We only need 7 laws

From a 3rd grade class room wall:

  1. Do not hit, kick, pinch or bite.
  2. If it’s not yours don’t touch it.
  3. Keep your sand on your end of the sand box.
  4. Don’t talk when someone else is talking.

No discrimination of any tyoe… Good luck with this one.

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We need to enforce number 7 at our southern border. ASAP!


Amazing that common sense has to be made into laws.
Don’t play on the freeway.
Taking something thats not yours is stealing.
If the door is locked you do not belong in there.
You have to warn people that HOT coffee is HOT.


Cruelty to animals, children, the elderly or anyone who is defenseless should receive harsh punishment. I’m in favor of bringing back public flogging.

I hope you include abortion in the category of murder.

Where do you put treason?

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A solution to the problem is to declare war on Mexico. Then anyone who comes across the border is consider to be a spy or a soldier subject to be shot on sight. No quarter given.

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That could get way crazy.

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We could take a step back to the first known codification of laws, the Code of Ur-Nammu (circa (2100-2050 BC). It was a predecessor the the Code of Hammurabi.
There were only 32 laws

Common sense needs to be enacted as laws because common sense is not very common!


Dang, Thats pretty close to 10 Commandments. I guess so as I think our laws are somewhat modeled after it. And thats alright with me.


If we followed the 10 Commandments. Would not need the laws of man.


Yep, it’s pretty close, and if parents brought their kids to church, and enrolled them in youth, life loving, religion classes I think it would fix a lot going forward.

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