Catholic Church bans the implementation of Carrying any firearm in a Catholic Church. I highly suspect because so many, have elementary schools (grammar schools) that are built attached to the churches.
That is exactly why I am a “lapsed Catholic”. I don’t approve of the “Ostrich with their head in the sand” approach. Everyone thinks it won’t happen here until it does.
@Zavier_D Well friend I cannot fault you. I’m Irish Catholic and inactive before the Gun Rights came up, I have disagreements with the church long before that regarding the divorce issue. I was divorced in 1981 and they turned me away from mass because I was divorced and said I cannot participate. They didn’t want “my kind” in God’s house. I was alone 36 years but now remarried to a phenomenal girl.
I disagree with the church on so many things. To be honest there is only one part of the service I enjoy, and that is more due to the priest and his relationship with God.
After Communion, when the priest is clearing up, they take a moment to commune with God. With a priest, who truly believes, as many I have been blessed to be in a congregation with. That is a true moment of peace for me.
I don’t have many of those moments in my life. My last priest was like that. He was moved to another church, and that was when church violence really started to become an issue. I was on our churches finance committee, and brought the issue to my priests attention. Who said he would pray on it and bring it up to the Bishop of our Diocese. The Bishop did not find my concerns “to be worthy or valid”. That perhaps I should have more faith in God’s grace. I said “my faith in God’s grace remained unchanged, but my belief in Free Will and the evil that lay in the hearts of men of ill intention remained unchanged as well”.
@Zavier_D Well everything is going to be fine Zavier, the structure of the church isn’t going to change ever for any reason. We can’t continue to talk about religion or the church when this is a blog about firearms so, maybe another time or place. After all these years I’m pretty talked out about it. So, I’m going to say have yourself a happy Sunday to you.
I’m a Baptist, and we don’t discourage people from bringing their firearms. I’ll just speak to this morning’s service, and the people(no names or genders) that I know for a fact we’re packing in the service. 3 in the balcony, 4 scattered in the main auditorium, 2 in the choir. One on the security/patrol (off duty cop=bonus). We don’t have a paid security team. We are organized, and on a rotating schedule. Sensitive areas(children) are only accessible by one entrance, and the toddlers are behind a keypad locked door. People that work with kids, are screened, background checks, and have to complete online training to spot “abused” kids. Yes, we do have the occasional drug addict stumble in. Never had anyone become violent, thank God.