Weekend training: Carrying a gun with a safety

Sorry folks. Didn’t mean to sidetrack the OP. Maybe start a new topic… mag top-off y/n/why?

You might be surprised at my reasons. Carry decisions are based on what works for you. Psychology or confidence can play a big part. Like @Enzo_T said, unless you’re running ancient or poorly maintained equipment, modern magazines and premium magazines should feed empty beer cans if you need them to. I thought about trying that beer can thing out.

I’d like to claim my preference is based on science, statistics, and good habits - all of which I respect and encourage others to as well. This is serious stuff with consequences.

My reason is more about confidence. I’ve let fear, second guessing, or maybe superstition dominate my choice. I had a run where I’d top-off then didn’t double check if I fully reinserted the mag. Dropping mags in public is embarrassing and leaves you compromised. I had to un-train this bad habit. My approach was to eliminate potential points of failure and train. With high-cap magazines, I’ve rationalized that reinserting a topped-off mag breaks the closed system. And yes, it’s still possible to repeat the same point of failure. It just works for me. haven’t lost a mag since.


Your reasoning is sound. At the end of the day confidence in our rig trumps everything else. I will say the higher the capacity of the magazine the less critical topping off becomes. I find it essential (for me) with 1911s because I’m already running “light” with an 8 round mag, I prefer to be at 8+1. But if your playing with a Glock 17 you should have enough ammo, even if you don’t top off, to load on Monday and shoot all week (Civil War reference about Henry rifles).

But many folks have not realized that Glock 17 mags will actually allow you to load to capacity +1 but they will not seat into a gun with a locked slide that way so you don’t want to carry your spar mags in that condition, BUT you can insert your carry mag into a gun on slide lock, drop the slide on that +1 round mag and then go wander happily knowing you are up to full capacity in your gun without having to top off.


I AM a new shooter and I prefer a manual safety, not because of the negligent discharge, but just because it makes me feel more confident. I don’t usually advise on this to anyone asking, this is the kind of thing I believe has to be decided by each one individually.


I have a Sig P365, but I was nervous about carrying with a bullet in the chamber. Then I bought a 5 round snubby and a pocket holster. Given the revolver’s firmer trigger pull and the convenience of the pocket holster, I feel I can draw quickly and safely (I have been practicing and eliminating some kinks), plus it’s more comfortable than IWB or even OWB holster carry, especially in the car. Giving up some capacity for more peace of mind. And let’s face it, the more comfortable you are carrying, both physically and mentally, the more often you’ll carry.


My EDC (Walther CCP) has a manual safety. I set it to “fire” before I holster it.

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