culture).

This is a simple, but personal view- after years of study.


I’m not familiar with that term nor am I trying to convince anyone of anything other than answering the OP’s question and understanding your definition of “…study of the Christian Church” :slightly_smiling_face: