Where in hell is the 25th amendment? Congress…Buehler?
But isn’t this the same story we’ve heard for the last 3 years?
“Oh Ya mean Joe, Yea Joes in charge, he’s sharp, he’s ready…”. The question is where is Barry, Where is George, Where is Hillary, find them and you’ll find who’s running the country.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THERE IT IS!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
We are so F**ked it’s not funny
I am so sick of this whole bunch of creeps and shysters
When you think they couldn’t reach a new low they surpass it!
And what does the Congress/Senate do?
My question is, “Where’s the complicit F’n republican swamp dwelling side of the aisle”?
Their “special committees” have been “investigating” the Biden Family pay to play for years, and recently concluded that he’s a crook. WHERE ARE THE F’n CONSEQUENCES???
Borrowing from Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech.
Corrupt leadership- Judged not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.
Our only hope is that enough Americans are tired of the stench when casting their vote.
Enough so that the election can’t be stolen again.
If Heels up Harris gets elected we will be lucky if she and her socialist tampon wearing VP stay on vacation!
If anyone believes that Joe is “still” in charge because the White House and Democrats say he is, let me remind you that this is the same White House that has repeatedly accused Trump of being a “threat to Democracy”, while appointing a replacement to head the Democrat ticket who has not garnered ONE SINGLE VOTE in any primary, has failed her way up the political ladder to the position of VPOUSA, cannot read a teleprompter or speak extemporaneously/coherently on any issue and whose record of accomplishments totals virtually ZERO!
This in total constitutes a grandiose lack of respect for our Constitution, for our institutions and the American voter as well as an indictment of an educational system that would promote this level of ignorant tolerance in a voting population! It is ALSO confirmation that the unelected “Puppet Masters” of the Deep State are the ones who are really in charge! If that doesn’t scare the hell out of you then you are more proof that what I say is Spot On!
Spot on! You’ve been paying attention!
Speaking of paying Attention…
TRUTH? or Consequences? I choose TRUTH!