Three states now allow illegals to become police officers

Im sure this a plot by democrats to have someone in law enforcement that might carry out their dirty deeds if needed


Another thing is how many police forces will hire them. A lot of police forces here in Illinois claim they wont enforce the gun ban so will have to wait an see who hires these illegals

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If feds sued SpaceX for not hiring illegals, I expect them to sue the PDs which dont appreciate diversity and inclusion enough.


Or, deferred naturalization.

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Oh, another massive amnesty?

Our wishful thinking differs.

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I thought of something far more nefarious. Most illegals still have relatives in their country of origin. What if a a cartel reaches out to them with threats of killing their relatives at home if they don’t play ball with them? We just can’t employ illegals as cops.


Agreed, I can not think of one positive thing about this ridiculousness.


They will try to rationalize hiring cartel members under the guise that they are helping them through a transition to life after cartels :roll_eyes:


Has amnesty ever NOT happened under either D or R administrations? Those with DACA classifications will eventually be naturalized no matter who becomes President and no matter what political party controls Congress. It’s just a matter of time.


Crime pays!
Though nothing is certain about the future

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And here I thought 18 U.S.C. 922(d)(5)(A) prohibited those not legally in the United States from possessing a firearm.


Not insulting you but if the city owns the gun and hands it out for duty use only; would that count as possessing? You know lawyers love to split hairs.


Federal law regarding prohibited persons does not address ownership of the weapons in any way. Court’s have described possession, actual or constructive, as described below. There is actual possession and constructive possession. Actual is pretty straight forward. Constructive possession is dangerous because, in some places, prosecutors are trying to push for possession even when the defendant did not know there was a firearm that he could have gotten access to, such as in a drawer or cabinet that is not locked. They tend to forget about the “intention to exercise control” over the object.

A person who has direct physical control of something on or around his or her person is then in actual possession of it. A person who is not in actual possession, but who has both the power and the intention to exercise control over something is in constructive possession of it.

What makes this even more confusing is the New Jersey has “legalized” marijuana (even though it is still a violation of federal law), and their Attorney General has opined that police officers are allowed to use marijuana off duty and they cannot be tested for marijuana unless they are suspected of using or under the influence on duty or their position requires federal drug testing. Of course, under federal law, any officer using marijuana is a prohibited person under 18 U.S.C. 922(d)(3) as a user of a controlled substance which includes marijuana.


Good info, thanks

I don’t know… It sounds more like political jibber jabber that make people not within the industry think it is good or bad (depending on where you side on the matter) even though it may have zero affect on actual hiring.

I’ve now worked with two coworkers who have gone onto local police departments. They both had a degree in criminal justice before applying, and it took over a year of interviews and testing before they were hired.

Being able to apply and being accepted is like saying I can apply to be a brain surgeon even though I have zero chance on getting hired.

On a side note, it’s my understanding that some of the PD’s they applied at (including Chicago and surrounding suburbs) preferred those with military experience.

My neighbor told me about the last 4 deputies they hired at the SD, they had degrees but only 1 out of the 4 had EVER shot a firearm at all!

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It’s my understanding that many in the police and military had little to no firearm experience before joining/applying.


Military? Really? Even in Basic Training we shot M1911, M16A1, M60’s and M50’s.
We didn’t shoot thousands of rounds but certainly 100’s. :worried: I guess today’s military is much different than it was in the 70’s

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You didn’t read the entire sentence.

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Before Joining/applying for the police force?