Trump shot at rally in Pennsylvania

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Very sad!


Yes… We know. :slightly_smiling_face:


See this thread


Don’t make me stop this car ! :rage:


Someone (political party, Soros?) is trying to start a war. And it ain’t Trump. I never imagined that “they” would go this far. Are “they” trying to scare him or take him out completely?

I recently put my G43x aside to carry something smaller and lighter with less rounds. Guess I’ll be going back to Gaston. F___ing LEFTISTS/ANIMALS. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse - BANG.

Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.


Aman, my friend.

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I am horrified by the sheer evil of many on the left including state and federal elected officials cheering for this. I have seen soo many disgusting posts where they say garbage like Make America Aim Again. As much as I despise joe potato, I would never cheer violence against him. Shame on these monsters.



Does wishing for an indictment, with summary execution for treason count? Asking for a friend.


Set the precedent that a political opponent up to and including the sitting President of the United States can be summarily executed following an indictment?

What could possibly go wrong

We’re talking about a legal process, (Not the lawfare THEY use) and a penalty on the books for the crime of treason.

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You said summary execution

Literally the definition of summary execution is without a trial

Killing political opponents without a trial what could go wrong

Veteran sniper suggests 20 year old could not defeat Secret Service Security by himself.


and what does indictment mean?
A set of written criminal charges issued against a party, where a grand jury, under the guidance of a prosecutor, has found that sufficient evidence exists to justify trying the party for that crime.

My bad, should have said “indictment with subsequent execution” not “indictment with summary execution”.

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Yes your suggestion is to kill someone without trail and without proof beyond a reasonable doubt, enough to charge, kill

People like trump and Kyle rittenhouse would be dead right now if we summarily executed people without trial just because a DA can charge them

Let’s stop calling for killing

Killing opponents without trial is, uh, not the way out of this

I suggest the EXACT opposite of that. I already stated I used the wrong word.


Sorry I missed the subsequent vs summary clarification/change

Poor reading I saw the wrong word the second time

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If you don’t play his childish little game he will dry up and blow away. :roll_eyes:


Do you support summary execution with no trial?

Because, you know…what I spoke up against was a post asking for summary execution without a trial.

It was later clarified that the post was written wrong but, yeah…words matter when those words are asking to execute the sitting President of the United States without a trial.