Some states offers resident permits to military stationed in their state, and some offer non-resident permits to any american living in any state. Those may, or may not, have the same rules as the resident’s permits.
You were perfect, but while looking at my comments because they have no “tone” you can hear in them, I’m afraid people might think I’m being a jerk lol.
Yes, I love talking about the law in general. I find it very interesting such especially as it related to my rights to self-defense for myself and my family.
This same occurrence happened with Leah and, I because as I’m certain you know, "Father -in-laws can be persuasive and intimidating. (i agreed with him while doubting acting like I was doubting the USCCA records to avoid conflict:grimacing:)
What would this suggest? “The Wisconsin Supreme Court on 4/10/18 ruled that a person must have a permit that is valid in Wisconsin to carry a concealed loaded handgun within reach in a vehicle.”
A Police officer may misjudge what your arm could reach too? ^^^^^^^^^^^
I learned something new today and I’m glad. I’m not sure why I’ve always seemed to have read that on the states I did focus on, but I missed Texas, and know looking back know they are the state that will sell you a jug of whiskey and a Revolver at the same time, might even throw some TNT in there (That’s our states back and forth inside joke with each other).
don’t let my hubby know… he’ll want to buy a vacation home there
Just seriously just take good care of her because things like this are much different and harder on the woman than a man. Like I said I’ve been through this a hundred times now with women and men and women. When I was in the arrangement conferences. Sometimes women have poured their hearts out to me. Especially if the man is/was absentee. Anyway I have said enough. Have a nice afternoon
Are you referring to the LEOSA situation, @Randall318? in that case, their permit would be valid in Wisconsin.
And I believe the keyword to look at in that ruling is “loaded”. Reach will vary - my sons are much taller than I am and can reach further than I can. So if you don’t have a permit, don’t have a loaded weapon in your car or put it in the trunk - I would still carry it unloaded in the trunk. Better safe than sorry.
I needed that more than you know! In this particular instance, it’s always harder on the woman no doubt, but the worst is she is the closed rock, while I’m the open book. So, there have been a few communication issues, but I’m going to fix that TONIGHT! Thanks, brother, God bless!
For sure, that is the second thing I would have said as well. I just know how important, the gun was in my vehicle was for me last January whereas one in my trunk would have done nothing. Many years I put it off, but now glad it’s out the way, but due to the events over the summer, I still have received what I need to conceal it and its. been over (60) days, however, they said up to (120) days if not longer with the overwhelming amount of law-abiding citizens who want to protect themselves and others.
Since August it has gone from 4.1% of the population and increased a whole 1.1.% giving my state over 100,000 more law-abiding concealed handgun persons among the public. Not only has this given our state more protection against domestic threats, or any other terroristic threat but also has decreased crime to an all-time low throughout the whole state of Louisiana since the beginning of 2019.
Just be patient Sir! She will open up, buy flowers today, ask her about her day, you said she was working today; you are home. Let her ramble, hang on each word. Shake your head in approval and repeat key words, uh-ha! can’t be said enough. She’ll come around. She’s the #1 most important thing now, not stupid guns. In a month things are going to be not fine but very much improved. Anytime you want me PM or otherwise I’m retired I don’t have to be anywhere.
Talk soon,
… for the trunkless among us… locked in a container, unloaded, preferably not within arms reach while seated and seat-belted.
… got a dually… yep, extra tires but still no trunk…
@Zee Hi Zee, what about those metal boxes that fit in the bed of a truck? Like what construction people use? Can’t they use them for restaurant and bathroom breaks here in IL for those who have trucks? I can ask my friend in Springfield if you think it would help anyone in the Community, he was a trooper before he went to the US Marshals so if you need? just let me know.
@Robert8, truck boxes or tool boxes (secured to the bed) can be used, but they’re often not entirely weatherproof, and anyone with a decent sized screw driver can break into them. I haven’t seen any state rules for truck boxes specifically, but I haven’t done a hardcore search. Glove boxes and consoles are sometimes called out, as are trunks, but for SUVs and pickups… technically, no trunk.
Good luck. The political will unfortunately isn’t there to get us to a universal/national carry permit which is the only way this will ever get resolved barring the SCOTUS affirming that “To Keep and Bear” is in fact one of our most basic civil rights.
I seriously doubt you’re going to see Illinois make any substantive positive changes in the near future.
Many states in fact allow non resident permits, are you just speaking of Illinois reciprocity?
I see @Zee, just thinking out loud is all. All these guys Seem so up tight like they’re going to poop themselves? IL cops are not stupid but at the same time they just want to go home after shift. My old buddy was a trooper before he went to the Marshals and he sat in his driveway filling out paperwork for an hour before shift was over. At end of shift he would radio from the patrol car in his garage to sign off for the day. They don’t want trouble but they don’t run from it either.
Very true and unfortunately they are forced to enforce blindly a lot of very unpopular laws or risk losing their jobs and career.
Sue. A lawsuit seems to be the only viable option, to require the state to adhere to the Constitution… which the state is required to do.
The sad fact is, we have National Reciprocity, it is called the Constitution. We have court precedent, where the Supreme Court has already ruled a Law Repugnant to the Constitution is Void. We have the fact the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and no law may override or supersede the Constitution, and it is only through we the people complying with and submitting to unconstitutional laws that they have been allowed to stand and spread.
“When an act injurious to freedom has once been done and the people bear it, the repetition of it is more likely to be met with submission” Samuel Adams.
The Constitution does not grant our rights, it guarantees our rights, and government is instituted to secure those rights. When government becomes detrimental to those ends, it ceases to be legitimate and becomes tyrannical.
We suffer the loss of rights, the tyranny of government, because we as individuals do not have the financial means to fight the laws in court, and we do not simply ignore the unconstitutional laws because that same government acting in tyranny will incarcerate you and deny your freedom.
That is not an answer, as much as an explanation of why you must deal with the unconstitutional acts of Illinois, and others deal with the unconstitutional acts of New Jersey or New York or California, or any number of states with laws that actually violate the Constitution.
We already have a National Reciprocity, it is called the Constitution.
The concern with legislation for a National Reciprocity is that is sets a precedent that our rights can be ALLOWED by legislation, which means the rights can be DISALLOWED by legislation.
Instead of seeking legislation for National Reciprocity, we should seek adherence to the Constitution and demand all states follow and honor it.
Of course, we should not hold our breath, as the people are too willing to submit and comply, and surrender their rights, and too divided and not able to stand against the government as it becomes more and more tyrannical.
Yet, here again we see a violation of the Constitution. While we may be required to follow unconstitutional laws to avoid legal difficulties, we still must fight to ensure the Constitution is upheld.
Regardless of Wisconsin or any other state, if the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, and all laws must be made under the authority of the Constitution and in pursuance thereof, than no law may supersede the Constitution.
Where is the authority granted for any state to require permits.
Do we require permits to attend church?
Do we require permits to pray?
Do we require permits to travel across town, or to another town?
If a state passed a law, requiring all residents to obtain a permit to attend church (to exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of religion), most people would consider it absurd.
If a state passed a law requiring all residents to obtain a permit to travel across town, and only to the designated places authorized by that permit (to exercise their right to freedom of movement), most people would consider that absurd.
Yet, we have states pass laws requiring permits, or firearms identification or other requirements that must be passed to exercise the right to keep and bear arms.
The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms, SHALL NOT be Infringed.
Keep ; Own, Have, Possess
Beat : Carry, Open and Concealed.
Nothing in the Constitution grants any power to the government, federal, state or county/town/city to limit firearms, ownership or carrying, yet we have hundreds of those laws.
We may submit to unconstitutional laws, surrendering our rights, in order to avoid being incarcerated, but that does not alter the fact the laws are unconstitutional, and as the Supreme Court ruled, a Law Repugnant to the Constitution is Void.
I learned something new yesterday…
For some odd reason I assumed most states were like that from some I’ve gone over, but you have to understand the only two other states I’ve ever traveled too were Texas and Arkansas.