type or paste code here

Have you searched here…at all? This has been covered in great depth already.


And USCCA is still the wiser choice. :roll_eyes:
Don’t make us get out the bats and the dead horse. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


By a LOOOOOOOONG shot regardless as to how many competitor paid trolls come on here fishing for business in a most unethical manner.


I stated I just joined a few days ago. So no, haven’t seen anything on it.
But thanks for your help.





The following is not a comparison of benefits of AOR and USCCA. Rather, it is my observations on AOR founder Marc Victor, and why I am not bothering to compare features of any other provider with AOR.
Before he founded AOR, Marc Victor was a recurring guest on John Correia’s Active Self Protection Extra YouTube channel, speaking on legal issues. On two occasions he gave advice that, while some will consider reasonable, I disagree with and would not follow.
(1) He recommended carrying your self defense firearm with an empty chamber, which makes the piece effectively, but possibly not legally, unloaded. I vehemently disagree with this approach to carry, because it requires two hands, or a well practiced one-hand charging move that takes precious time in an emergency, to make the firearm usable after you draw. If for any reason your support hand is not available (e.g. protecting spouse or kids nearby) this leaves your firearm useless.

(2) He follows the standard defense attorney advice on contact with law enforcement after an incident, that is SAY NOTHING. Again, I disagree with this approach, preferring instead to follow Massad Ayoob’s advice to provide several key pieces of information at the scene (concise specific reason you felt threatened, presence of witnesses, presence of physical evidence like shells) and then announcing you will cooperate fully after consulting you attorney. I refer folks to Mas’s YT videos and several of his books for the full explanation.

Next, the AOR marketing approach over the past two years, to post videos with possibly misleading attacks on their competitors, especially USCCA, i find very distasteful. I prefer not to do business with anyone who thinks that is an ethical approach to competition in the free market

Three, I am not sure the name Attorney on Retainer is accurate. In the legal world, a retainer is not prepaid fees, it is money paid to be sure the attorney is available when needed. If you actually have paid an attorney a retainer, none of that money goes to any charges or fees when you ask the attorney for services. Consider it rent on access, not money on deposit for future expenses.

To reiterate, I have no idea if the actual support a self-defender would get from AOR is better, worse, or equivalent to that from USCCA. I just have no desire to do business with the company.


@James1557 You and your wife joining the USCCA/Delta Defense was the best decision you guys made. Not sure what level you chose, but I am an Elite Member. Take advantage of EVERYTHING that the USCCA has to offer, and they have A LOT TO OFFER!! Take all the tutorial course/Training classes/Quizes, magazines (CONCEAL CARRY) with lots of information. They’re self-training courses to learn, lots of great information/material, access to self-defense lawyers in your areas, and hopefully that you never have to be put into a life threatening situation and not know how to handle a situation in the best manner possible. The Academy/Training offered by USCCA is not available through an AOR leaving you helpless, no training, no knowledge. USCCA has a Critical Response Team at your service! Use your membership to it’s great potential! :+1:


A liability insurance policy and an attorney retainer (or pre-paid attorney) program are very different things, comparing them is nonsensical.


Read the back of your membership card(s) when you get it/them.

Lookup their Critical Response Team attorneys in your state / area and check them out, I pre choose who is closest to me in case of need for that convenience, and checked out his profile, CV, and professional biography.

All outstanding, he is an experienced criminal defense attorney with a doctorate level law degree a (JD) Jurist Doctorate, State Bar admitted (licensed to practice), and I liked the looks of his practice.

I got all his contact information plugged into my phone, and informed USCCA if I called their Critical Response (legal line) that I wanted him designed as my attorney which, they did.

So, that in an emergency when time is critical I don’t have to think about any of that, or do an initial comparison, and make that choice under pressure.

1-Call 911 first, and foremost saying what is on the membership card back, remember your call is recorded, and could be an evidence exhibit in court.

Ask for BOTH police and an ambulance if needed.

2-call the Critical Response Team at the # provided, they will talk you through your situation.

Mention who your designate attorney is, or at least that you have one.

It should show on your profile, so that saves time right there, ask them to officially notify your attorney; gets the USCCA billed directly for that experience.

I would place a call to the attorney’s office clearly state who you are.

A USCCA member at lease, maybe mention your membership number, and at least leave your contact information in a message, and briefly what it’s about, or answer their questions if asked.

Establish initial contact to get that attorney on board, and on record as representing you.

3-Follow the directions in this part for when the responding officers arrive.

Comply with the police instructions, they have to sort through it all, and secure the screen, etc.

Request medical if necessary.

What to say, and not to say…

Welcome a board and enjoy.


What makes you concerned about the insurance company finding reasons to not cover?

There is a contraction obligation involved here. There is a policy on which members are additional insureds, it pretty clearly lays things out.

The short of it is that, as a valid/active member, within The United States, if you defend yourself or another person and your attorney (whom you can choose but can also use the response team to help find if you don’t have one) is able to present self defense in court as a justification for your actions, you’re probably going to have coverage. There are exclusions but those are laid out pretty plainly in the policy.

To date there are zero, not by any of the competitor backed YouTube attack ads, zero known cases of a USCCA member acting in self defense and being dropped.

There are, however, quite a number of stories of members being defended. Log in your member site at and click on Member Stories at the top

Also, an attorney on retainer setup generally has a hard time with bail (USCCA member benefits provide up to $2,500,000 bail per incident for a covered act of self defense) and a retained attorney pretty much can’t pay civil liability (USCCA benefit here is $2,000,00 annual liability insurance limit)


Too many zeros on the bail, $250,000.00


The preverbal Dudu occurs.

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So, up to $250,000.00 is the bail bond expense limit, per incident. But bail and bail bond expense are two different things separated by a factor of 10

If it is a fairly common situation where 10% of the value of the bail can be paid to a bondsman, a $250,000 bail bond expense could cover a $2.5 million or $2,500,000 bail bond amount.

Pay close attention in advertising to the difference between bail bond expense, and bail.

I stated it as the up to $2,500,000 bail in that paragraph


Always pay attention to details. :+1:


Indeed, I erroneously omitted the word “bond” after bail.


WOW, We agree with you. We will stick RIGHT WERE WE ARE. I know that the U S C C A will have my back. And now days you have to be sure. and we know you don’t get this far if they didn’t back that they say & do.


The most important difference between USCCA and AOR is that Marc J Victor never acted in any movies… :joy:

Just kidding… That’s not important at all… But he definitely has more followers on YouTube… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As long as everything is legal you will be covered 100% Dont grab a can of bee spray to defend yourself. Tyats not legal, use some pepper spray. Do you see what im saying? Legal force to stop the threat. Dont keep shooting after he or she is down. If it only takes three shots to stop him don’t empty your magazine on him.