Visit counter stuck and

I’ve been stuck at 30 visits since before Xmas, and has anyone here won the Gun of the day perk? Peace Bruno

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Hi Bruno! Are you referring the badge on the Protector Academy for your logins? If so, the next badge after the “30th Protector Academy Log-in” badge would be the “50th Protecter Academy Log-in” badge. If you think you should have hit that one by now please be sure to let us know and we would be happy to look into that for you!


Since you mentioned the gun a day drawing, as a reminder, members can enter the gun a day drawing two different ways, log into your USCCA Dashboard through a browser on your computer or call in, verify your info quick, and ask to be entered into the daily drawing. A winner every day!


I was lucky enough to win a couple of years ago. Have been logging in everyday in hopes of lightning striking twice:) Though I do wish we could be entered just for visiting the forum instead of having to re-login every day.


I won the gun giveaway in March of 2021 and have been logging in every day since I became a member in January of 2019. I bought my M&P Shield Plus with the $500 check that Delta Defense sent me.