Training to Protect a House of Worship

Hey everyone. I’m new to USCCA threads, but not new to USCCA. I spoke with someone about the topic of training that USCCA does not offer here and he said I should bring it to the chat line, so here I am.
So I have been working in security for several years now, and I have started building a security ministry at my church. USCCA has a couple of great books on the topic of protecting houses of worship, but not a lot of practical training as the primary focus is on proper firearms training. But protection is not just limited to knowing how to use a gun. I built a class on conflict resolution that I taught at my church. I also have in the works other topics such as keeping children safe at the church, radio etiquette, knowing the structure of your place of worship as a security team, When to implement and how to handle lockdowns, recognizing a threat, along with several others. I think that these are essential things to have a handle on, especially to protect the house of worship. But some of them extend beyond the protection of a church, such as conflict resolution. It has real world potential that can de-escalate a situation before a gun becomes necessary. I want to know what peoples thoughts are on the topic and if other people agree with me that this would be a good thing for USCCA to offer, perhaps even build some training classes for instructors to be able to teach these things to other church security members.


I agree that USCCA should have something for churches, but I watch a lot of the Christian Warrior channel on YouTube he offers a lot of content for churches. Hope this helps


Ha ha I don’t think that is the kind of warrior @Justan is talking about. Besides this forum and any firearms safety training IDK. Welcome to the forum Justan. Congrats on the new church.


you know what @James593 was referring to.

En boca cerrada no entran moscas


I would fine this useful and even maybe something I would like to do!


Hello and welcome @Justan and @Roel3


Do you have a secret? I hope it is not dirty. I am going to look it up. I am thinking you mean Charles

@Roel3 Welcome to the community!

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I found it.


Also see…

Church Safety Team Training - Firearm Training - USCCA Community (


I will take a look. Thank you!


I have served on two church teams and facilitated some training with local providers. Drills to respond from a seated position in the congregation is helpful. We also studied Col. David Grossman’s material. It informed our response.

My biggest takeaway is church team members are the Immediate Responders with the Police in the traditional role of First Responders. As such, much thought must be given to this Immediate response. Run, Hide, Fight protocol is not appropriate in my opinion.

I think USCCA can make a contribution to this body of knowledge.


HELLO I am the safety and security officer at my Church. I would strongly recommend you go to the :SheepDog website. It is a none for profit company that was started to do House of Worship safety and security.
They have alot of plans and training for safety and securit teams. Alot of thier material is for free or a low cost.
Through Sheepdog you can get yourself or whole team, security member qualified to meet state requirements


@Robert1568 and @Kavin Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you. :slightly_smiling_face:


@Robert1568 and @Kavin Welcome to the community! Great input!

Hello and welcome @Robert1568 and @Kavin


I’ve attended some Sheepdog training and agree with your recommendation.


I’m working on buildong a security team for our synagogue and can use all the help that’s available


@Charles626 Welcome to the community!

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…but the most recommended in gun-free zone environments :man_shrugging:t4: