Weapon or Firearm

Trained with sim rounds in the military if you think paint balls hurt get hit by sim rounds 9mm using gun powder for propulsion :grin:


I can imagine! Though our paintball outings took place in very thick woods so a lot of our shooting was at point blank range and aside from cheap hardware store goggles we had no protective gear.


I’ve trained with sim rounds. I don’t think I would use them for fun. They hurt a lot more than paintballs. They’re excellent for training, though. You will definitely remember when you got hit, and it will make you think hard about what you did, so that you don’t make the same mistakes again.


Ooooo some folks don’t like the word weapon. It’s scary. I know we’ll call it a tool, that sounds nice. Everyone likes tools. Well if there in my iron box, I call them firearms if I carry one it’s a weapon. That’s why it carry it. It’s for protection. I’m tired of the whole word game. I’m not politically correct
 Just me 
do as you wish


Yes. If firearms and guns weren’t weapons or arms, they wouldn’t even be Constitutionally protected
right? The fact that firearms are weapons (I considered arms and weapons to be synonymous, generally) is fundamental to their importance and thus their protected status.


I prefer firearm. Then I’ll get specific. Rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver.


If a gun is in the museum being admired, it’s a firearm. A shotgun on a Trap range is a firearm. A .22 on a bench in competition is a firearm. When it’s on my belt waiting to defend me, it’s a potential weapon.

Not all firearms are weapons and not all weapons are firearms. The terms are NOT interchangeable. Intended or actual use is what designates any object as a weapon.

BTW, EVERY firearm in the world was originally designed to kill stuff. When I teach classes not only do I call them weapons, I refer to them as “deadly weapons” because that inspires the right mindset you need to have when you handle one for the purposes of self defense. It also inspires a higher level of respect and expectation of safety when handling it.


This is true, but I think all firearms can be weapons, even if I’m just using a rifle as a club.
This as opposed to- oh, I don’t know- a pool noodle, which wouldn’t make a very effective weapon.


John Wick might disagree


Did John Wick ever use a pool noodle?
I Sammo Hung use a garden hose, once. That’s the closest I can think of.


You could probably tie up someone’s knife hand pretty effectively if you knew what you were doing.

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I never studied noodle-fu.


I am an ardant practitioner of Ty-po.


Agreed. All firearms are absolutely potential weapons. You’ll die just as dead if shot with one of my Trap shotguns vs one of my ARs.


And as Miracle Max taught us, when someone is all dead, the only thing you can do is search their pockets for loose change.


According to the Cambridge Dictionary a weapon, arm or armament is “any implement or device that can be used to deter, threaten, inflict physical damage, harm, or kill”. Weapons are used to increase the efficacy and efficiency of activities such as hunting, crime, law enforcement, self-defense, warfare, or suicide. The Oxford Dictionary defines weapon as “a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage”. Other than items designed as weapons, “any object that can be used to cause bodily harm can be considered an improvised weapon”. Examples of items that have been used as improvised weapons include sports equipment such as baseball bats, golf clubs, cricket bats, hockey sticks, dumbbells, and cue sticks (per Wiki - don’t hate me).

Synonyms for “weapons” include:

  • accoutrements
  • armaments
  • artillery
  • equipment
  • firearms
  • guns
  • munitions
  • ordnance

There are several thousand additional words that could be used to further this discussion. Probably better to stop splitting hairs.

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