Vice-President Trump

Last time I compared results, most seemed to use Bing. I am not sure about DuckDuckGo.

My thought today: “Wow, Webcrawler still exists?”


Not precisely current, but probably close enough.


You can also use Google and specify

“fox news biden speech last night” - most top results are Fox News only. Replace “Fox News” with your preferred news source. “oann biden speech last night” focuses on OANN.


I wish I could do that but I have found it pretty much impossible to find news sources these days that tell us what is happening without significant bias one way or the other. They are all too busy telling us what to think instead of telling us what is actually happening so we can do the informed thinking on our own.


I run into this all the time. I have groups of friends and acquaintances from both sides of the aisle. If you avoid the couple of really divisive topics and not bring up parties or politicians names you can usually have fairly in depth conversations where most people can find a lot of common ground. But step on one of the political land minds or mention anything positive or negative about Trump or Biden in the wrong crowd then heads explode and civil discourse ends.

It is strange, sad, and worrying that people think Biden performed well AND would vote for him to run the free world…and with Harris stepping in on day 0.1 all to stop angry orange man.

The person in the note above just told me that he’d vote for anyone else. I mean Hitler? Stalin? Putin? They just go crazy!


I generally stick with a single local news web.

As for the national stuff, I lean towards “the lesser evil” web page format. Some have huge black bar ads at the top. Some have pop ups ads as you scroll. Some have more opinions and analysis that I feel is not news. Others think my browser settings are blocking their ads.

If all else fails, there is NHK.

These are the danger to our Republic? :roll_eyes:


I haven’t tried NHK for US news. Guess it would be interesting to hear their take on things. I generally can’t watch news any more. The talking heads are all just useless agenda propaganda machines.

The news I read also has to be taken with many grains of salt. If I read both the left and the right’s take on a story I can sometimes find a little shared truth somewhere in the middle. But solid, unbiased investigative reporting is pretty much impossible to find these days.

Terrifying. Orange man bad. Dead guy good.


Good analysis by the presenter on the box the Dems have painted themselves into.

The Dems problems are made worse by the fact that Biden chose Harris as his VP four years ago. At his age he should have been choosing the most qualified and capable leader he could find as his VP. Instead he chose to make his pick about virtue signaling and now the Dems are stuck with her as their most likely fall back when Biden once again falls completely off the rails.

I’m not sure if there are enough virtue signaling precedent setting voters out there willing to look past Harris’s clear lack of leadership skills just so they can say they got the first woman president into office who also happens to be black. So the Dems choices are Demented Joe or Incompetant Harris.

I would like to see a qualified and capable woman as president someday. Harris is neither of those.


Half and Half. Closed minds and I see the light. :thinking:


The thing is, eventually she will have to talk out loud. Debating Trump? The red VP? Someone. And we’ll get…


That should be enough for anyone.


Though she is following Biden and that is a very easy bar to get over even with the word salads she is often spewing out.

Everyone said Obama was such a great speaker though I personally never thought his speaking style was all that great. Though perhaps this was because most everyone was comparing him to the 8 previous years of Bush so he didn’t have a very high hurdle to get over either.

And though I will get tarred and feathered here for saying this It’s not like anyone mistakes Trump for Aristotle when he opens his mouth. So all it seems these candidates need to do in order to convince their diehard supporters they are smart enough to do the job is squeeze in an occasional coherent sentences every now and then.

I agree with most of this. The difference to me is that Trump speaks like most people (in general), as people have no command over the language anymore. Biden is another story, and Harris still another.


Personally, I’ve noticed that winners in presidential elections in the past, regardless of ability or lack thereof. was the one who was the “Master Of The 20 Second Sound Bite,”


We’ve already seen that Trump is smart enough to do the job and Biden/Harris clearly aren’t. For those who have short memories or don’t follow politics/world events closely, I offer the following: During the four years Trump was in office the United States had secure borders, the economy was booming and inflation was low (home mortgage rates were historically low aiding many first time home buyers), there were NO NEW WARS (compare to Obama: Russia invades Crimea and Biden: Russia invades Ukraine, Hamas invades Israel in the most barbaric assault imaginable, China is poised to invade Taiwan and Iran has been given billions of dollars by policies of Obama/Biden that the Middle East is now a powder keg) whereas Trump initiated the Abraham Accords wherein four Arab nations signed peace deals with Israel, the United States was energy independent and a net fossil fuel exporter to the rest of the world. Lastly, the insane DEI policies have emasculated our once venerable military. And don’t get me started on Drag Queens in kindergarten classes!


Glad you touched on a few of the issues… there are so many more!


The economy was “booming” for some. Especially if you use the bogus accounting the government has been using since the 80’s to make things seem less bad. According to that fuzzy government math the Economy is doing great right now. But as it continues to get worse and worse more people are now trusting the dwindling numbers in their bank accounts than the bogus numbers the government has been pushing out for decades.

Much of that “booming” was the result of tens of trillions of dollars in deficit spending both before and during the Trump administration. Even that massive debt inflated booming was coming quickly to an end by the end of Trump’s first term thanks to normal economic cycling and his administration’s very poor handling of the Covid situation.

This inflationary bubble has been brewing for decades. Most Americans haven’t been able to afford to buy a new home over that period because of the massive inflation in home prices during the 2000’s. Which again were further contributed to by those historically low interest rates which were an attempt by the fed to reinflate the burst economic bubble their past flawed policies had burst. We are seeing first hand what a debt death spiral looks look. Trump and his fellow Republicans added almost $8 trillion to that death spiral in just 4 years! And none of that is counting the couple hundred trillion in future unfunded government liabilities.

As to secure borders. Trump was doing better than Biden but there were still millions of illegal crossers during his presidency. The border may have been less insecure but it definitely was not secure. The number of illegal crossings were still taking place at an economically unsustainable rate.

President’s don’t wave magic wands and instantly make things better or worse. Especially when it comes to economic policies. It takes years and decades for the impacts of those policies to be felt. We are still paying for the bad policies under Bush and Obama before and after the 2007/2008 financial meltdown. Which happened because of the bad policies of the administrations before them.

We will be dealing with the pain those policies caused for decades, if not generations, to come regardless of which Blue or Red suit is in office.

Center is OK as long as your perspective is that the US Constitution is the center point. :hugs: