Border crisis manifesting

As of right now, today the Venezuelan cartel gang Tren de Aragua has taken over 3 apartment complexes in Aurora Colorado by force and has set up a perimeter, and is extorting residents for their rent money. The FBI, Marshall’s, and police have all been notified and refuse to do anything about it. This is a direct result of the Biden-Harris administrations border policy. Here in this clip is the Mayor of Aurora expounding on the situation. There are other sources that have confirmed that the criminals are from the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua. I think enough is enough and this has got to stop. Get out and do your parts this November.


Amazing how the cops simply fail to do their jobs in all ways imaginable, scared to death to do anything anout these thugs, and indeed, the cops being criminals themselves, are likely working with them in many cases, and, We, the People have to put up with not only corrupt police departments in every corner of the country bullying, robbing, raping, dehumanizing the ordinary law abiding citizen at every turn, but the gangs of non-governmental criminals, too.

Our system is a complete fail and joke and we are the laughingstock of the world. Cops are a complete fail. Government is a complete fail and hi-jacked by criminals and psychopaths to punch us around some more, demanding we pay their way through life at the point of a gun; meantime we get absolutely nothing but more pain and oppression from these fraudulent fake-tough-guys in return.

The War On Drugs is a transparent farce.

Law enforcement is a transparent farce.

The border crisus is a transparent farce.

All presidential administrations in the 20th and 21st centuries are a transparent farce.

If your silly enough to believe yourgovernment cares about you in any way shape or form–you deserve whatever they have in store for you. Lap it up, slaves.


You must just be a joy to be around personally, you just ooze negativity. Glad I’m not. :thinking:


I feel his anger, Bruce. I think he is just p’ed off and frustrated by the situation as many of us are.
Our Republic is circling the drain right now and can easily be washed away like the Romans, Greeks, Byzantine, Ottoman, and numerous other empires/republics throughout history. We are at a fork in the roads and the path that the citizens of our country choose right now will determine our fate.


As we all do. :thinking:

“If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too;!” ― Rudyard Kipling , If: A Father’s Advice to His Son


So, you’re saying it’s all the taxpayer’s fault and he must first pay more to get more?


Are you saying everything’s just hunky-dory in the Great Republic and I just don’t know what I’m looking at?


You’re saying my alleged “negativity” is the cause of all our ills?

I do say, in point of fact, the emporer’s not wearin’ any clothes. I may get tossed in the gulag for sayin’ it, but it is good exercise.

Are you optimistic that the dead will rise and the sleeping awake?

Let us say, I enjoy bringing out the wolf in people.

But you are observant. It’s true, I do find the situation hopeless.

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Just don’t be the next one in the fib’s scope. :dizzy_face:


Hope is never pointless. Hope is often what keeps people going in times of crisis. Try to put yourself in the shoes of a Polish citizen, or French citizen in 1940-41. How many do you think had given up any hope in the face of their country being overrun by German blitzkrieg? The point is that we never know when there will be a shift in our paradigm that will turn the tables in our favor. If you give up hope, then you have already lost.


To be fair, they did arrest several of these thugs, including one leader. Although, I’m worried that our corrupt justice system will let them out soon. I think that most LEOs have their heart in the right place, but how frustrating it must be to either be prevented from doing your job or just look at these evil thugs walk out of the courthouse and back in the street with a grin on their face.


“We are saved by hope.”


Our jails will be FULL of them.

They dont care about jail.


I refuse to blame all LEO that’s the same as saying all gun owners are killers. The system is broke but it goes a lot higher then the everyday LEO.


We are saved by action. But without hope there is no action. Hopelessness never manifests into action. It only manifests into despair.


I’m not a hopeless person. But if we’re dreamin’ we’ll be saved at this rate-forget about it.

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Just let me know when they take over the Capitol building!
At that point, “hope” is a foregone conclusion!
When that happens, because the 2A doesn’t work, I’m leaving for Italy or just put me in a drug induced coma!
Give them an inch…give them a building, then a state, then a country, prove me wrong! It’s in the works!
Everything that is immoral and illegal has come to pass, good men have done NOTHING, evil will prevail, unless we put the animals down!


Seems like they should just shut off all the utilities to these apartment buildings. At least that would send a message. They probably still wouldn’t leave, but…


And then don’t let them leave the perimeter.


Sorry, my monitor is a bit fuzzy. Does this say “saved” or “slaved”?


Can’t really start the blame on them.
Politicians allowed this to happen. It’s not like there weren’t early signs.

In our own little town, I see them start with graffiti. If not nipped in the bud, they overtake spots of town.


HOPE is a good thing, overall. But HOPE is not a plan. HOPE is not action. Hope may sustain, but it is not sustenance. Too often I have seen hope being used as a hiding place and an excuse for inaction.