Please show us results of “XY chromosomes” and “high testosterone” tests performed on Imane Khelif.
Perhaps I’m poor searcher, but I couldn’t find any…
High testosterone can be pharmacologically controlled, to it’s not important here. Positive chromosome test for XY will end this discussion.
Yes, Imane Khelif did fail a gender test in 2023 which meant that the International Boxing Association (IBA) suspended the Algerian hours prior to her World Championship Gold Medal bout in New Delhi back in 2023.
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According to the results of the test, Imane Khelif chromosomes were X,Y which are male chromosomes and hence the IBA decided to suspend Khelif from participating alongside Taiwa Lin Yu-ting who also failed the test.
And I love her source of XY Chromosome theory - Yury Zaytsev… who actually never showed those test results, even taken twice - Istanbul 2022 and New Delhi 2023.
I’m far away from Russian conspiracy theory, but why nobody on Earth actually knows results of those tests?
Official IBA report from IBA Board of Directors Meeting, March 25th, 2023, – New Delhi, India Mr. Yerolimpos confirmed that IBA has the results from two independent laboratories in two different countries at its disposal, both of which indicate that the athletes do not meet one of the eligibility criteria to continue competing at the Championships. Referring to the President’s question, IBA Secretary General and CEO claimed that the situation was closely followed by him personally and the IBA Sport Department from the moment of athletes’ registration to their arrival to India, which is when IBA could legally act on the matter. Another test was not possible to conduct when the athletes were outside IBA control until they arrived to New Delhi, where they passed medical check and passed necessary tests.
If IBA doesn’t provide any clear information … we do know nothing.