Vote to end every town a border town to criminals

Here is a prime example of what the administration’s border policies have done to America :us:.

We have laws in the books to keep these types of criminals inadmissible to the USA :us:.

But, the administration has an other agenda, and chose to ignore those laws and process that protected America :us: from this self destructive behavior.

Now every town in the interior of America :us: is being subjected to this invasion of criminals.

It’s time to step up our game and prepare ourselves to deal with this type of foreign organized criminal aggression.

Any town situated near an interstate highway could be the next stop off for these criminals to target :dart:.

They are a special kind of ruthless violent criminals that think nothing of killing innocent people to achieve their goals.

We all must be vigilant to guard ourselves since our administration facilitated this plight in America :us:.

Now more than ever we need to get our vote out in November to change this agenda from being perpetuated against, or simply face more of the same.

Please vote! It’s our only hope!

On Sun, Sep 1, 2024 at 08:24 Frank John Samide [email protected] wrote:

Colorado city starts taking action after Venezuelan gang takes over apartment buildings | Just The News

Colorado city starts taking action after Venezuelan gang takes over apartment buildings | Just The News


Here is a prime example of what the administration’s border policies have done to America :us:.

We have laws on the books to keep these types of criminals inadmissible to the USA :us:.

But, the administration has an other agenda, and chose to ignore those laws and processes that protected America :us: from this self destructive behavior.

Now every town in the interior of America :us: is being subjected to this invasion of criminals.

It’s time to step up our game, and prepare ourselves to deal with this type of foreign organized criminal aggression.

Any town situated near an interstate highway could be the next stop off for these criminals to target :dart:.

They are a special kind of ruthless violent criminals that think nothing of killing innocent people to achieve their goals.

We all must be vigilant to guard ourselves since our administration facilitated this plight in America :us:.

Now more than ever we need to get our vote out in November to change this agenda from being perpetuated against us, or simply face more of the same.

Please vote! It’s our only hope![quote=“Frank261, post:1, topic:107202, full:true”]
Here is a prime example of what the administration’s border policies have done to America :us:.

We have laws in the books to keep these types of criminals inadmissible to the USA :us:.

But, the administration has an other agenda, and chose to ignore those laws and process that protected America :us: from this self destructive behavior.

Now every town in the interior of America :us: is being subjected to this invasion of criminals.

It’s time to step up our game and prepare ourselves to deal with this type of foreign organized criminal aggression.

Any town situated near an interstate highway could be the next stop off for these criminals to target :dart:.

They are a special kind of ruthless violent criminals that think nothing of killing innocent people to achieve their goals.

We all must be vigilant to guard ourselves since our administration facilitated this plight in America :us:.

Now more than ever we need to get our vote out in November to change this agenda from being perpetuated against, or simply face more of the same.

Please vote! It’s our only hope!

On Sun, Sep 1, 2024 at 08:24 Frank John Samide [email protected] wrote:

Colorado city starts taking action after Venezuelan gang takes over apartment buildings | Just The News

Colorado city starts taking action after Venezuelan gang takes over apartment buildings | Just The News

On Sun, Sep 1, 2024 at 08:24 Frank John Samide [email protected] wrote:

Colorado city starts taking action after Venezuelan gang takes over apartment buildings | Just The News

Colorado city starts taking action after Venezuelan gang takes over apartment buildings | Just The News[quote=“Frank261, post:1, topic:107202, full:true”]
Here is a prime example of what the administration’s border policies have done to America :us:.

We have laws in the books to keep these types of criminals inadmissible to the USA :us:.

But, the administration has an other agenda, and chose to ignore those laws and process that protected America :us: from this self destructive behavior.

Now every town in the interior of America :us: is being subjected to this invasion of criminals.

It’s time to step up our game and prepare ourselves to deal with this type of foreign organized criminal aggression.

Any town situated near an interstate highway could be the next stop off for these criminals to target :dart:.

They are a special kind of ruthless violent criminals that think nothing of killing innocent people to achieve their goals.

We all must be vigilant to guard ourselves since our administration facilitated this plight in America :us:.

Now more than ever we need to get our vote out in November to change this agenda from being perpetuated against, or simply face more of the same.

Please vote! It’s our only hope!

On Sun, Sep 1, 2024 at 08:24 Frank John Samide [email protected] wrote:

Colorado city starts taking action after Venezuelan gang takes over apartment buildings | Just The News

Colorado city starts taking action after Venezuelan gang takes over apartment buildings | Just The News
[/quote][quote=“Frank261, post:1, topic:107202, full:true”]
Here is a prime example of what the administration’s border policies have done to America :us:.

We have laws in the books to keep these types of criminals inadmissible to the USA :us:.

But, the administration has an other agenda, and chose to ignore those laws and process that protected America :us: from this self destructive behavior.

Now every town in the interior of America :us: is being subjected to this invasion of criminals.

It’s time to step up our game and prepare ourselves to deal with this type of foreign organized criminal aggression.

Any town situated near an interstate highway could be the next stop off for these criminals to target :dart:.

They are a special kind of ruthless violent criminals that think nothing of killing innocent people to achieve their goals.

We all must be vigilant to guard ourselves since our administration facilitated this plight in America :us:.

Now more than ever we need to get our vote out in November to change this agenda from being perpetuated against, or simply face more of the same.

Please vote! It’s our only hope!

On Sun, Sep 1, 2024 at 08:24 Frank John Samide [email protected] wrote:

Colorado city starts taking action after Venezuelan gang takes over apartment buildings | Just The News

Colorado city starts taking action after Venezuelan gang takes over apartment buildings | Just The News


What do you mean:joy::joy::joy::joy:

I’m just not sure it would have gone like that in my building.


OK!! So Frank261 has made it VERY CLEAR over and over and over!! NOW, the MAIN KEY here folks is, :point_right:“They are a special kind of ruthless violent criminals that think nothing of killing innocent people to achieve their goals”. :point_left: To VENEZUELA GANGS “Tren de Aragua”, coming here to the United States is to threaten our way of lives, kill, rape, rob, steal, hostile takeover just like they’ve done in the places that they’ve come from and are Brutal, Heartless, and have NO Remorse to take ANYONES LIFE!! We are THEIR TARGETS (make no mistake) so WE KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE AND WHO THEY ARE CAUSE THEY STICK OUT LIKE SORRY @$$ SORE THUMBS, AND :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: THEY ARE EASY TARGETS JUST AS WELL. :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :sheep: You SHEEP out there better AMERICANIZE (2A) YOURSELVES and Brutally Defend yourselves when they ( :wolf: wolves travel in packs) come knocking to take your neighborhoods, businesses, and EVERYTHING and ANYTHING and ANYONE they WANT TO TAKE!! THEY ARE HERE TO HIT US LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN!! These gangs hit HARD and QUICK!! They HIT like a TRAIN (TREN) from Aragua, “Tren de Aragua”. We’ve all seen the Aurora, Co. video, and where here in any town, city, through out the Country do people normally walk around with guns clutched in their hands like the way these scumbags did at the apartments hostile takeover in Aurora, Co. It is said that the Gang Leader is in custody, and are working on getting these buildings cleared. WTF!!! What about the rest of the ARMED Gang!! :thinking:AH…! Ok you guys we have your leader, you guys can’t stay here, :thinking: Ah… you have to leave, ok? This is :chicken: :poop:!!! VOTE “TRUMP/VANCE! :us: :us: :us:



Golly! If we only could get together the money to file suit against the federal government for allowing this to happen.

Oh yeah, wait now. The federal government is using our money to ensure that these criminals can enter OUR country while also using OUR money to defeat any attempt to stop it in court with OUR money.

Do you understand it yet?

Are you pi$$ed off yet?


This administration has take the theater of the absurd to levels yet to be fully preserved.

These DemonicRats are over the top, full bore Marxists,( F.U.B.A.R.’ed) Fudged Up Beyond All Repair / Recognition!


As far as I am concerned WE are not their target. The weak and unarmed are their target. If they want to murder they are my target. What voting has to do with it IDK.


The good news is that even liberals are getting sick of their bullshit…


Good riddance!

I hope we can banish them in November.

We have to vote them out of our misery!


And there is this:


Missing fingers gang.


SORRY, but voting is not going to work!


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They have arthritis on their fingers. :laughing:

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I know it’s like pissing up a rope without an umbrella and taking a self administered hosing.

But, for starters it’s our legal chance at change.

That fails, creativity might ensue.


I hear rumors about turmoil anticipated in three-months related to the election regardless of the outcome.

One source is a preparedness advocate who is also an entrepreneur selling related ideas, and marketing merchandise.

So, how much is true, and how much is merchandising is uncertain.

But, he is not alone in his thoughts about possible unrest.

We saw organized crime / unrest leading up to previous elections attempting to influence decisions, and media hysteria playing to that.

How much of any of that, or out of control might be the subject of speculation m, and betting odds.

How much is fear mongering for profit scar tactics, and how much might be actually realized could be vastly different.

We all might do well to improve, or enhance our own preparedness postures to at least minimal FEMA type recommendations since they themselves say they may not be available to help as rapidly as you would like, or need having to be self sufficient longer than might be comfortable.

So, that might be good advice regardless of national, or manmade circumstances.

I myself am taking inventory, and comparing that to their recommendations with an eye to fill any shortfalls.

But, in this economy, and possible supply shortages what I hope to achieve might not be ideal in reality without even considering anything more robust in greater depth for longer periods than minimum recommended stockpiles; we all might do well to try to do better than the minimum.

Now might be a good time to consider your requirements, and start chipping at topping them off.

Follow the news, and adjust accordingly to developing situations before we find ourselves in a crisis mode coming up wanting having missed our chances.


We need to try, and not just let them win without an effort on our part. We risk too much, and gain too little by staying home. Including the impression that they have us intimidated into inaction. I for one will do my part as an active registered voter to bust any delusions that they have won just because we made if easy for them, or that we believe their disinformation.


Oooohhhh, don’t get me wrong I’ll be voting in person at every polling station in my state, if I have to! Maybe vote by mail a few times, unfortunately I have many dead relatives that want me to vote FOR THEM as well! Don’t think I won’t try.
Fight fire with fire. Lie, cheat and steal at any cost!
They turned me into an arsonist / firefighter!


Sorry about the repeat posts. That function did not seem to be working. Stuck on hang fire. Then it fired a burst. That was not my intent.


I hear you Brother!

Good luck :four_leaf_clover: with that!

They sure are trying to stack the deck with illegal i migrants that they want to bribe them with everything, including citizens rights to vote.